Weekly Wisdom #253 - My Best Success Secret

There's plenty of ways to say it..."go deep" or "read between the lines." The reference here is looking to find a hidden meaning in something said or written. More than that, try to uncover the truth that is disguised by something else. In this segment Dean shares how a troubling "father" moment, revealed to him what he thinks is the biggest reason for his success - and why it might be the key to yours as well.

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Daddy Dean,

CandC's picture

True success lies in HERE, once I conquer it I will be AMAZING. THANKS for all you teach and for sharing your secretes.

digginig deep

shinton's picture

Sometimes I think we are so busy we tend to lead shallow lives. What you did is a great example of how we are to live our lives. Jesus always took time out for others and he was busier than any of us. That is the example we are to follow. I appreciate you bringing us into your life, because it helps us adapt these things into our life and makes us better people. When we reach out to others, it always comes back to us and we may never know the impact, but it happens. That is why the DG family really works. Thank you for keeping us all together. God Bless.


Thank you Dean for listening to the issues of life. I am thankful for you sharing with us your revelation, and discoveries that help us as well.

I agree i have to search

Jolie73's picture

I agree i have to search deep within myself and truly see what it is that's really holding me back from going out there and just doing it!!! No more excuses my next posting will be of my first deal and it will be amazing thank you Dean for sharing your knowledge and wisdom and for just caring about others.

Greatly appreciated Yolanda

#253 My Best Success Secret

When I was watching this video blog I was grinning to myself a little and I'm thinking what does this guy do follow me around and know what is going on in my life!

Just love your weekly wisdom video blogs.
I just might be on one of your weekly wisdoms one of these days just to say I made it and that others can too.

Wow! I would of loved to learn in school what you speak about on your video blogs.

Thank you very much Dean

Linda La Macchia

excellent blog go deeper

Thanks Dean: for sharing that great ex about your daughter. That I enjoyed. Your right the word deep, that was amazing how you got your point over to your daughter. Great Father, Thanks for educateing all .Carol in Texas


jerseybunny's picture

i need your help. my classes are in urgent jepordy. my life has been very hard this past year to say the least. i have been working my butt off to get deals almost a year now. close but no cigar.. no i have lost my mother who was helping me with my mortgage and a few other things and now i am struggling to pay that with no extra money and have been so close to a deal to have it fall through. now i am having to file bankruptcy.. no choice. i have no credit card to make my payments for here and have been told it will go to collections in 48 hours.. i have no way to save it.. i can't even afford a low monthly payment. i will have to give up if i have no one to help me train. what can i do? desperate to not loose after fighting to get here for this long. Elizabeth AYLWARD

Top 5 weekly wisdoms by far

reanimal25's picture

I appreciate this week's weekly wisdom. Very SUBSTANTIVE! Knick Johnson

deep sincere GRATITUDE!

WOW!!!!! Thank you for this message it is soo amazing how true the words you speak are and so timely for me to keep pushing I am new to your site but I am loving every bit of this! .. thank you!


keb64's picture

Really nice Dean....It feels so good to do stuff like this with kids because they are so open to it. You can see the change come over them like a wave...I still find myself doing the suck it up with my kid but I will now work it the other way..Thanks

This is why networking is SO Important.

mnusbaum's picture

While your message is GREAT it also bring up the point that networking or having someone else to ask or push us to find out what the reasons are we are stumbling or held back in our investing is SO important-help us go deeper into the "WHY". Networking on this site or with the local Investment club or anywhere you can get support is vital to ones success. Go Deeper and be the accountable person for someone else and help move the whole process forward-regardless of what your mode of investing is.. Make it happen.

You Deserve Success

great Dean

We all need to take time to find out the real truth for what we do and to help others with there issues in life to tape into that heart and find out why there is a issue, not sugar coat it, dig deep get to the core of the issue or issues and thats why we need to mediate, search out the reasons why we want to do and then come up with a plan and go foreward.That was awe some what you did for your daughter,I would of loved to seen her face as you helped her to see another way to reach out and care and do what she loves to do and put her heart into what she does and make a differance( sp)in other peoples lives and it helps us( meaning her and us ) as well, when we can enrich other peoples lives it enriches ours and brings so much joy.We need to reflect on our purposes in life and always find the reasons why we do what we do and always take time to help others who are sad to find out why they are sad and really listen with all our heart.Your daughter has a hold new meaning for living and her life will never be the same, great stuff, awesome stuff, thanks Dean for being a real dad and since I have no family I do what you help your daughter to do, reach out to others and really listen and truely care and make a real difference in others lives and in our lives .I wish I would of taken the step to reach out to you sooner Dean but I thought you were just like the others, spend my money and not get to much else just spend, Iam happy to say that wasnt correct and loving the journey Iam on this day in realestate and touching lives, sincerely, Jim

Right on point, again

Dear Dean:
Whenever I need to shore up my strengths, either business or personal, I always check back on your "Weekly Wisdom videos". For a few months, I let slide my habit of checking your Weekly Wisdom videos. That changes immediately. You have inspired me, today, yet, again! From this point forward, every single Monday--WITHOUT FAIL, I shall review your Weekly Wisdom video. My future real estate dreams are still there, but need some TLC in order to turn them into reality. Onward and upward because of your help!
With gratitude,

The second time even better to watch

Thanks very much! Dean.
This is the second time I watched this video.
You are such an amazing teacher for real estate and life too.

Weekly wisdom 253 and Kids say what's on their minds.

Thanks for the great weekly wisdom blog today
and it's not always adults that share wisdom with
others is it?
Even a little tike can teach us that the real issues about what holds us back from doing something are not always easily seen, but can be uncovered if we dig deep enough and pursue
until we find the answers we need.
Thanks for sharing about Breanna's story.Many years
ago there use to be a TV show with Art Linkletter
and the show was called, "Kids say the darnedest things". Thanks again Dean.


I love the story you told about your daughter. How you compare what she was going through with real estate. We can't let nothing stop us because obstacles are in the way. I thank you for another teachable moment.


This is a time to remember what happen on 911. It was a day so many lost their lives. Thank you for your words of encouragement. You have a caring heart and continue to help and support many people as you can. May God bless you!

Dig Deep...

Thanks again Dean for doing these weekly wisdoms, but most of all for providing us the tools and resources that we need to get out of the ruts that we are in, get rid of that sticking thinkin, mentors on a daily basis and Books to help us move forward...etc....this week has been very awesome and I just wanted to let you know as well as the DG Family that sometime when or once we dig deep...we need to just do it-take that step and move forward with out hesitation!!! If you wait it might never happen...I just did my one on one with Randy V. ....really awesome 3 day and made me dig deep and as a result I am moving forward MAKING POSITIVE CHANGES TODAY FOR A BETTER TODAY AND TOMORROW!!!

Thanks Dean!

TerryB's picture

Hey Dean I really appreciate your expertise on this business. I look forward to your weekly wisdom videos every week. Sometimes I find myself on a downgrade where I'm losing energy and drive but when I watch your weekly wisdom it puts me right back on track where I need to be. Now I getting more involved (which I haven't been doing), now I I can see the true value and necessity of this site. I realize that I am the WHY or should I say the why not. I have to do more and apply myself more. So thank you once again Dean. Keep em coming!

going deep

pearl4u713's picture

I do try to do that very thing. So many have "knee-jerk" reactions & want to "fix it" asap. Sometimes, all people need is a little time & understanding. Yay!

thats right

kmd's picture

I have let things and people put me off track.only I can make it happen.

Post # 253

TheRealEstateRealm's picture


Thank you so much for this post. It is almost as if you are speaking to me personally. It is very surreal. I face so many obstacles that prevent me from putting into practice all of the wonderful posts, and wisdom that you share.

This post really hit me deep. Thank you so much for all that you do to help us overcome our obstacles.

I will NOT give up, I will keep just pushing against that "rubber tree plant"


great father

this is a great example of beneath the surface reasoning. you never cease to amaze us with your teaching abilities, thank you
Enjoy & Until


Kids! Aren't they the best !!!!!

Location Location Location

How often is it that the location actually IS the problem? I live in the most thriving state in the US, with a negative employment rate, low taxes and record low foreclosures. I live in the ultra-conservative state of ND where people buck change, find what they like and stick to it like nowhere else. I've put out bandits exactly as the 30 Days book outlines with zero calls. I've followed all the steps! There is no REI Club here, so I'm TRYING to start one. I went to some auctions only to stand in front of the sheriff by myself with not another soul in attendance, but the banks put in their "offers". I've driven neighborhoods, talked to mailmen, called FSBO's, called banks, have 2 excellent realtors... I've been trying to make it work from a distance in a couple other states, but feel very disadvantaged not being able to see the properties or knowing people who can look at them for me... I'm frustrated. I'm diligent, I feel I've done all the steps suggested with little to no results at all here. What can I do to make this work if it indeed works WHEREVER we are? I'd love to talk to anyone who has "made it work" here.

Thanks Dean!

I really like the idea
of finding out
what's at the root
beneath the surface for

Reminds me of the
7 levels deep
"Why" exercise.


November12 Tuesday live cast

Thanks Dean got that good message on Friday of being focus on what I want and not being afraid to do it. Learning to fix the problems that's holding me back from doing it and making it right. How to resolve my inner conflicts,what's holding me back is my speaking to privet money lenders to make deals some times I get really nervous I have to fix my inner self to speak clearly to privet lenders so I can make the deal that I want so much I will and I can. Thank you Dean I need to be more motivated and fix all my problems that's bothering ME!!

Seek to understand...

CashingMyNotes's picture

Thank you Dean.

"Seek to understand instead of being understood"

We are gifted because you care!


From the Inside Out

jcllc7's picture

Wow, that was great! I so much agree. I have been taught to check out, "go deeper" into the reason why children / people actions vary from what is normal. I am reminded by your message to also go deeper into myself. Thanks.