Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #243 - Improve One Thing

Last week Dean talked about being the best “you” you can be. This week there is a challenge. Pick one thing you want to improve, something you can take action on this week. Write that thing below and then follow up with what you did to accomplish that at the end of the week. Also, the cute factor is heavily present in this video with the guest appearances of the Graziosi munchkins. Enjoy.

God's blessings to you!

holysmokes2's picture

God certainly has blessed you and your lovely wife with two wonderful kiddos!
My goal is to reduce the news time with real time in real estate.

Love your weekly wisdoms, they are my inspirations! Thank you for all you do Dean!

calling buyers

Hi Dean. I am going to call 3 buyers. Thanks for all you do


weekly wisdom #243 improve one thing

Dean, I just got done watching your weekly wisdom #243 and I want and need to improve one thing. Staying away from Negative people which starts with my family members for one whole week.

It affects me deeply to be around negative people and keeps me from my real estate dream to become a reality.

I would be in Heaven! If I can accomplish this one thing for one week! then I can get back on the track for real estate.

Thank you! for your every single weekly wisdoms.

Improve One Thing

will challenge myself to find a broker, lender.And make it a good week.

Cute kids god job as a dad, My goal is to set boundaries.

DebraAnn's picture

Hi Dean
My goal is to set boundaries That is really hard for me to do. Before I tell you about my issues with setting boundaries I must talk about your kids.

Your kids are so cute and have real personalities. Don't ever apologist for talking about your kids. It is really great that you share them with us and you allow us to enjoy and see your kids grow up with you. Thank you for that.

I am really bad about taking care of myself as I am so busy taking of everyone around me that I do not have the time to do the the things I need to do doe me. I have not even had time to be onlin for 3 weeks. One reason for that is I am trying to make money so that I can get into your academy one day and that will happen in God's timing. I don't know how or when.

My dad is finally going to sit down and teach me about real Estate Investment and sending me to AOA classes that are free. I am finally in an investment club!! Wednesday or Friday my father is going to give me a class on leases and why he has put what he has in our leases. His leases cover everything and he is continually working to better the lease everyday. That is all dad thinks about is what to put in a lease.

I almost got in to one of your curses but it was the wrong one and it might be too late for me to get in to a course that was offed to me around August of last year when I had the money in November my credit card was a pre paid and was not excepted. Long story. I am going to just push through and one day I will get the money to be in your academy.

This year I did not sign up for the Edge online as I had to go to an AOA conference and trade show in Long Beach the same day as your internet Edge. Maybe I can be a part of it next year. This year I had the privilege to meet the president of the AOA.

I am working with an 83 & 87 year old couple and they are very demanding. This is where I need to make some boundaries. I also have 81 & 84 year old parents. When I am trying to take care of my parents or clean my apartment I get interrupted 3to 4 times a day sometimes even more that that,just to chat when I am at home. my goal for this week is I am going to stop answering the phone when I am trying to get some house work done in my own home and ask my parents to tell that couple (friends of theirs) that I am working on something and I can not go to the phone as I have been so busy for my parents. I haven't even had the time to help my own parents or myself as the older couple are so demanding.

How do I set these boundaries with out hurting the other couple? That is what I need to change and work on in my own life.

Great Kids. Great Dad

Valiant's picture

Kids are a reflection of their Parents. I can tell that you are probably a silly nilly deep in side. (-:

Dean, it's refreshing to be reminded how innocent, playful, and trusting children are when they are young. It's also regretful that society teaches us to become less trusting as we grow older. It seems that if we don't do particular things ourselves, they will not get done right only because we have different opinions about what we consider right.

I am one of these people and this week I will break this distrustful habit. I will sit down with my realtors and discuss what I want in greater detail so there is no misunderstanding.


Need commercial lender ASAP

Please help in finding a commercial lender for a mixed use building.... Killer deal.


mariabutner14's picture

Hi Dean,

Thank you for being an example of taking time for your family. I need to do more of that myself! This week my challenge will be to start reading 1 chapter at a day of the Abundance book! I am not a fan of reading I am more of a visual type of person. So this will be good for me. I hope you and your family have a great week! Stay Happy and Make it a Great Day!!


Jumping In !

Hi Dean,
Thanks...Time to stop reading, educating myself and acutally get started. If I don't believe I can do it no one else will. Crush the fear and step forward.

Your kids are awesome!

Courtney's picture

Thanks for the great wisdom! This week I am starting to ballroom dance again. I have been trying to start working out again but I need it to be fun and I have a passion for dancing so I just did a Zumba class and I feel great! Also, I am going to a networking event for real estate which I have slacked off on lately. I've got to interact and make more contacts!

Thanks again for the great wisdom!


Kids are the best

Adorable kids Dean.
My goal is to prioritize and finalize setting up my new business in Real Estate finance/Investing as well as managing my time more efficiently.

Ivano Gallo

Challenging Me

Hi Dean,
I agree that your children are adorable.
My challenges for this week are to go on a news diet, to journal when I have negative thoughts, and to pay attention to what led up to me having these thoughts. Thank you for the message.

My Chalenge

Dyson4life's picture

Thanks Dean for another great weekly wisdom with an added source of encouragement, your sweet children.

My challenge this week is to work with my agent for my 1st flip and follow through with finding a buyer for properties my agent and birddog has given to me. I will overcome my fear of not having a buyer for properties that I have available to me. Looking forward to reporting my results. THANKS FOR THE CHALLENGE!!!!


bandit1's picture

I dont know!...I really....I dont know.....


For me my one greatest challange?...I know definitly it will not happen this week!!!

May not happen next year?...My greatest challange is to get out of where i am at

What that will involve is mainly 2 things

1. Find the income somewhere to financially cover the cost (Even if that means make deal happen after deal)...<- Which i know i got buyers...just the deals hadnt fallen into my lap yet!

2. Deal with a couple "IDIOTS"!...

Ukulele Player

Aloha Dean,
You'll have to bring your kids to Hawaii and I can give your daughter some lessons on how to play the ukulele!
Joined your group and got my first PMI call today. I'm looking forward to doing my first deal!

My Challenge

Family Investors's picture

I am going to put more time into networking, posting and reviewing what needs to be accomplished.

My Challenge this week

Luis A. Calderon's picture

I'm going to challenge myself to over come my fear of posting bandit signs. I do realize how important it is for my business to grow. I'm determined and I will do it this week. I will not let anything stop me from achieving my goal.

Keep your head up and don't

Luis A. Calderon's picture

Keep your head up and don't let them break the dream you have. You can make it happen if you work hard. Its not going to be easy and sometimes you are going to feel like its not worth it but remember why you choses to start investing in real estate.

Good luck...

Hi Dean

Your children are adorable. Brody is a mini you. I just want to thank you for everything. I really enjoyed the buying summit in Las Vegas and received very valuable information from Doc during our 1 on 1. All the best to you and you family....have a happy and safe 4th.


ButchK1's picture

Hey Dean great looking kids mine are grown now but I do remember when they were little anyway going to take time to reorganize things a bit better


Great weekly wisdom as always. This week my assignment to myself is to put in 5 offers. I feel that I get to the point of learning, finding a realtor, then buyers and then I stop. This week, my challenge to myself is to finish and get my breakthrough. Thanks for the encouragement.

Understanding the formulas

So I can make the correct MAO to the RE agents

My goal is, Stop making

My goal is, Stop making excusses and being afraid to make a change!

So Sweet !!!

PaulYoung4ever's picture

Well, it looks like somebody bought the house next door. This might be negative, but it happens to be reality. I can't help but think, that could have been me. But, I still haven't figured out how to get into the program. I'm still working on it. Things are beginning to fall into place.


Hi Dean and Everyone,
My challenge this week will be to pick up that 500 pound telephone and call some people. I've been putting off working on my procrastination problem a little too long now. P.S. My sons are grown now, but they used to be cute like your kids - You are truly a blessed man, Dean.

Jeff's job

jefgee48's picture

Dean,i recently decided to start using an agent.When i was at a boots on the ground weekend,i met a nice lady,who is an agent and last week i contacted her and said i would call her it is Wednesday and i have not called yet,but will surely call today.Thanks for the heads up.

My Challenge for this week

Beth Invests's picture

I am still working to complete my first deal. I challenge myself to study more so I can complete my first deal and then continue doing more!

This weeks blog

Thanks for sharing your family with us.

We plan to write two offers this week
In addition to reviewing our Asset Protection blueprint

We are looking forward to next few weeks sessions.

Thanks for doing them

Olga & Maritza

Your kids are so funny!

OK if I could get back to being like your kids I'd probably get a lot farther in life, they are awesome. The one thing I want to improve is doing one thing in my real estate business everyday, especially putting in offers so that I get my first deal done so I can build momentum.


My Challenge this week is to get out of my own way. I always revert back to doing it myself, I end up getting nowhere. I need to look for help, ask for help and start over in this journey. On a side note, my wife and I are quitting smoking. A change that we welcome. Thanks Dean for you encouragement. Have a safe and fun holiday weekend.