That's the title of the classic movie that comes around every year about this time. It's the story of a man who had a dream that he never realized and how a serious of unfortunate events leads him to the edge of a bridge wanting to end it all on Christmas eve. But then, a miraculous event occurs, transforming his
perspective. He then is able to see how wonderful his life is.
The above blog video is in no way as detailed as that movie, but we think you'll find it impressive and equally impacting. Your wonderful life is right here within reach. Watch now.
What a very creative, powerful and most of all, inspiring message to us all! And it says it ALL, too!
BTW; that sure beats the heck out of the old "backward masking" they used to do with the old rock songs...back in the day! Maybe I've "outdated" myself with this one?LOL!!!
Great message that we should all take to heart!
Thanks Dean,
Hi Dean
Thanks for the presentation, I love the way you turned and reverse the video, and thank you for the message from Carol.
I also want to take this time out and say thank you for all that you do.
Hi Dean
I like the idea of a scavanger hunt, I am going to get some paper and a pen and get started. thanks for the motivation
A blog for ALL TIMES
Dean, Your Blog spoke to my heart....and moved
my soul....wishing for something better in life is not how things happen...I use to hear this saying while growing up.....the sky won't open up and rain money down on you; you have to go get it if you want it.
Certainly Carol Stinson saw it for what it was...and went after it...now for us behind we must just follow the footprints to find our success.
Merry Christmas Dean to you and your Family !
Phil Lully
Thank you Dean and Merry Christmas
Great message. Maybe one day you should try acting. Your voice really expresses the essence of the message. It made me depressed the first time through and motivated me the reverse time! I'll be the first to buy a ticket to your opening night at the theatre! Seriously, thank you for your nonstop support.
Much love to you and your family this Christmas.
Bullet Proof
Thank you Dean, I know that many Carols are out there and Greatful for the encouragement and guide lines that you have given us in your program. Although I have not realized this sucess yet, I know that it is right around the corner.
I know that we must to many things to become bullet proof. I say thankyou for giving me the tools. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thank You Dean And Carol
Thank you Dean for all you do for your DG Family.
All the best to you. Carol. if you are reading this
God Bless you and your family and was wondering if you still come to this page or read your private messages.
I have similiar family situation and need some encouragement every now and then to not give up.
hoping to hear back from you Carol. Cosmas
PS i do not have a biography up on my account page because I do not like having things on computers about me or my family (just know I am a mom who just wants best for her family and husband)
Happy Holidays to all
and a Very healthy and prosperous 2012!!
Reversal of fortune
Great blog Dean! I'm a visual type of person myself & with that added effect, drives the whole point & everything in between the lines. Thanks for believing in us & sharing to us that it can be done.
Now the ball's on my court. What will I do with it now that I've seen it? Much appreciation to Carol as well, following through with what you have paved for us. God bless your families this Christmas & may you find the true reason for this season: Happy birthday, Jesus!
Hi Dean and DG Family,
It can be a WONDERFUL LIFE, when we take control of our own lives. I've spent most of it working for the "other fella." And for the past 9 years, working for myself in a non-Real Estate business, but this year I took action and joined the local REI Club and have surrounded myself with other like minded people. The DG Family is wonderful, but I got to tell you, it's nice to be face to face with other people that can help you.
I've got to tell you a short story...a little boy was in his room and a storm came up suddenly.... he was frightened, and his Dad said it's only a storm, don't be afraid...God will be with you and try to go back to sleep. A few moments later, he called out to his Dad again still scared... and said he was afraid... Dad reassured him and said God was right there with him.... the third time the little boy spoke out and said he was still very afraid... and this time he said I know that God is here with me, but I need someone with some SKIN that I can touch up close that will make me feel better... make me feel secure. Dad got up and went over and touched his son...got him back to sleep.
That's how is is with us as Real Estate Investors, sometimes we need someone with some SKIN... someone up close and personal we can reach out and touch... ask those face to face questions... That's why I joined the REI CLUB in addition to being a DG'er.
Yes it can be a WONDERFUL LIFE... because of who we meet, who we associate with... and how we take those relationships to the next level.
God Bless you Dean and everyone at the DG Family,
Remember, the sky's the only limit!
Turning it inside out!!!
Wow, 2 powerful, powerful messages! My husband and I are just starting out, but we have changed the way we look at everything. It's the 20th of December and my goal is still to buy 2 houses this year. Haven't done it yet but we will do it! We will take all the negative that's happened and turn it into a positive.
Thank you Dean, for all you have done to inspire us and help us move forward.
Thank you Randy, for a great 3 days of coaching, for sharing so many nuggets of wisdom, for helping us be on target and achieve our goals.
Thank you DG family for all your inspiring stories.
We are truly grateful to you all. God bless.
The things you look at change...
Wow, thanks Dean, for the reality check! You are an amazing giving man and I thank you for another great video. As for Carol, yes!! Her story is utterly amazing but by no means unique. Any of us can do and have similar results. All we have to do is expend the effort and belief that she put out.
If one goes into this website and does some research, it will be noted that early on, Carol was on the boards daily, asking questions, questions, questions. But more importantly she was taking the answers that were given to her and putting them into action. ACTION: what separates the successful Graziosian from a casual visitor!
I've ramped up my marketing based on your books(I have 4), I am responding and negotiating with sellers all the time, and I am always looking for new buyers and ways to find new cash buyers! Those are the actions that will tell my family I love them more than the job I am grateful to have at this time. I put fear on the back burner and keep listening to you and people like Carol and Matt and soooo many others here. Thanks for the great info and Happy Holidays to all!!
Ogal Gaines
LAGO Acquisition, LLC
Blog 161
Thanks Dean,
I need your reminders and Carol's letter meant a lot. Great Video!
Another great one!
Hey Dean,
That was such a cool video and such a beautiful letter from Carol...thank you for sharing both with us and for all that you do!
Merry Christmas to you and all in the DG Family!
Warm regards,
It's In Our Hands
I truely enjoyed this video... I can attest to all that was said. A good job is no guarantee of a good life, All of us can attest to that. I was a banker for years and was laid off without a second thought, for all of those years of dedicated service.
I have not been working real estate for a while because I was working in the automobile business, trying to earn a spot as a Finance and Insurance Manager. I worked 12 plus hours a day, six or seven days a week for peanuts. The lore is what you could make in that business. All I did was waste time...
No one can control our destiny but us.
Awesome Dean!
That was a great video Dean!
You haven't seen me around here much, but you will from now on. I am thankful to you Dean for all you teach and more importantly for creating this website where we can share ideas, ask questions and encourage on another. Together we can achieve miracles.
These are the kinds of people that you want your kids to be around.
Merry Christmas to you Dean and the rest of the DG family.
I hope and pray this time next year I can recall a similiar experience.
I hope and pray this time next year I can recall a similiar experience.
just brilliant
I was tring to see between the lines as you were going on, Then reverse,wow on the nose again Dean. And very happy for Carol & the little ones.Merry Christmas to all.Today is the first day !! Yes I can. Thank You
The Presentation and you Dean !
I love this message and there is alot of science and spiritual meaning here . This was it , I think it will set us off in a new direction in realestate and success , it will do miracles and people will know that someone like you Dean is very sincere to peoples success in a crucial time , and we need miracles along with knowhow !!! I trust that you want us to make it all work . Many of us will make it happen for 2012 , In the tough times ,and that our Most High sent Dean to help the people better themselves!!!!!!!!
I agree with you dean. I had the down and outers growing up all my life. I joined the Navy at 25 years old to get away. Never went back. I get connected every once in a while to find they are still the same. Im trying to change my life and get setback after setback. I find real estate agents claiming to be well with investors only to find they just want to invest themselves and are not working well with others. I plunge on and get depressed and agrevated over and over again. I plunge on. I make those 45 calls a day get tyhe run around. I plunge on. Every step I take i get pushed back 2 steps. I plunge on. Sometimes I think Im trying too hard and other times Im not trying hard enough. Then I catch myself starting to revert back (as in a past weekly wisdom advice). But I always come here and I scroll thru the pages here and then I plunge on again.
thank for yours enspiring videos and what you do here....happy holidays to you, your family and all the DG ers out there.
video with impact
A great setup for the real message. Think for, strive for and thrive with success.
Thanks Dean and Merry Christmas to everybody.
Pretty cool video Dean!
Pretty cool video Dean! Inspiring message when read in reverse. Hope everyone is blessed with a positive future in real estate investing!
nice job Dean
great attention grabber.
We appreciate the focus on priority setting.
Merry Christmas
nice job Dean
great attention grabber.
We appreciate the focus on priority setting.
Merry Christmas
That was so cool. I was so shocked at first to see how negative it was but when it went in reverse it made perfect sense. Thank you Dean for that amazing blog. I loved it.
Very Cool...It was upsetting at first...doom & gloom
I actually wasn't watching it but just listening and then the tone in your voice change and was uplifting...I had to re-play it to see what all the talk was about and just watch! Love it!
Have a Blessed Christmas Dean and everyone on this site!
didnt fool me dean you
didnt fool me dean you always have positive messages.merry christmas
Cool Dean, that was a
Cool Dean, that was a perfect example to learn how to look beyond what something presents itself to be.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Dean.. Your The Man!! Merry Christmas. 2012 will be the best year thanks to your Blueprints for success!!