In this week's video blog Dean puts into perspective how even the smallest steps or tasks are part of the journey to your ultimate goals. Also, Dean offers some insight into his business model prompted by some feedback he received.
Thanks Dean for all you do. I really enjoy the weekly blogs and the inspirations. Keep em coming. I have placed ads, set up the free website you offer and am constantly looking out for REI's. It is only through your books, this website and the content encouragement I stay motivated. Still no 1st deal yet but it's on it's way. I know it. thanks!
I have to say... if at ANY TIME I had the slightest doubt, it's gone now. Dean is in it for the right reason. And of course any business is there to make money.... but how you make money says a lot about you and the company. I'm happy I decided to purchase from Dean.
My life has been pretty crazy, this summer has been nonstop and I unfortunately had to put the book down due to lack of time. (working a lot of overtime)... but no more excuses. I'm now dedicated more than ever to do what I have to do to make this work... and work is what it's going to take.
Dean I'd like to say thank you for doing what you do... and keeping your business the way business should be.. honest.
Take care.... and best wishes for everyone using Deans program.
Dean, You Inspire me. I've followed your path to success such as finding buyer's on Craigslist, flyers, Business cards, (website - Thank you by the way for your free website), 24 hour Foreclosure Hotline and joined your real Estate Academy. I just can't seem to get a break, Jersey's a tough state.
...along came Dean's great blog. So, still no first deal, but many plateus of success:
Bought and read Dean's books
Closed my ears to naysayers
Joined Success Academy
Took many online trainging courses
Buddied up with another local DG member
Joined Real estate investment group
Gone to 4 of their meetings
Networked with many many
Working with 3 realtors
Went to two auctions
Bid on 2 houses
Made 3 offers on REOs
Incorporated using LegalZoom and Tax Club
Signed up for local RE seminars/boot camp
Looking at local deserted properties
Got Edge package
Studied Edge material
Beginning my website
Subscribed to paper that lists notices of default
I identify myself as a Real Estate Investor!
I hooked up with a great company down here in Southern Cal. I bought my first for $26,900. And now I am teaming up with them. The company is buying bulk 600 homes at a time. We are selling them for $26,900. They are refurbed for you and rent from $450-$650 per month. You have option to sell on a land contract or rent out. The company will sell it for you and place a buyer in it. You become the note holder/bank. They make payments of $500 to you for 15 years which will be $90,000. So you are helping families get into homes and own them in 15 years.
Or you can rent them out $450-$650 per month and wait until the market picks up and cash out big time. You already have equity in the home when you purchase them.
Investors here are buying 10 at a time and getting one FREE. Yes FREE. Wild huh.
The homes are in all different states such as Texas, Kentucky, MO, IN, Ohio and many more.
The price won't be at this low price long. They said they will be raising them soon.
Where do i start! I bought your book in March of 2009 didn't read every page but read enough to know what was going on. I live in central ca where the market was and still is at its low. I passed by three or four houses and just thought to myself wow these are the property's that will make a profit. Day after day month after month i kept telling myself i was goin to call and get some info but never did. One day i seen this truck in the driveway of one of the houses i was THINKIN bout gettin. Darn!!! I miss an oppurnity in a matter of weeks that house was rented out and it must have went for 50k easy probably renting out for 850 a month. Then it happend again! Then AGAIN! AND AGAIN! These houses i found months before any1 acted on them were gone! Two things happend Anger at myself because i procastinated But a light bulb came on! I KNOW I can do this! All these houses i picked out were bought and rented out! FAST! Why couldnt i do that! I could and WILL! Thanks for the blog Dean your RIGHT ON POINT! I've read book after book looking for a way to succed they were good books but said all the same thing. Your books have action plans, tell and instructs you what to do and what to look for! Keep doing what your doing!
Great blog. My most recent baby step was getting a job closer to home. I used to work about 1 1/2 hour drive from my house. I've been wasting about 15 hours per week in a commute to work. Now I work about 10 minutes from the house. Not only do I have more time to spend with my family, but my stress levels are much lower, plus I can focus more time on looking at property in my immediate area now.
My next baby step will be to re-read your book and take notes this time. Create a plan of what I should do and put a time line on when those steps should be accomplished.
First of all I would like to say thank you for you being you. Everytime I watch, read, about you and other success stories, I get this feeling that "I can do it." I have not made any deals yet, but my mind is having fun with the possibilities and dreams. I have made a small step. I will be attending my local REIC this month. Thank you again for encouragement.
dgadmin wrote:
In this week's video blog Dean puts into perspective how even the smallest steps or tasks are part of the journey to your ultimate goals. Also, Dean offers some insight into his business model prompted by some feedback he received.
My Plateau's your book
2.when I was reading your book something clicked in my mind!
3.driving around town-looking for FSBO-Found a ulgy House.
4.drove to court house-asked for info on the owner's of the ugly House-5 min.later I had all the info.
5.sent a letter to the owner's--3 Day's later got a call from the owner's ( wow!)So I asked if they wanted to sell the Ugly House? They said yes! this Realy works!
6.Next Day we talked about Price.
7.Now Im working on Buyer's List-calling for rent signs Phone # added one Buyer to list.
I just want to say, Dean you are the MAN.
thanks for the great Book! the website! and all the great People at the site.I love this stuff!
thanks for the encouraging words! I've been getting a little concerned that I'vee been trying this for 6 mos already and haven't made a deal yet. I've joined your academy and tax club, formed an LLC, joined a local RE Investing club and attend all meetings, have met with several realtors, looked at houses, attend open houses ans on Monday I start Real Estate School. I approached a RE Broker and asked him to mentor me, and guess what? He agreed! He also said I could work for him when I get my license! After meeting with several realtors I realized that most of them are investors themselves, so there must be an advantage to doing both which is why i signed up for the school. This weekend i am also attending a 3 day serminar on Federal Grants & Loans. I'm hanging in there and taking alot of "small steps"...sooner or later it has to pay off!
Once again, you hit it out of the park! I haven’t closed my first deal yet but I’m one step closer. I have a deal under contract. Things start to happen when you keep your mind open and like you stated “take small steps”. I was leaving the post office recently and spotted a truck with a sign that read “I buy houses in any condition in any area”. It was parked in front of a home currently under renovation. I parked, went to the door, and was invited inside by the investor, had a short conversation with the gentleman. He gave me a tour of the home and told me a little about his business. I explained that I was new to the business and what I was looking to do.
He has been in the business for over 10 years and closes deals all the time. He told me to bring him anything that I had and if it worked for him, he would buy it. Even if we never do business together, I have taken one step closer to my goal of being a real estate millionaire. If you don’t ask, you will never get an answer. We have had a couple of conversation since our meeting, and I now have one more person to network with.
I stepped out of my comfort zone and bought the book, then read it cover to cover while highlighting parts. I then went periodically online to read and listen to the success stories. I went by some properties and wrote down the information. My next step is to find the owners of these ugly homes, since they were both empty and see what they want for them. I've visited the totalviewrealestate site as well for some real helpful information. Not made my first offer, but that should come real soon. Thanks again for all the encouragement. Please keep it coming.
Dean...still my hero...still love telling people about you and your programs when I'm asked about my success....!!Many plateaus, but biggest most recent two are. . . this is really exciting. .. I almost don't know what to do with myself. Some friends I used to work for for $7 per hour retired, have lots of money and no debt decided to invest in my LLC and endeavors....a few weeks went by they came back, based upon my stories of success and convincing them of my commitment to this. .. decided to throw a BIG chuck of money into what I'm doing; they don't want a house or a rehab job or even to know what I use the money for, just that I have the capital to keep taking our business upward......can you believe that.They go so excited hearing me describe a method I use, which I learned from you, to locate, buy $20,000 below appraised value and start making money off of a property that they wanted in!!! The very thing I dreamed of....if only there was the "just write a check" feature to my RE investing. . .and now I have it....yea man!!!
I love you and your enthusiasm. Thank you so much for not letting me quit when I got so discouraged before....cheerleading me on to being a doer....
best regards Grady Corbin
AND Megan, Kathy and I will take DEan up on his offer for a lunch date if we ever make it to Arizona!!!!
I guess my first plateau was calling and buying the book.I had been talking about it for awhile and everyone around me said "OH that doesn't work" or "stick with what you know" and that's the problem I'm not making money at what I know. I am a chef by trade and all those jobs are going to people with less knowledge who will work for less. So I did it I ordered the book and read it cover to cover and reread it. I am learning so much but am still a little unsure of what to do. I guess my second plateau was when I printed up my business cards. I love my cards and they came out great and I know all I have to do is push forward and keep pushing on to make my dreams come true. Dean i love this site and love all the advice I just wanted to share that with you and everyone else. Keep Pushing Forward. We will all meet at the mountain top together. Good Luck...
Wow, this post is a lot longer than I meant it to be. Talk about keeping myself accountable. Writing this list was a great exercise in seeing were I am and were I need to go! Little steps really do add up. Each one is progress towards goals we set! I think everyone here at should give themselves a pat on the back!
O.K., My List of Blue Ribbon Achievements So Far:
-Purchased Deans books w/ FA and AFF
-Set a goal to read both books in 4 weeks(2 weeks per book) Finished reading both in 2.5 weeks!
-Read through all material in Automated Foreclosure Finder
-Drove by and looked at two houses listed on Foreclosure Alert
-Started re-reading both books again -this time taking notes and high lighting important sections
-Followed Deans Blitzkrieg, took advice and put steps in to action to clean my credit up. Negotiated with one bill collector and reduced a $280 bill to $138 and payed right away. Also made monthly payment arrangements with the IRS in which I owed almost $3,000. I had avoided this for years with out paying, but now had the confidence to clean up this bad debt! Thanks Dean!
-Ordered The Edge package! Watched the whole thing in 4 days!
-Drove by houses for rent and took down the numbers. I will call these owners and start a buyers list.
-Found a real estate investment club in my area who meet once a month. Re-worked my schedule at work so i could attend these meeting.(I usually work nights)
-Attempted to attend my first RE meeting in August. I was extremely sick that day and my girlfriend persuaded me to stay home -she was really concerned that I might have a slight fever, but I was determined to go regardless of this set back. Once their, I realized that I had the wrong week and their was no meeting. Even though it didn't happen, I had a great sense of confidence and determination in me. I made this attempt against all odds! I will attend this month instead(on the right day-lol).
-Started re-watching edge DVD s and taking notes
-Started looking up probates in the local paper
-Talked with a friend about a good RE-agent that he knew
-Found some sources of Hard Money Lenders in my state!
Blue Ribbons "I will" earn in the next month!!!:
-Attend RE meeting!
-Set up web site!
-Set up foreclosure hot-line!
-Make business cards!
-Read all of Automated Probate Finder course!
-Complete buyers list!
-Contact Hard money lenders!
-Call some FSBO -practice phone skills
-Talk with agent!
-Call success academy!
-Tell everyone that that I am a Real Estate Investor!
-Continue to re-read books, and watch edge DVD s each day!
It is always wise to set the bar higher than you think you can reach. The further out of reach it seems, the higher you will jump!!!!
Thanks Dean, the teaching that comes from the video blogs are a lift to our heart and mind to keep believing that we are moving in the right direction. by time and the right techniques it will happen .[To do what others have done is do the same ] we are no different, to see success we must believe.
the rei has opened my minds eye to what is out there for us. And yes I thank the Lord for all the inspiration to think out side the box. Little by little it will happen
solong and God Bless
Ora Eash
I agree you have to start with the small steps, but at the time they seem to be huge! I began by purchasing your books from the TV show, then I joined the Success Academy and purchaed the Edge program. Getting through all of the information is overwhelming at times (especially when my internet does not work), but I am getting it done slowly. In the past 24 hours I have taken what I consider to be some really huge steps:
1. I sent my Certificate of Formation for my LLC to the Secretary of State.
2. I found a way to get money for my first investment.
3. I contacted some potential real estate agents.
Hopefully, things will keep going and I will be doing my first deal soon. I would not be doing this without your help and encouragement through your blogs. Thank you!
I am truly excited about real estate and have been for over 6 years now. Basically, prior to the purchase of my first home I never imagined interest in property acquisition would consume me with such passion. As the impending closing date approached on my humble beach cottage (a mere 900sqft), I relished in the achievement of such a monumental milestone. Who would have thought a poor kid raised by a single mother, a product of "mill housing" would study diligently, attend a prestigious private college (Hamilton), and convert those years of toil into home ownership. Wow! I was proud...not cocky or arrogant just genuinely please with my accomplishment and appreciative to live in the greatest country in the world, America. Since that first purchase there have been two subsequent "deals". Regrettably, at this point in my journey I had run out of money, run out of creative ideas, and, quite frankly, almost run out of faith. The once comforting equity in my properties evaporated almost overnight as did the myriad of creative loans options; seemingly my source of funding was gone. Then Dean I purchased your book. It has inspired me! Your "failure is not an option" approach to all life's challenges tacitly reminds me of a philosophy I once lived..."If it becomes a war Dean one must become a warrior." Watch out fellow investors 'cause I'm back in the game and hungrier than ever. Thank you Dean for the wisdom you have so generously imparted to me and so many others.
I as many people have also tried several things and the thing I tried that made the most sense was Dean's books. It still amazes me that Dean tries so hard to help people with very little vested interest and what is true is the real doubt most people have in their hearts= nothing in this world is free= but THERE IS, at least in this website: almost everything is free., forms, information,motivation,camaraderie, advice, positive thinking and so many other things it's difficult to list. The thing that always makes a difference for me and since I got Dean's first book is still the same thing, doing at least one thing every day related to making a purchase whether it's reading or listening to one of dean's blogs or talking to a realtor about a house that just got listed. never ever stopping my forward momentum toward achieving the ultimate goal. Making a purchase on a property.
A quote from the film Rocky Balboa, "It ain't about how much you get hit it's about how much you get hit and keep moving forward"
It's everything Dean talks about how are you going to get there. Do you have what it takes to fulfill your dream? Make your dream a reality. Do something. YOU must take action.
Thanks Dean for you generosity.
In this week's video blog Dean puts into perspective how even the smallest steps or tasks are part of the journey to your ultimate goals. Also, Dean offers some insight into his business model prompted by some feedback he received.
Just a correction for the video on Rocky balboa the movie quote.
I missed the i in there sorry.Enjoy Keep going and fight the good fight.
hi dean great blog, you know how to motivate people thats for sure. me and sandy have been in your academy for 3 months,we bought the edge (great stuff,) joined the tax club, (and we started out on fire) but the last 6 weeks we have had one disaster after anther from death in the family, sickness and just getting beat up every single day. so things have slowed down and the uncertainty of success has come back more than ever,feels like its not meant to be for us...
but watching your blog this week brought me and sandy back to how we felt before all this and thats what i love about you and your program you never give up on us so, we will never give up on you!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for that.are actions are we took the chance and bought your book , went and found a great realitor , talked to 50 banks, something we never would have done before. still dont have a first deal and still cant find the financing we want but we will never give up because of your positive attitude and your never giving up on us. so we feel we have 4 blue ribbons and its just a matter of time and we will get the the gold ribbon!! thank you dean from the bottom of our hearts.
bob & sandy (topaz solutions inc.)
Great advice Dean. Sometimes we want it all right now, but reality most of the time is taking one step at a time as you say.
My first step was contacting realtors and mortgage brokers. Second step was running ads to build up a buyers list. There are a more steps to go to get to the first deal, but it will happen as along as I keep on taking those steps.
I don't know how many times I said that to people but didn't relly believe it myself. Then one day it happened. I said it while shaking someones hand and I believed it. That was an incredible feeling.
Although I haven't had a big payoff yet, I can see so many daily the changes in me. I am a knowledgable person when it comes to real estate. People listen when I talk. I can hold my head up high and know that I can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. It's because of all those little steps that have gotten me to today and hearing you and all the other site participants wispering in my can do it!
Dean I am basically still a newbee, this is only my 2nd blog if that's what this is called. It's been a little over a month and I'm going over the book again to sort out the quickest way to my success, but the reason for this msg. is to let you know...You are a great mentor and a person of superb qualities, in short you give alot more value for the money and you show us, that what we do to others will come back to us. Your vidio blog #42 is many other fellow DG's members have stated you inspire us and pick us up when we are almost ready to just call it......I've checked out 2 houses to get the feel and I spoke to a realtor whom I know will not be used by me...still working on this internal monster to over come and proceed to the next step....Stay true !!!
Great BLOG, I just made the call today for the books. So, I am very new at this. I am enjoying what I am reading so far.
I do have a question for someone out there. While making my order the automated message went too fast for me. I purchased the ability to download the books for audio. I did not catch the instruction on how to do it and it was not repeated.
I paid the $29.00, so now what do I do to get to the downloads?
I would like to just say THANK YOU for all that you do.
As i began to listen to your blog I started to think about what you said regarding the Wright brothers and I rememberd hearing one time someone make a remark about Thomas Edison, he was asked once why he tried so many times to invent the light bulb and his response was, "I know 10,000 ways it wouldnt work." and this relates so much to what your blog was about. Its not just calling that one agent or not getting the offer on the first house we see but its learning from every step/plateau that we take in becoming a better investor.
So this brings me now to My first major plateau, and that would have to be after I purchased your program and read your book be a real estate Millionaire. The reason it is reading your book is because like yourseld I also have ADD and have never been able to keep focused on reading a book until now. I have read a book from cover to cover for the first time and that to me is my MAJOR plateau. As I sit here typing this out I am currently working on your other book Profit from real estate RIGHT NOW, I cant wait to continue in my steps to becoming a successful real estate investor.
I have always had an interest in what was happening in real estate in my small town. Always read the flyers of what was for sale, 29 years of looking around and not acting.
First stair--- I started acting when I was faced with a scheduled serious surgery this year. That made me realize I only have a certain amount of time to do the things that I'm supposed to do and I felt that real estate was one of them.
Started looking Easter Sunday-09 for a rental property with a goal of finding something for my son and his wife and my two grand-babes to live in so they could have more room for the same price than their tiny apt that they currently live in,
That was just a drive-by looking at signs to see what was available and where properties were located.
Second stair. --- (Easter Tuesday)Contacted a realtor and started looking at houses. Lots of learning. Praying to find a book to become more knowledgeable.
Third stair. --- Saw Dean's info-mercial,(I usually don't watch things like that) and took a chance to order the book with intentions of reading while I was recuperating from surgery. (still actively pursuing properties, made low offers, no takers, and I still did not read the books yet)
Fourth stair.--- Read the books while recuperating, found the website and read/learned from information there. Feeling like my stumbling before I read the book was on the right track. The books confirmed and expanded on what i felt was possible. I still don't understand everything, but the more I've read and asked questions,veils of fog have been lifted and I see things a bit clearer.
Fifth stair. --- Found out a property that I had previously made an offer on was going up for auction. Decided to attend the auction to see what goes on there.(did not bid, still learning)
Sixth Stair. ---Tracked down the agency that owns the property to find out who will re-list it. and I scheduled to get into the property before it came on the MLS.
Seventh Stair. --Made another offer on the property that day, came back with a counter, recountered and then with another possible property, removed my counter. (the property that enticed me to remove my counter did not pan out)
Eighth Stair---Set up meeting with my banker to see the range of what I could purchase. It is in my comfort zone.
Ninth stair. ---Going to re-offer on the first property with a pre-approval letter today. (If the property is still available)
I am learning so much and I do love the journey with its ups and downs
I hope to post that I have my first deal done soon, either with this property or something better.
I think it is so unusual and wonderful to be able to read and share with like-minded people in this way.
Thank you Dean for thinking this up, and following through and doing this for all of us. You have been an answer to my prayers, and I'm sure many others.
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Free Periodic Webcasts
Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Weekly Blog #42
Thanks Dean for all you do. I really enjoy the weekly blogs and the inspirations. Keep em coming. I have placed ads, set up the free website you offer and am constantly looking out for REI's. It is only through your books, this website and the content encouragement I stay motivated. Still no 1st deal yet but it's on it's way. I know it. thanks!
New Dedication
I have to say... if at ANY TIME I had the slightest doubt, it's gone now. Dean is in it for the right reason. And of course any business is there to make money.... but how you make money says a lot about you and the company. I'm happy I decided to purchase from Dean.
My life has been pretty crazy, this summer has been nonstop and I unfortunately had to put the book down due to lack of time. (working a lot of overtime)... but no more excuses. I'm now dedicated more than ever to do what I have to do to make this work... and work is what it's going to take.
Dean I'd like to say thank you for doing what you do... and keeping your business the way business should be.. honest.
Take care.... and best wishes for everyone using Deans program.
Boys & Girls Club
One step at a time
Dean, You Inspire me. I've followed your path to success such as finding buyer's on Craigslist, flyers, Business cards, (website - Thank you by the way for your free website), 24 hour Foreclosure Hotline and joined your real Estate Academy. I just can't seem to get a break, Jersey's a tough state.
Just when I was getting discouraged...
...along came Dean's great blog. So, still no first deal, but many plateus of success:
Bought and read Dean's books
Closed my ears to naysayers
Joined Success Academy
Took many online trainging courses
Buddied up with another local DG member
Joined Real estate investment group
Gone to 4 of their meetings
Networked with many many
Working with 3 realtors
Went to two auctions
Bid on 2 houses
Made 3 offers on REOs
Incorporated using LegalZoom and Tax Club
Signed up for local RE seminars/boot camp
Looking at local deserted properties
Got Edge package
Studied Edge material
Beginning my website
Subscribed to paper that lists notices of default
I identify myself as a Real Estate Investor!
Results and success will follow
1st deal for $26,900 included refurb
I hooked up with a great company down here in Southern Cal. I bought my first for $26,900. And now I am teaming up with them. The company is buying bulk 600 homes at a time. We are selling them for $26,900. They are refurbed for you and rent from $450-$650 per month. You have option to sell on a land contract or rent out. The company will sell it for you and place a buyer in it. You become the note holder/bank. They make payments of $500 to you for 15 years which will be $90,000. So you are helping families get into homes and own them in 15 years.
Or you can rent them out $450-$650 per month and wait until the market picks up and cash out big time. You already have equity in the home when you purchase them.
Investors here are buying 10 at a time and getting one FREE. Yes FREE. Wild huh.
The homes are in all different states such as Texas, Kentucky, MO, IN, Ohio and many more.
The price won't be at this low price long. They said they will be raising them soon.
This is My First Post Since Buying YOur Book In March 09
Where do i start! I bought your book in March of 2009 didn't read every page but read enough to know what was going on. I live in central ca where the market was and still is at its low. I passed by three or four houses and just thought to myself wow these are the property's that will make a profit. Day after day month after month i kept telling myself i was goin to call and get some info but never did. One day i seen this truck in the driveway of one of the houses i was THINKIN bout gettin. Darn!!! I miss an oppurnity in a matter of weeks that house was rented out and it must have went for 50k easy probably renting out for 850 a month. Then it happend again! Then AGAIN! AND AGAIN! These houses i found months before any1 acted on them were gone! Two things happend Anger at myself because i procastinated But a light bulb came on! I KNOW I can do this! All these houses i picked out were bought and rented out! FAST! Why couldnt i do that! I could and WILL! Thanks for the blog Dean your RIGHT ON POINT! I've read book after book looking for a way to succed they were good books but said all the same thing. Your books have action plans, tell and instructs you what to do and what to look for! Keep doing what your doing!
Another Baby Step
Great blog. My most recent baby step was getting a job closer to home. I used to work about 1 1/2 hour drive from my house. I've been wasting about 15 hours per week in a commute to work. Now I work about 10 minutes from the house. Not only do I have more time to spend with my family, but my stress levels are much lower, plus I can focus more time on looking at property in my immediate area now.
My next baby step will be to re-read your book and take notes this time. Create a plan of what I should do and put a time line on when those steps should be accomplished.
Keep up the great work.
Brian Carter
Small steps
First of all I would like to say thank you for you being you. Everytime I watch, read, about you and other success stories, I get this feeling that "I can do it." I have not made any deals yet, but my mind is having fun with the possibilities and dreams. I have made a small step. I will be attending my local REIC this month. Thank you again for encouragement.
In this week's video blog Dean puts into perspective how even the smallest steps or tasks are part of the journey to your ultimate goals. Also, Dean offers some insight into his business model prompted by some feedback he received.
Small steps
My Plateau's your book
2.when I was reading your book something clicked in my mind!
3.driving around town-looking for FSBO-Found a ulgy House.
4.drove to court house-asked for info on the owner's of the ugly House-5 min.later I had all the info.
5.sent a letter to the owner's--3 Day's later got a call from the owner's ( wow!)So I asked if they wanted to sell the Ugly House? They said yes! this Realy works!
6.Next Day we talked about Price.
7.Now Im working on Buyer's List-calling for rent signs Phone # added one Buyer to list.
I just want to say, Dean you are the MAN.
thanks for the great Book! the website! and all the great People at the site.I love this stuff!
re blog
thanks for the encouraging words! I've been getting a little concerned that I'vee been trying this for 6 mos already and haven't made a deal yet. I've joined your academy and tax club, formed an LLC, joined a local RE Investing club and attend all meetings, have met with several realtors, looked at houses, attend open houses ans on Monday I start Real Estate School. I approached a RE Broker and asked him to mentor me, and guess what? He agreed! He also said I could work for him when I get my license! After meeting with several realtors I realized that most of them are investors themselves, so there must be an advantage to doing both which is why i signed up for the school. This weekend i am also attending a 3 day serminar on Federal Grants & Loans. I'm hanging in there and taking alot of "small steps"...sooner or later it has to pay off!
Barb Snook
A Small Step!
Hi Dean!
Once again, you hit it out of the park! I haven’t closed my first deal yet but I’m one step closer. I have a deal under contract. Things start to happen when you keep your mind open and like you stated “take small steps”. I was leaving the post office recently and spotted a truck with a sign that read “I buy houses in any condition in any area”. It was parked in front of a home currently under renovation. I parked, went to the door, and was invited inside by the investor, had a short conversation with the gentleman. He gave me a tour of the home and told me a little about his business. I explained that I was new to the business and what I was looking to do.
He has been in the business for over 10 years and closes deals all the time. He told me to bring him anything that I had and if it worked for him, he would buy it. Even if we never do business together, I have taken one step closer to my goal of being a real estate millionaire. If you don’t ask, you will never get an answer. We have had a couple of conversation since our meeting, and I now have one more person to network with.
Continue to be true to yourself.
Thanks for the PUSH Dean
I stepped out of my comfort zone and bought the book, then read it cover to cover while highlighting parts. I then went periodically online to read and listen to the success stories. I went by some properties and wrote down the information. My next step is to find the owners of these ugly homes, since they were both empty and see what they want for them. I've visited the totalviewrealestate site as well for some real helpful information. Not made my first offer, but that should come real soon. Thanks again for all the encouragement. Please keep it coming.
small steps
Dean...still my hero...still love telling people about you and your programs when I'm asked about my success....!!Many plateaus, but biggest most recent two are. . . this is really exciting. .. I almost don't know what to do with myself. Some friends I used to work for for $7 per hour retired, have lots of money and no debt decided to invest in my LLC and endeavors....a few weeks went by they came back, based upon my stories of success and convincing them of my commitment to this. .. decided to throw a BIG chuck of money into what I'm doing; they don't want a house or a rehab job or even to know what I use the money for, just that I have the capital to keep taking our business upward......can you believe that.They go so excited hearing me describe a method I use, which I learned from you, to locate, buy $20,000 below appraised value and start making money off of a property that they wanted in!!! The very thing I dreamed of....if only there was the "just write a check" feature to my RE investing. . .and now I have it....yea man!!!
I love you and your enthusiasm. Thank you so much for not letting me quit when I got so discouraged before....cheerleading me on to being a doer....
best regards Grady Corbin
AND Megan, Kathy and I will take DEan up on his offer for a lunch date if we ever make it to Arizona!!!!
MY First Plateau
I guess my first plateau was calling and buying the book.I had been talking about it for awhile and everyone around me said "OH that doesn't work" or "stick with what you know" and that's the problem I'm not making money at what I know. I am a chef by trade and all those jobs are going to people with less knowledge who will work for less. So I did it I ordered the book and read it cover to cover and reread it. I am learning so much but am still a little unsure of what to do. I guess my second plateau was when I printed up my business cards. I love my cards and they came out great and I know all I have to do is push forward and keep pushing on to make my dreams come true. Dean i love this site and love all the advice I just wanted to share that with you and everyone else. Keep Pushing Forward. We will all meet at the mountain top together. Good Luck...
little steps really do add up
Wow, this post is a lot longer than I meant it to be. Talk about keeping myself accountable. Writing this list was a great exercise in seeing were I am and were I need to go! Little steps really do add up. Each one is progress towards goals we set! I think everyone here at should give themselves a pat on the back!
O.K., My List of Blue Ribbon Achievements So Far:
-Purchased Deans books w/ FA and AFF
-Set a goal to read both books in 4 weeks(2 weeks per book) Finished reading both in 2.5 weeks!
-Read through all material in Automated Foreclosure Finder
-Drove by and looked at two houses listed on Foreclosure Alert
-Started re-reading both books again -this time taking notes and high lighting important sections
-Followed Deans Blitzkrieg, took advice and put steps in to action to clean my credit up. Negotiated with one bill collector and reduced a $280 bill to $138 and payed right away. Also made monthly payment arrangements with the IRS in which I owed almost $3,000. I had avoided this for years with out paying, but now had the confidence to clean up this bad debt! Thanks Dean!
-Ordered The Edge package! Watched the whole thing in 4 days!
-Drove by houses for rent and took down the numbers. I will call these owners and start a buyers list.
-Found a real estate investment club in my area who meet once a month. Re-worked my schedule at work so i could attend these meeting.(I usually work nights)
-Attempted to attend my first RE meeting in August. I was extremely sick that day and my girlfriend persuaded me to stay home -she was really concerned that I might have a slight fever, but I was determined to go regardless of this set back. Once their, I realized that I had the wrong week and their was no meeting. Even though it didn't happen, I had a great sense of confidence and determination in me. I made this attempt against all odds! I will attend this month instead(on the right day-lol).
-Started re-watching edge DVD s and taking notes
-Started looking up probates in the local paper
-Talked with a friend about a good RE-agent that he knew
-Found some sources of Hard Money Lenders in my state!
Blue Ribbons "I will" earn in the next month!!!:
-Attend RE meeting!
-Set up web site!
-Set up foreclosure hot-line!
-Make business cards!
-Read all of Automated Probate Finder course!
-Complete buyers list!
-Contact Hard money lenders!
-Call some FSBO -practice phone skills
-Talk with agent!
-Call success academy!
-Tell everyone that that I am a Real Estate Investor!
-Continue to re-read books, and watch edge DVD s each day!
It is always wise to set the bar higher than you think you can reach. The further out of reach it seems, the higher you will jump!!!!
One Step - One Day at a Time
Thanks so much for this particular blog ... feeling a little overwhelmed, I perhaps missed acknowledging the little steps...
I have called realtors
attended Sheriff auction ... and got a seasoned investor and a contractor to agree to work with me
the investor is looking for commercial properties, and the contractor looking for residential, and said they will let me be a finder for them.
drive-by in my neighborhoods looking for ugly properties, need to kick things up a notch, thought.
met with property owner on site to look a property.
still reading Dean's books, and participating in my coaching conf calls.
Thanks again, for Blog 42 ... I needed it!!!
weekly blog
Thanks Dean, the teaching that comes from the video blogs are a lift to our heart and mind to keep believing that we are moving in the right direction. by time and the right techniques it will happen .[To do what others have done is do the same ] we are no different, to see success we must believe.
the rei has opened my minds eye to what is out there for us. And yes I thank the Lord for all the inspiration to think out side the box. Little by little it will happen
solong and God Bless
Ora Eash
Dean, thank your for your encouragement!!
I agree you have to start with the small steps, but at the time they seem to be huge! I began by purchasing your books from the TV show, then I joined the Success Academy and purchaed the Edge program. Getting through all of the information is overwhelming at times (especially when my internet does not work), but I am getting it done slowly. In the past 24 hours I have taken what I consider to be some really huge steps:
1. I sent my Certificate of Formation for my LLC to the Secretary of State.
2. I found a way to get money for my first investment.
3. I contacted some potential real estate agents.
Hopefully, things will keep going and I will be doing my first deal soon. I would not be doing this without your help and encouragement through your blogs. Thank you!
Plateaus of success...
I am truly excited about real estate and have been for over 6 years now. Basically, prior to the purchase of my first home I never imagined interest in property acquisition would consume me with such passion. As the impending closing date approached on my humble beach cottage (a mere 900sqft), I relished in the achievement of such a monumental milestone. Who would have thought a poor kid raised by a single mother, a product of "mill housing" would study diligently, attend a prestigious private college (Hamilton), and convert those years of toil into home ownership. Wow! I was proud...not cocky or arrogant just genuinely please with my accomplishment and appreciative to live in the greatest country in the world, America. Since that first purchase there have been two subsequent "deals". Regrettably, at this point in my journey I had run out of money, run out of creative ideas, and, quite frankly, almost run out of faith. The once comforting equity in my properties evaporated almost overnight as did the myriad of creative loans options; seemingly my source of funding was gone. Then Dean I purchased your book. It has inspired me! Your "failure is not an option" approach to all life's challenges tacitly reminds me of a philosophy I once lived..."If it becomes a war Dean one must become a warrior." Watch out fellow investors 'cause I'm back in the game and hungrier than ever. Thank you Dean for the wisdom you have so generously imparted to me and so many others.
Dean's blog
I as many people have also tried several things and the thing I tried that made the most sense was Dean's books. It still amazes me that Dean tries so hard to help people with very little vested interest and what is true is the real doubt most people have in their hearts= nothing in this world is free= but THERE IS, at least in this website: almost everything is free., forms, information,motivation,camaraderie, advice, positive thinking and so many other things it's difficult to list. The thing that always makes a difference for me and since I got Dean's first book is still the same thing, doing at least one thing every day related to making a purchase whether it's reading or listening to one of dean's blogs or talking to a realtor about a house that just got listed. never ever stopping my forward momentum toward achieving the ultimate goal. Making a purchase on a property.
A quote from the film Rocky Balboa, "It ain't about how much you get hit it's about how much you get hit and keep moving forward"
It's everything Dean talks about how are you going to get there. Do you have what it takes to fulfill your dream? Make your dream a reality. Do something. YOU must take action.
Thanks Dean for you generosity.
dgadmin wrote: In this
In this week's video blog Dean puts into perspective how even the smallest steps or tasks are part of the journey to your ultimate goals. Also, Dean offers some insight into his business model prompted by some feedback he received.
Dean's video blog
Just a correction for the video on Rocky balboa the movie quote.
I missed the i in there sorry.Enjoy Keep going and fight the good fight.
blog 42
hi dean great blog, you know how to motivate people thats for sure. me and sandy have been in your academy for 3 months,we bought the edge (great stuff,) joined the tax club, (and we started out on fire) but the last 6 weeks we have had one disaster after anther from death in the family, sickness and just getting beat up every single day. so things have slowed down and the uncertainty of success has come back more than ever,feels like its not meant to be for us...
but watching your blog this week brought me and sandy back to how we felt before all this and thats what i love about you and your program you never give up on us so, we will never give up on you!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for that.are actions are we took the chance and bought your book , went and found a great realitor , talked to 50 banks, something we never would have done before. still dont have a first deal and still cant find the financing we want but we will never give up because of your positive attitude and your never giving up on us. so we feel we have 4 blue ribbons and its just a matter of time and we will get the the gold ribbon!! thank you dean from the bottom of our hearts.
bob & sandy (topaz solutions inc.)
Small Steps Blog
Great advice Dean. Sometimes we want it all right now, but reality most of the time is taking one step at a time as you say.
My first step was contacting realtors and mortgage brokers. Second step was running ads to build up a buyers list. There are a more steps to go to get to the first deal, but it will happen as along as I keep on taking those steps.
I am a real estate investor
I don't know how many times I said that to people but didn't relly believe it myself. Then one day it happened. I said it while shaking someones hand and I believed it. That was an incredible feeling.
Although I haven't had a big payoff yet, I can see so many daily the changes in me. I am a knowledgable person when it comes to real estate. People listen when I talk. I can hold my head up high and know that I can walk the walk as well as talk the talk. It's because of all those little steps that have gotten me to today and hearing you and all the other site participants wispering in my can do it!
This was a wonderful blog Dean. Thank you!
Please Do Not Change Whom You Are
Dean I am basically still a newbee, this is only my 2nd blog if that's what this is called. It's been a little over a month and I'm going over the book again to sort out the quickest way to my success, but the reason for this msg. is to let you know...You are a great mentor and a person of superb qualities, in short you give alot more value for the money and you show us, that what we do to others will come back to us. Your vidio blog #42 is many other fellow DG's members have stated you inspire us and pick us up when we are almost ready to just call it......I've checked out 2 houses to get the feel and I spoke to a realtor whom I know will not be used by me...still working on this internal monster to over come and proceed to the next step....Stay true !!!
Small Steps (Baby Steps)
Great BLOG, I just made the call today for the books. So, I am very new at this. I am enjoying what I am reading so far.
I do have a question for someone out there. While making my order the automated message went too fast for me. I purchased the ability to download the books for audio. I did not catch the instruction on how to do it and it was not repeated.
I paid the $29.00, so now what do I do to get to the downloads?
Thank you very much, Dan
My first Plateau
I would like to just say THANK YOU for all that you do.
As i began to listen to your blog I started to think about what you said regarding the Wright brothers and I rememberd hearing one time someone make a remark about Thomas Edison, he was asked once why he tried so many times to invent the light bulb and his response was, "I know 10,000 ways it wouldnt work." and this relates so much to what your blog was about. Its not just calling that one agent or not getting the offer on the first house we see but its learning from every step/plateau that we take in becoming a better investor.
So this brings me now to My first major plateau, and that would have to be after I purchased your program and read your book be a real estate Millionaire. The reason it is reading your book is because like yourseld I also have ADD and have never been able to keep focused on reading a book until now. I have read a book from cover to cover for the first time and that to me is my MAJOR plateau. As I sit here typing this out I am currently working on your other book Profit from real estate RIGHT NOW, I cant wait to continue in my steps to becoming a successful real estate investor.
Thank you so much,
Up the stairs, Plateaus
I have always had an interest in what was happening in real estate in my small town. Always read the flyers of what was for sale, 29 years of looking around and not acting.
First stair--- I started acting when I was faced with a scheduled serious surgery this year. That made me realize I only have a certain amount of time to do the things that I'm supposed to do and I felt that real estate was one of them.
Started looking Easter Sunday-09 for a rental property with a goal of finding something for my son and his wife and my two grand-babes to live in so they could have more room for the same price than their tiny apt that they currently live in,
That was just a drive-by looking at signs to see what was available and where properties were located.
Second stair. --- (Easter Tuesday)Contacted a realtor and started looking at houses. Lots of learning. Praying to find a book to become more knowledgeable.
Third stair. --- Saw Dean's info-mercial,(I usually don't watch things like that) and took a chance to order the book with intentions of reading while I was recuperating from surgery. (still actively pursuing properties, made low offers, no takers, and I still did not read the books yet)
Fourth stair.--- Read the books while recuperating, found the website and read/learned from information there. Feeling like my stumbling before I read the book was on the right track. The books confirmed and expanded on what i felt was possible. I still don't understand everything, but the more I've read and asked questions,veils of fog have been lifted and I see things a bit clearer.
Fifth stair. --- Found out a property that I had previously made an offer on was going up for auction. Decided to attend the auction to see what goes on there.(did not bid, still learning)
Sixth Stair. ---Tracked down the agency that owns the property to find out who will re-list it. and I scheduled to get into the property before it came on the MLS.
Seventh Stair. --Made another offer on the property that day, came back with a counter, recountered and then with another possible property, removed my counter. (the property that enticed me to remove my counter did not pan out)
Eighth Stair---Set up meeting with my banker to see the range of what I could purchase. It is in my comfort zone.
Ninth stair. ---Going to re-offer on the first property with a pre-approval letter today. (If the property is still available)
I am learning so much and I do love the journey with its ups and downs
I hope to post that I have my first deal done soon, either with this property or something better.
I think it is so unusual and wonderful to be able to read and share with like-minded people in this way.
Thank you Dean for thinking this up, and following through and doing this for all of us. You have been an answer to my prayers, and I'm sure many others.