Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #46 - SuccessFest In October Well Underway!

In this week's blog Dean gives you a peek inside his office as well as a peek at what is coming up as part the October SuccessFest that is underway!

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Great newsletter!

Rick888's picture

Thanks again Dean for all the great insightful information. I can't wait to see the new Buyer's List special. That's exactly where I'm at right now. So great timing!

Thank you for everything you do for all of us.

Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC

Thanks Dean!

Tracy Lynn's picture

And tell your team thanks too! We all truly appreciate all the work you do to provide us with the tools we need to succeed. Now I cant wait to succeed. Smiling

I feel like I have a bit of catching up to do but its time for bed right now.

Cant wait for more! Keep up the great work and once again, Thank you!


Chasing The Dream's picture

Happy Monday!
Thanks for a great weekly blog. I can't wait to get your email tomorrow.
October is really going to be a month of treats.
Thanks again Dean
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey

Buyer's List

Thank you Dean! The Buyer's List will be a 'right on time' for me as well.
I have a partial listing created, but I can still use all the help I can get.

So, BRING ON the Buyer's List. Again Thank you and the DG team.

God Bless! -


*"The belief in a thing makes it happen." 
- Frank Lloyd Wright


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thank you for taking the time to share another weekly blog with us. The DG Members are on the edge of their seats as the "Success Fest" serves up its next "Tremendous Tuesday Treat" of information! We can't wait to get this latest and greatest information to continue to help us along the way. Good luck on all your real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


thebossspringsteenfan's picture

Thanks as always Dean, it is always good to increase your buyers list. Keep the treats coming!


Thanks dean

lucio's picture

As always monday is now my favorite day cause of the videos that are available.I'm really excited about october treats,and always triying to get as much R.E. info to have a really good 2010 thanks again dean.

I'm in!!!

scott21's picture

Good Morning,

I signed-up for the R.E. Success Academy on Saturday, and I am looking forward to full immersion and I am going full time to take full advantage of this down market. I'm excited and ready to go, thanks for these videos they are very helpful and I expect to become one of the success stories very soon. Let's do this!!!

Thanks man!!!

Arn's picture

You don't know how I really appreciate this because my buyers list is kinda flakey and I can't wait to see how to build a buyers list the right way, Thanks again.

Awesome, Dean thanks

CAM's picture

Awesome, Dean thanks alot!
October looks to be a great month for sure.


Buyers List Bonanza!

Gosh Dean, you really do go all out for us! There isn't anything you can't do, and with your help we can too. The buyers list is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle to have, without it you can't finish the frame, and without the frame the picture would just fall apart. Great blog, great newsletter, great team! I can't wait till Tuesday!!! Have a blessed night!


Believe In God, He Believes In You!

Just getting started

I am looking forward to the chance of my life, I do understand the work will be hard and the hours long at times, however great things come to people who work hard and obtain the knowledge necessary to move ahead.

Mike Smiling

Just what I needed!

Thank you so much for this information. I look forward to learning how to set up my buyers list. This is just what I needed, are you a mind reader too?!

Thanks again and be blessed!

Dean, I was just thingking


I was just thingking about how to start creating buyers' list this morning. And tonight I got the answer from you. You're really good, that's awesome. Can't wait to see it and the rest of October fest.

Thanks again.


Christmas in October

Like Indiana Joe would say, Christmas in October. Dean, though your actions, you show that you care for your students, and we do appreciate it very much. Our thanks also to "M" and the rest of the fantastic team. God Bless.



showtime951's picture

"Cant wait" for the buyers list, OCTOBER IS THANKSGIVING!! Smiling $$$


ramirez951's picture


Help! dgadmin

I really don't want to miss anything from Dean. That's why I need to bring this to your attention.
Apparently I no longer get email from Dean and he's sending out a lot of it right now. Can you (or someone at get my email address back on the mailing list? Somehow I fell off.

The address is: (unfortunately it will not allow me to put my full email address in.)
Michael Barnes

PS: Dean, I really love how you kept the fish bowl of names/photos.

News Letter

Hi Dean,

The news letter was awesome. It definitley inspired me and I'm very excited that I bought your books and enter into the success college. I know that next year I will definitley be giving my testimony.

Thanks again for sharing such great and powerful information.

Good Info

Powerful...Powerful....Powerful Info


I vote for Jeremy Roberts - Credit Repair


This is my reply to your blog # 46

You requested feed back for the Thursday event.

I vote for Jeremy Roberts (J.R.) - Credit Repair

I had a 700 plus rating until my back tax levee appeared. All taxes were resolved in 2006. If there's a way to get my score back to what it was I'ld love to here from J.R.
