Hold on to your hats everybody. In this week's blog, Dean introduces you to a marketing method called Direct-Response. In case it's a new term to you, it is marketing, designed to cause a response which is specific and measurable. The response is direct between the viewer and the advertiser, that is, the customer responds to the marketer directly.
Now this may or may not mean much to you right now, but in the next few weeks... it's going to change everything...watch now and stay tuned because Dean is close to revealing a "Beastie" of discovery to you!
Hey Dean
Jeremy and I both know if information comes from you that is very important and powerful stuff. Looking forward to what you are sending our way...Jan
Have any good Merlot as of late???!!!
Good blog Dean, I am
Good blog Dean, I am interested in this.
You always seem to come up with different things and that is because you are never satisfied and always striving to do better. I love that attitude.
thanks again for opening up my eyes to all the possibilities and things tht will happen for me and my family. attending the EDGE was priceless, taking what i learned and using it is even better
god bless
Once again, Dean
Thank you for all you do to help us succeed. I'm looking forward to this next product.
Another great blog. I need all the help I can get. I set my goal to catch Matt, So you know what I up against. so all help is appreciated,When I started all this I did not use this site. Boy what a disadvantage, I only relied on the coaches. Being on this site has took me to another whole level. And for that I must say thanks DEAN, And everyone on here.
Thank you for taking the time to share another weekly video blog with us. We are excited to see the training videos that you are preparing for us and can't wait until they are released! I always find the information you provide to be very helpful and informative. As you discussed, the key is to leverage our time and find ways we can benefit from this. Thank you for taking the time to continue preparing new products for all of us! We wish you continued success and good luck with all you do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
Excuses or Money
Hey Dean, Jan and I are looking forward to what you have heading our way. I love that saying, you can make excuses or you can make money, but you can't make both. Excuses get us zero. Action gets us money. Thanks for another inspiring blog Dean.
WOW! I want the money option!
I want the money option, I am so fed up with the excuses I can think up sometimes and would rather just make some money. Show me the way and Ill show you the money, lol. Thanks for the great blog, again.
Keep teasing
I listened to your newest blog about an hour ago and forgot to give you my response. It is now 2:49AM and I wanted to let you know that you are really teasing all of us about what is coming. I want it now! (JG Wentworth) I can't wait to see what you are preparing for us and I will grab it as soon as you let it out. Thank you for being there always.
Thanks Dean
I just watched the new blog and cant wait to find out what it is that you have for us .
Also want to say thanks for everything, really
you have change my life as well as many others
your the best!!!!
Dean - I am amazed at your ability to always keep finding new and innovative ways to not only grow your own bussines - but to help us all grow ours at the same time. Truly genius
I am looking forward to this new idea, and I cant tell you how much I appreciate these blogs. Without them it would be easy to get to one level and just stop....you continue to inspire us all to greater and greater heights!
Can't Wait !
Wow dean the suspence is killing man bro, these video blogs get more and more exciting. Well whatever the you have in store for us I simply cant wait till you reveal the surprises cause I know they'll be GGRRRRREAT! Thanks Dean once again for everything you do for us here, the DG family
we love you bro!
young Money
& Live Life
Great Blog
Thanks Dean for your great blog cannot wait until you give us your surprise.
Thanks Dean
What a great blog, you always come through with good information when I need It the most. I am encouraged and excited. May God bless you and keep you.
Keep It Coming Dean!
Thanks Dean! You always give me a reason to keep my head up.
Thanks Dean!
This website just continues to be a beacon of rechargable energy whenever you need it! Can't wait for the new tool to be revealed.
Thanks Again Dean!
direct response
Thanks Dean - your direct response is a great tool - can't wait to see it.
I really appreciate the help Dean.
A Class Act
OK Dean- for all those out there who need the encouragement of the Creme de la creme: That, my friend, is you and your organization of Top Cats! Thank you for everything you do with our successes in mind!
I can't wait!!
I've found myself in a stalled out position right now due to personal time and financial constraints. I do still read and study real estate and I plan to jump in with both feet here in the next few months (when my finances should loosen up) so this new video series is coming at the perfect time. Thanks Dean for all you do for all of us.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Re: Blog # 85
Hi Dean,
Great Blog. I am still struggling to get started. See I have been pretty beaten up with a lot of stuff, but to tell you the truth I am coming around. Ever since I started watching your blogs something is really starting to happen. You are very inspirational, motivational and most of all a person who genuinely cares about us, your students. I have never, ever seen anyone like you who is always taking the time to get your students not only motivated but also making money. You are always looking for more and more tools for us to use. Enough of my babbling. Looking forward to the upcoming bombshell.
God Bless,
i can't wait
since i have ordered your book i really don't understand real estate yet. i have been receiving emails about forcloreures but still don't know what to do with it.but i would like to do is lease option that my goal. but i can't wait until you come out with direct respone.
The excitement is building! We can't wait to hear all the details of this new strategy. As usual Dean delivers. Bless you and your family! Have a great week. Myra
Thank You Dean
We can usea little extra wind behind our sail.
Steve and Veronica.
thanks dean
I just got home from work and jumped on my computer and wow you have done it again dean and i cant wait to get it thanks again.
thanks dean
I just got home from work and jumped on my computer and wow you have done it again dean and i cant wait to get it thanks again.
sorry for the double im to
sorry for the double im to excited
Blog #85
It sounds so exciting can't wait.
We are waiting for your new system Dean
Hi Dean,
We didn't go for the sims Dean. We are sticking with you Dean. Everytime I see your blogs, just like when I saw your infomercial for selling your books, your sincerity always shines through. I knew you were talking to me again when I saw your blog for your new system, you are making for us, thank you for the e-mails. We will get to where we are suppose to be in God's timing. I know it is going to be the best, be cause that is all you give.
Blessings to you
Dean and the DG family
Weekly Video Blog #85- Thanks Dean
Hi Dean,Thankyou for being such a great mentor..can't wait to see what you have cooking for all the DGERS.I need that push to build up my momentum..once again thankyou
Great Blog Video
Hey Dean,
Please keep on bringing it on. You are an inspiration to all of us here at DG.com