This week Dean has recorded his blog from Carlsbad, California while on a family trip to visit Legoland and watch Monster Trucks. He uses this experience to reflect on how grateful he is for what real estate has allowed him to do and what the ultimate fruits of are for him and so many others - freedom.
Also, if you missed the LiveCast, please take some time to watch it. There are some amazing clips from EDGE 2013 mixed in that are a "must see" if you did not experience it this year.
awesome to be able to take your boy like that, but tell the truth. who had the most fun at lego land lol.
keep moving forward, rob
Cool tips & cool trips! CA is always fun
Dean I have a empty lot in Gilbert,Az to sell! Anyone interested?
Finding the Passion
That's what it's all about finding what your passion is and it doesn't seem like work.Thanks for the education you have for us to help to get us going and keep us going.
Attitude of gratitude
Sounds like this will become an annual event- father son trip.
Great message and certainly rings true with us. We are sooooo Grateful for the knowledge and support we have received from your site, books, other DG'er and you.
Tis better to give than receive... You have given all of us so much to help us succeed and we try to help others in our Investment groups and on DG sites as best we can as well. Just paying it forward and it feels nice to see their happiness in their own success.
We a feel blessed to have the knowledge we do from the DG program - Thanks
Jeff & Melissa
ps see you next month- we are looking forward the AM training
Dear Dean, You are doing what it is all about.
My Best,
Thank you for thinking of us
Thank you for thinking of us during your vacation! Thanks for the the Livecast replay also. We're going to watch it now!
On Location In Carlsbad
Hi Dean,
Nice to see your Father and Son outing.....
Enjoy your time with your son,have a great vacation.
Money = Freedom
Thank You for all you do for your DG Family.
Nothing better
As I stated in my send me away video it is all for him. We don't have kids but my wives sisters son will be the luckiest kid around (we are raising him). Enjoy your time with him..
Thank you for the continued nudges
Here for the inspiration as I start out. Fighting hard with rookie blues, overwhelmed on how to start. Sticking with it but would love some guidance, there are good people here and talking with a few. I want to get there too, pushing thru.
CA a great place to live
Hi Dean, I'm a regular at this site and love your wisdom. Just a thought about your adventure with your son. I live 10 minutes from Legoland and regularly meet my 30 year old son in Cardiff (a half way point for us) to have a great breakfast at the Tower13 restaurant. My point is since birth I have always made it extremely important to connect up with all my kids once a week, wherever they are geographically. The reward is huge as I have two daughters and two sons and this contact, I'm sure, has had great meaning in ours lives. They have grown to be great adults and I embrace the fact that you are following the greatest success story you have shared.
Family is so important , you are on the right path. Your a good man and more importantly a good father.
Thanks for the best success story you have ever written.
Grateful for you and the DG family!
Thanks Dean!
Leaving for a Lake Powell house boating trip the 2nd Of June. Taking the kids and the grand kids all expenses paid. One deal paid for everything with some change left over! REI made this possible.
Family time is so important!
Thanks again for all you do,
Something to think about.....
Hi Dean:
Glad you are spending some quality time with your son. That IS what it's all about.
Just a thought, if you want to come to Florida and maybe take up fishing as a hobby,(it's less stressful than other hobbies) there is a new Legoland not that far from me. Bring the kids!!!! We could scout out some properties on our way there
hint hint 
Have a great vacation and we'll see you next week on the WW.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC and IE member
Hi Dean
Hey Dean, How have you been
Great video, Short and powerful. That is great that you had a boys night with Brody lol. Im also going on a trip on June with the twins, Back to Disney water parks and a beautiful hotel in Orlando called the Gaylord hotel. There is no way I would be able to take my entire family on these kind of trip if it wasn't for you and your techniques. I now know how blessed I am that I can spend more time with my twins and take them on these trips. Thank you Dean. See you soon
That is so nice that you spend time with your kids, but mostly because you enjoy doing it! They will grow up remembering those precious moments! Our kids are grown up and they still talk about the fun times they had going on those family trips! They even remember fondly the ones that didn't go according to plan!
thanks Dean
Another great weekly wisdom, that's what I am doing this for to be able to take my grandkids places and help my son. But you are so right Dean there are so many people that try and knock you down. I was on track and then got off due to listening to everyone that I shouldn't. I was able to buy my first house it is a complete re do but from listening to everyone else I put it for sell and almost took a 2,000.00 loss. after going back and reading things on this site I decided to keep and fix it since its free and clear. I am so thankful for you and this site.
With Gratitude
Thank you Dean for a great gratitude pick me up to start the week. My children are in their 20's and I miss getting to take trips with them. We have traveled all over the world together as they where growing up and I miss that time with us as a family. It is hard to get everyone's schedule to mesh but I saw a cool article on renting Airstreams in Colorado where they deliver it to your desired site and thought how cool it would be to spend a long weekend in the mountains with the kids and their dogs, hiking and seeing some new sites. Your blog inspired me to put that on my now list, surely we can arrange at least 4 days together. That is what it is all about for me, being able to have the flexible time to work around my family. I have a deal in the works in another state with another IE member and I am very excited. Thanks Dean for bringing us together, this is truly something I would have never tried until learning from you and having the opportunity to meet people at the Edge from all over the country. Enjoy the rest of your amazing one on one time with your son. PRICELESS!
Gratitude & Inspiration
Hey Dean I'm glad you enjoyed your outing with your son I know that feels great. So thanks for all your weekly wisdom and encouragement let's keep it going forever.
Thank you
Before watching your blog all I wanted to do was cry. This year has been one trial after another for me. And no matter how hard I try not to dwell on the challenges because I know it is just causing more to come my way, I still do it. I needed to snap out of this funk that I was in and get myself back in the right mindset.
Then I checked my email and saw your name and I knew if anyone could get me out of it, it was you.
After watching your blog I knew what to do. I made a list of all the things that I am grateful for and it worked like it always does! No matter what, there are always great things happening all around us in our lives but it is easier to see and focus on the things that are going wrong so that is what we naturally do.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that your blogs really help people. I was searching for just a little encouragement this morning, just a little spark of sunshine to help me get back on track and when I checked my email there you were. Thank you so much for everything you do. You have truly changed my life in many ways and you inspire me to be the best person that I can possibly be. I truly appreciate you and your awesome staff.
Have a fabulous week!!
Excellent blog
Thanks Dean:That is wonderful that you are able to take your son to see monster cars.etc. I always look forward,to the blogs. You share so much real estate information,education, with all. Your books are excellent.What I like about you,and all your staff, everyone is always willing to help.Sometimes money is tight,you do so many things to where,if I dont have money at this time, there are ways you work with us.So much knowledge, care you have for each and everyone. You are being blessed.Take care Carol in Texas
Monster trucks
I took my Grandson to see them here in Phoenix about 5 years ago. True way to win a little boys heart! He is now 16 looking for his first car; wouldn't I rock if i could buy him one! Hold on an extra few seconds each time you hug each other, for soon he will be all grown up and you will need a hug reserve! Have a blast!!!
I am the same
I keep thinking the same way about my family and how much I want to take them to Disneyland but have no money to do so. I always wind up not making offers through my agent for fear that I don't know enough to follow through if they get accepted. It can be frustrating. I appreciate you always giving me hope with every weekly wisdom.
Thanks Dean for the
Thanks Dean for the encouraging words it reminded me why i started to invest in real estate and taking your courses... Its all about the kids.
SEE you soon....
Thanks Dean, How precious these Times Are !! :)
Thanks again Dean for the Awesome Weekly wisdom.
Happy and sad because you hate to see em leave the nest ,Buy Feel so Happy and blessed that they are Happy, Safe, and are doing well.Another 1 graduating this yr & going off to college.I truly feel Blessed in so many ways. Thank you Dean for these Gold nuggets of wisdom you always share with us which is & will allow me to succeed in RE to Fulfill those Goals, Dreams & wishes we all have in life 
These times with our children are so precious and priceless & We must enjoy them, Because Time goes by Very Quickly, It seems like yesterday we brought our 3 home from the hospital,Now our oldest (29 now)just got married last year to a great guy
P.S. If you are ever near Yosemite feel free to stop in LOL
Thanks for the words of wisdom
Dean, I am so thankful for your weekly wisdom's. My husband and I love the time we have with our children and vacations, but we are now working to be able to have freedom of going on vacation when we want not to work for a couple of weeks of vacation with our jobs. It sounds crazy when you think of it like but it's true. We are working very hard to have the financial freedom and time we want with our children and not the burdens of our employers. We have so many plans and we are going to accomplish our goals and have a wonderful financially free life. I didn't think about Lego Land, oh my, my children are going to love that!!! Thank you!
Weekly wisdom
Thanks for taking time from your vacation to plant wisdom into us. As usual your words are very encouraging.
The best thing we can do is to spend time with our family. They may appreciate the birthday or christmas gifts, but they will hold closest to their hearts, and longest in their memories, the special time you spent with them - walking or sitting by the ocean or watching the sunset, standing near a cliff overlooking a valley, or at home in front of a fireplace. So it doesn't have to be big or expensive. It don't even have to be a "thing". Just you and them together or individually: reading a book, sharing thoughts, words of love, or sharing heart-felt expressions of joy, fear or concerns, laughter, or quiet moments just holding each other. As the saying goes: "Some of the best things in life are free."
Remember: Look with your eyes, hear with your ears... but look and listen with your heart.
Make your money, but don't forget the precious time with family. Children grow up way too fast, and we grow old just as fast. Then, before you know it's too late to get back what is lost. No amount of money or material things can get it back or make up for lost time.
These are MY words of wisdom ---.
Enjoy yourself and your son, and thanks for giving of yourself, your knowledge, wisdom, and encouraging words.
Well, there you are Dean
You are always spot on with getting the weekly wisdom done on Sunday afternoon and I was getting worried about you when it wasn't up last evening. I remembered that you were not feeling very good on Thursday for the livecast because of looking into schools for the kids.
Now that I know where you are and what you are doing and that you are OK I feel better. Actually in my opinion this trip is just what the Doctor ordered. For goodness sake - All that you do and just coming off the EDGE 2013 event that for you must have been like riding a rocket ship to outer space and back and then writing another book and doing tv shows and on and on and on - Well, I say you needed this break. It is an excellent thing that you are doing. Boy just sitting on the beach with Brody saying good night to the sun had to be rejuvenating and oh so peaceful. Monster cars and legoland - Brody must be so excited. I can not begin to tell you how happy I am for you. You can not do REI 24 x 7 no matter how much of a passion it is without taking time away for something else. That break will give you renewed energy and lots of new ideas. I hope you are keeping a little journal with jotted down special moments and memories. Life happens so fast.
We all appreciate you and all that you do and you know that.
Spending time with your children:
Hi Dean:
Children are the best! Have a daughter and a son, fifteen months apart. Did not go back to work until my son was in First Grade Sometimes, I had more fun than they did. They would say, We know Mom we heard you laughing in the kitchen. When I went back to work, I was a Real Estate Agent. Enjoy your children. When my daughter got married, I said "Gee, you were just little." That is how fast the time goes.
Thanks, Dean!
Thank you Dean
I'm thankful for your constant inspirations, and cheer ups, dont't give ups, and "keep going's". It is helping me keep my focus and continue step by step. God is using you to help a lot of people and I'm one of them.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.