What do you want from real estate? Money? Security? To quit that miserable job? What if NONE of those are your real reason? Sure, they may be part of it, but Dean is betting it’s bigger. Much Bigger!
This week, his message is pretty raw and very real. You are oxygen, and in less than 3 minutes, you’ll understand what that means. It’s going to breathe life into you this week.
We Are All Here Because.....
We are all here for the same reason....the want of a better life...for ourselves and our loved ones...by helping ourselves so that we can help and inspire others in the process.
You Got It!
You hit it squarely on the head Dean. I haven't been working before and after my day job because I want the stereo fixed in my car or to buy more things.
Went to visit my husband's sister and her roommate in Texas and saw that besides the Meals on Wheels, or the physical work that needs to be done at their trailer just to have a basic level of life, these women need the kind of help that some financial support will provide. Neither can stand for more than 20 minutes and although what we did on our "vacation" they need so much more.
We want to provide them with the basics, someone to come and clean once a week, someone to help them wash their hair and make sure they are getting the nutrition and medications they need. We want our children to be "built proof" and have a secure financial future as well as ourselves.
I promise you Dean, we are following the steps in your 30 Days to Real Estate Cash to the letter. Getting all those ducks in a row does take time and effort and we are pulling that time and effort from deep inside knowing what our "real" reason for doing this is.
Yes your message touched me. And I want you to know that we appreciate all you do. We know you don't have to spend your time helping us. You're set. We know it and want you to know you are affecting so many others in a positive way.
Thanks Dean. We'll get to meet you someday. But for now, we will see you here on the DG home page.
Have a wonderful day!
I want to thank you for all the inspiration,
encouragement, and belief you give all of us on
this website every week.
You seem to have a knack for hitting the nail on
the head with your message. I know what I want to accomplish and I know what you mean about the hurdles we all have to overcome, to get where we want to be.
It's a shame there aren't more people in the world like you, it would be a much better place.
I'm proud to say I'm a student of Dean Graziosi and I know that with your continued support all of us on this site will one day be successful in life.
Thanks again Dean and God Bless You!
Believe In God, He Believes In You!
I have the desire and have alot to overcome.
I take what you say very seriously and have dabbled and have taken many actions. Disabled and trying to overcome all that is working against me. I tend to get off the path at times and that has cost me but I do learn from it and your weekly wisdom keeps me in check. Especially the last couple. I refuse to give in and hope to turn my mistakes around into somthing very positive. Thanks for all you do and keep doing. Still helping myself and hope to help many in the near future.
Super! Well Said!
Thanks again Dean! Got it: Me first, then others. In that case, I'm still on the right track! Takin' it up a notch! Let's Go!!!
You Are Oxygen
Tremendous title for this video post! Everybody needs more oxygen, oxygen means life.
Now that I've watched the video, I'm ready for my next action this morning - picking up the phone to have a conversation with the next investor for my buyers' list. Thanks
Thanks for a timely post
Just going through a difficult patch, trying to finish a product I've been working on for much too long and need to get released.
I needed reminding that I'm doing this for my wife and son, as doing it for myself isn't motivating enough, in fact it actually prevents me finishing it!
It is fascinating, I've discovered (by myself, not via therapy!) that the origins for how I continually avoid success, lie way back when I was about 8 years old and felt that my opinion counted for nothing and that I was unloved. Ridiculous to carry forward into adult life, but it shows how we are programmed at such an early stage. I bring this into my life now by not believing in my self/worth and ensuring this 'program' is adhered to, despite my best outward efforts to change.
Funnily enough I have an inner belief that we can each bring instant change, reprogram ourselves, our DNA even, but haven't quite cracked the code yet!
Thanks for your inspiration to do so
Help others through your own success
I loved the message this week. It feels great to provide for the ones that you love and help others in need. But like Dean said, you can't do that if you don't put the oxygen on yourself first.
Our 24 year old son (Kurt) called the other night and told us about a friend of his who is still in college and wants to be an entrepreneur; he didn't know what he wanted to do exactly though. Kurt told him about the success John and I have had, and suggested he get one of Dean's books. Kurt said the friend (Matt) reported back to him that he bought "Be A Real Estate Millionaire," read it in two days, and now he can't wait to get started. How GREAT is that? Of course I told Kurt to give Matt our number in case he needs support or advice. Now this young person might pursue his dream of being a successful entrepreneur because of our example...just like we continue to pursue our dreams because of Dean's. Thanks Dean, you really touch more lives than you know.
Hey Dean great stuff
Hey Dean great stuff. Didn't you have some thing like this awhile back. I think it was 7 steps?
"Why" Has to be bigger than you
Our "Why" has to be the one thing we cannot separate ourselves from, it must be constantly lifting and pulling us up. Only you, most often know your true "Why". If you are here, Realstate is the vehicle chosen to financially support our "Why". True DG people are all here to enable and support their "Why", although their "Whys" are all different, passion and desire run in common in all of us, we just need to "Get it Done", as the Redneck Greg would say. Face Fear and free yourself, we have to get totally in or totally out, there is no middle ground, just commitment!
May God bless us all and keep us safe
Sandy and Nathan
PS Thank you Dean for caring
Taking it up a notch to help others..
Dean, Wow, you would not believe an email I just sent right before I watched this weekly wisdom.
We live in an up and coming town named Sanford NC and on the outskirts of this town is a village of modular homes, which is housing military families, but one thing that is happening to these homes, as the families, for what ever reason, leave this village, the houses behind remain empty and are starting to fall to vandalism & neglect. Very sad, you know the Military does an enormous service to us in preserving our God given freedom, but it just seems they now need our help, I was discussing with my realtor friend Jeff, to try and come up with an idea to revitalize these homes and help them stay affordable to families of the military from Ft Bragg in Fayetteville and Pope AFB. These men & women day to day serve our country and need housing that is affordable but due to this economy or for what ever reason, cannot afford to repair these homes. You have to see the beautiful area they are located in, and to boot, the township has approved all the expansion for local businesses to open in the new strip malls that where just built there. Dean, if you can think of any way we can help our Military families in this venture with us, we would be honored and feel awesome that we have done a great service for our Military families... Thanks and hope to hear back from you with an Idea soon..
Frank G
DG Follower Forever... Take care & God bless...
im doing this for not myself but for others around me! nuff' said!
I know...
I know my WHYs
With Deans help, I now know my HOWs
Now it time to do my DOs
My little town doesn't offer me many opportunities but it does make me learn how to do and not do things. I see opportunities like never before. My next notch upward is to take my knowledge to a bigger city when I can. If only there were more than 24 hours in a day, I'd get more done.
Thanks for the wisdom Dean
Andy Sager
DGs AndyS
Once again Dean, you are so
Once again Dean, you are so right. This is the way it should happen. Once we succeed, we should reach out and bring others with us. That is what you do.
Thank you
Goose bumps!
Thanks Dean for the reality check. You heart felt message reminded me how much this isn't just about me, but about all those I want to help. You are always an inspiration.
Yahweh bless
Powerful Wisdom
Dean you hit it right on the money and you are feeling us as usual. Going to take it up another notch. Thanks for the Powerful wisdom once again!
I need a lot of help !!
I am nearly 70 yrs. old and I am going through a life changing divorce after my husband tried to kill me. I will have only my social security to work and live on. I am a handicapped lady who cannot go back into my old employment. I was a Engineering Technician in micro-electronics. I cannot stand for very long periods of time. So I figured I may be able to do this as a way to just survive. Where do I start? Am I just dreaming? Dee Kay
Take it up a notch, I'm all in ! (how are you so enthusiastic at 6:45 a.m ?!?!?)
Sooo true!
Your encouragement is much appreciated.
Studied for the last few months, got my LLC approved
and yesterday my brother offered a loan to get me started. WOW! I'm so jazzed and to top it of, I am
adopting an 11 year old girl TOMORROW and we will be a little family, just her and I. I feel so blessed.
If we had traffic signals here where I live, I just
know they'd all be green for me today !!!
You are Oxygen video
I had just finished my 7 levels Deep exercise. Then I saw this video. WOW! It's just bringing everything around to a solid direction.
My Why and why I'm doing this is so much clearer to me. Mostly to give my husband the gift of retirement.
But after this exercise then watching this video... sigh. I realize it's more to be important. That inadequate feeling that I've grown up with in life. I have to distinguish it..I need to matter. The only way is to become a blessing to others. If I help myself first then I can more ADEQUATELY help others.
I have found this is so much more personal than I had ever thought. This is really challenging me at my core being.
And I'm ready to face it. I'm ready to conquer it. Thank you Dean.
I have 2 choices, I can get up face the challenge and move forward OR I can stay questioning, why can't i move forward...what's wrong with me... etc. etc. and torture myself with endless questions that just require action to resolve!!!!
Keep it coming Dean. Keep it coming!
Deans our Flight Attendant
This is why I am looking for financial independence. I HATE seeing family and friends worry about money. I've been lucky enough to have learned that money is the easy part (Great teachers like Dean and others have instilled that belief) but others around me have not been so lucky. I hope someday I get the chance to teach others everything I've learned and the things I'll learn in the future.
When your in survival mood like most of us (me included) its hard to move past your fears or doubts. But with the right directions and an oxygen mask, its still scary but its easier to move forward.
I guess in this example that would mean that Dean you're the flight attendant and we are the lucky few who listened to your instructions! Now its time for us to help the rest of those who did not listen.
We have the Opportunity
We can all still be thankful, despite the awful state of our economy, that we live in a Country where we have the opportunity to make a positive change for ourselves and help improve the lives of others. Thank you Dean for giving us the tools and encouragement to make a real difference!
Thanks Dean...
You definitely hit the nail on the head.
When I did my 7 levels deep exercise I gained a clearer understanding of my driving force. I HAVE to succeed with this because I know that I'll be able to show so many others the way.
My wife and I don't require a lot of things. We like to travel and spend as much time together as possible. But, we want the resources to be a greater blessing in the lives of others.
That doesn't mean that we plan on throwing money at problems, but it is a combination of providing financial support for those who need it while also SHOWING them that there are options, and TEACHING them how to do it.
I want to travel around the country to show people how to do this. I want to spend a week helping them to get started, and then having them sign a promise to do the same for at least two people.
Failing at this would mean that I would have to go back to a traditional job that I hated and that kept me from spending the time with my family that I desire... Failure is NOT an option.
I encourage everyone out there to keep pushing through. Know with every ounce of your being that you WILL succeed, then take the steps each and every day to make it happen.
Thanks again Dean for the encouragement,
Your So Right
You hit it on the nail. Even though I am going through some trials, it's not about me! I am pursuing a new career as a Professional Real Estate Investor in order to live the lifestyle of a truly blessed, entrepreneur. Sure, I want to be debt free. Sure, I want to have a nest egg for emergencies. And even more.
However, it's more important to me to live a lifestyle of abundance where I can assist family friends, and others---whenever and wherever. It's this new found freedom that I have noticed in some of your top students--the smiles that you can't wipe off their faces. Knowing that they found their calling and I have too. It's just that I am not smiling out loud yet, but I will be.
It's also true that I need to step it up. regardless of our situations, we can always do 1 or 2 things more to feed that fire of desire in order to get 1 step closer to our goals.
Thanks for this week's wisdom. And Dean--you met with only a handful of your grateful students. There are literally tens of thousdands more just like the ones you met in Las Vegas.
I'm probably one of your biggest. Anyway,...
wishing the best to all
You are oxygen
Thanks Dean for continued motivation and support. It's true,once WE,ourselves achieve success,there is NOTHING BETTER,than being able to help others achieve the same...the FEELING is priceless! All the Best to you and your family,the DG family as well,JK
Thanks Dean!
your words speaks truth and motivation.I will not stop in spite of whatever.I must use whatever for my purpose.One thing for sure...I'm far enough not to ever stop!! Thanks Dean
Simple message,
powerful message. You are spot on with this blog.
I don't know Dean
I just don't know how the hell you can make each blog better than the last but you do. Thankyou so much for all you have given and to continue to give. God bless! Silverhound
Every thing you said is true. I've been trying just not got there yet. As always blogs are up lifting
Great Encouragement
Thanks Dean for all of the encouragement you give to us each and every week! This one really struck a chord with me and I am going to get moving and stop procrastinating! Sometimes we need a bit of a nudge to get us moving and I love the way you do that!
Thanks again and God Bless You!