This week's video is as real as it gets.
Dean gets more personal and reveals a possible huge misconception...
Watch it now!
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Thanks Dean
Thanks for more of that great weekly wisdom.
As far as schools go. If I had the money to send my daughter to a better local school I would have. But we were lucky enough to live in good areas for public schools.
I know this Dean there is good and bad in every school rich or poor. There is drugs in every school or students that use them. Plus alcohol. You just need to be the same great dad nomatter what school your kids go to. Stay involved with your kids school work their friends and activitys.
God bless you and your family Dean.
Steve and Veronica.
Privelige comes with a price
I applaud you Dean just for thinking about HOW to best educate your kids. Kids from rich parents don't always grow up to be the best people. We all know that some of the best people on Earth come from humble beginnings. It's their climb to the top that becomes so encouraging to others. From personal experience, I've known "rich kids" who I would never want my child to ever associate with. It's a shame what money can do to a person. For me, it's all about values. It's about how one values people, places and things that will eventually determine their lot in life. For example, What makes my life better than yours? Is it money, education, my family connections? My life isn't better than yours, it's just different than yours. If you can raise your children to think that way, I think you are ahead of the game. BETTER? Maybe chocolate is better than vanilla but one human being is not better than another human being.
In this regard, I recently had to write yet another memorial letter ( that's 6 in less than a year) to the family of an old friend of my family. This was a man who was such a good friend of my parent's that we called him our Uncle. He was also a victim of a stroke at age 7 so he grew up disabled on one side of his body. However, he grew up to become both a pediatrician and an allergist (and my Dr.). While I may not have come from meager beginnings, we weren't exactly a financially secured family either. In this public letter, I explained how this man inspired me so much in so many ways. One of these ways was while he was a member of a fishing foursome which included myself, my Dad and another "Uncle" friend who was a Polio survivor and on crutches. Despite their "handicaps" they could catch fish....BIG FISH!!!! So I learned early on how to not treat people based on appearances. Was my life better because I had full use of my body? NO! My life GOT better because I knew these 2 men.
There is no doubt in my mind that you will instill the right values in your children Dean. You lead so many of us by example that it's only natural that you will do the same with your children. Your money, their trust funds are for their safety not their future. Their education is for their future. Teach your children how you got to where you are and I'm sure they will eventually follow. Maybe a good lesson is to have them read through all these posts to show them how you inspire all of us? Hopefully, they will understand that we all have problems that we need to overcome. You are just trying to make their problems less painful for them.
Sorry for the long post but the lesson was too important.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
EDGE Alumni
Thought provoking
My kids went to a local country school. I really didn't have choices. I had to work.
What I did do is make sure the teachers knew my child's needs and how they
learn. Not all teachers are gifted in teaching. Listen to your kids. Ask them regularly if everything's going well for them.
My grandson hated school. He said he was dumb, always missing recess. After talking to the teacher and showing up early I noticed she was putting him in the hall way because he wasn't getting his work done. When I ask him why, it turns out He was just to shy to say He didn't understand what she was teaching. I had him tested and He had a distraction problem which he later out grew. we switched teachers and he thrived. Always have your child's back and lead by example.
Dean you'll for sure make the right choice because your so aware of they're needs and a great Dad. Thanks for being so open and honest with all of us and sharing today's wisdom.
Thanks for sharing with us another great weekly wisdom
Thanks for providing me with such amazing tools. You definitely created a good path for me.
Like you always say if we want to speak french fluently, we should travel to France. Same thing applies to real estate. If we want to succeed we should hang around successful people.
I'm not going to let anybody stop me from achieving my goals.
God bless you!
Dear Dean, we are now living in society of entitlement. Our current government is setting
out to make that happen. We all need to send the
message that you just delivered. Somehow we are
all responsible to make some changes.
Love your stuff Dean!
As always Dean, I love hearing from you with your thoughts on so many different things. It's nice to see your responsible approach to raising great kids who will be great people as adults and not lack the important values which seem to be so overlooked today. I am blessed to have both of my parents still living and still married after 59 years! I appreciate more and more the older that I get, their determination to hang in there through life's ups and downs and raise four boys. I don't have kids, but I'm sure it a very rewarding but tough job to do in today's society. Kudos to you and your family for caring so much about being successful in family, life and business. We all benefit.
Thanks again.
Hi Dean and Tony,
I truly appreciate the two of you as motivational speakers. When I was working my way through graduate school, I bought Tony's book on "Giant Steps." The book helped me continue to move forward with my career goals. Also, Tony's tapes on "The Edge" - I listed to the tapes to keep me motivated when I was working full-time and getting my college degree. And four years ago when I was in a tremendously challenging job, where I was extremely overworked, I needed to continue to push forward and stay on the job until I could get out of there, so when I would go on my lunch breaks I would listen to Tony Robbins to keep me motivated and deal with the stress that I was under on my job.
Now, there is Dean Garziosi, I did not expect for him to be anything more and a real estate mogul, but he has proven to be much more than that, he is also a very sincere inspirational motivational speaker himself, who is a positive influence in my life today - to do better to acquire financial security and wealth in my life.
Thank you,
Big fish in little pond (that is getting bigger BTW).
Hi Dean,
You have been very open with admitting how tough times have been in your life, and it is truly admirable to see how well you have done. I am also currently reading "David and Goliath" and you have certainly proven to be the "Big fish in the little pond". And now you are sharing this pond with so many of your students, allowing them to see that at times it truly is better to be the Big fish in the small pond, rather than the little fish in the Big Pond.
Awesome advice, as always.
Much appreciation,
Falling Forward
I was almost brought to tears when you mentioned how if all your money was gone it would be ok.
KNOWLEDGE is the only thing that nobody can take from us.
When we realize that, we become unstoppable.
Truly Inspiring
Dean thanks for the inspiring words this morning. That certainly was a pick me up for me today. Continue sharing and inspiring people. God Bless.
Truly Inspiring
Dean thanks for your inspiring words today. That certainly was a pick me up for me this morning. Continue sharing and inspiring. God Bless
Those Precious Children
So, here we have a video that brings prospective to all ranges of income earners . I am a father of 3 daughters and a son. I did the most I could with the best I felt I had. As you have mentioned, teaching our childen life values. As an example, we ran a bed and breakfast from the home. The children new of chores in the house. However, we also had an understanding that if we had overnight guests and the chores involved preparation for our next guests, these chores were or financial gain to them. Therefore, understanding that when the B&B made money, so would they. They also got to see different nationalities and where they were from on the global view.
I was later disconnected from my children through divorce. Later in years, one of my daughters invited me to a play, performing in front of 2-3 hundred people. I was so proud. This was the most reserved of my children. I asked her how she went from being a complete loaner to performing in such an environment. Well, here came a reflecting moment knowing what I said had made a difference. She told me that she remembered the words I had once spoken. "If you do not face your fears today, they will remain with you and amplify tomorrow."
Struggle is a great thing. It wakes up our creativity and teaches us how to be problem solvers. Whether the problems are small or gigantic.
P. S. Keep up with your videos. You are doing awsome!
All the best,
Dean, Once again good words! Like you have said in the past "alcohol and money just amplify who you are"! That is so true! Just because you have money (or don't), the problems are the same. Your kids will turn out great because of YOU (us as parents)! You are trying to give them an honest balance and they will learn from that. Two of my kids went to private school and it was not so good for them. Public schools in our district are terrible and they let my 3rd son down. Thankfully, our grandson is in private school and doing much better than his uncle & dad. Gena is correct, give them the path and I know that you have and will continue to nurture caring, giving little people into great adults just as you do with us!
Old student, New Action
Hi everyone! I am an old student finally taking action with deans program. I would love to have a mentor to show me the ropes and help me with my first deal. I am in the Metro Atlanta area and I currently run a property preservation company. I want to transition to doing some real estate investing in my area. Any help would truly go a long way. Thanx in Advance you guys!!!
Be on your Childerns side!
Dean you are on the right trail.Jimiklopp I really like what you said. We must have the hearts of our children if we want them to follow us. There are others who will take that as well as the society.
Then without preaching we do need God to be in the middle for we can't do it on our own. Not to tut my horn but my wife and I have raised eight yes eight boys who are a great positive influence in the society.Your heart is really what counts so be encouraged and keep on.
Praying That your children will do well.
Pretty Amazing!!
That was another Wonderful Weekly Wisdom WoW moment!!! Thank you Dean appreciate the words and inspiration from week to week....Pretty Amazing!
Overcoming Adversity
Hi Dean,
Life can be a struggle and present problems of adversity in our lives, it is how we cope and bounce back from the adversity that we are faced with. The important thing to know is that you can bounce back and move forward with your life even after you have suffered serious challenges, and move on to a much better life - emotionally and even financially.
You continue to be a great influence in knowing how to deal with and overcome life's struggles.
Thank you,
Kathleen Fleming
I love your weekly wisdom and i know that you are already a great parent because you care so much about your children that you share that with us.
That said, here are a couple things that we have learned over the years raising 4 children in our house.
1. Hug each of them and tell them you love them every day no matter what has happened that day.
2. When it comes to discipline, sometimes it will be necessary to ask yourself if you love your child enough to make them cry.
3. When it comes to school, it's not so much the school that matters, it's whether or not you pay attention to what and how well your children are learning that counts.
I hope this helps you or someone out there in DG Land.
P.S. Listen to the "Happy" song when you have problems, it will change your mood.
weekly wisdom
thanks Dean you are a good leader/teacher. You have been successful and are willing to share it with all of those that are willing to listen. You also want others to have the success that you have learned.I want to have some of that success you had. I am new to to the I E group.You have opened up a new way for me to get help/education and support. It is true that when like minds are together you are stronger.I look forward to being part of the family. You have given us a real oppertunity. Russ from Minnesota!
I Appreciate You Dean.
I thank God for allowing me to be up late one night in 2008 because I saw your infomercial and decided to hear what you had to say.You have stayed the course and salute you because I thought you would only be pushing books and CDs.But you proved to me that you are the real deal Dean and I praise God for you! Again..thank you,thank you, thank you for your commitment to all the people of the DG family.I'm steal looking to do my first deal and I know I will.
To me are problems it's our self cause all the people we don't think the same last June I did my first deal it was great but now I'm going around and around and some days a say to my self yes and other days I say screw this so I have to understand what beliefs I have on real state
Thank you. We listened to
Thank you. We listened to David & Goliath as you suggested. It was good and encouraging. We can learn from the past and it can help move forward in life. It helped to look at things at a different perspective and what will work best for you. Thanks again!