If this weeks blog looks a little shaky, it's because Dean shot it from his "porch" using a hand held camera.
However, one thing that is rock-solid is the message of taking action and how doing so can and will propel you to succeed using the same techniques Dean has.
You'll also hear more about the big contest where you can win a day with Dean to help answer your toughest questions on real estate investing. All you need to do is post a picture and a 4 (yes four) word statement. So watch, listen and get in now...
Use the Photo Submission Form that at the bottom of the page on last week's blog.
Mercedes Benz, Million dollar house; now I am getting picky, because I am not flying commercial airplane to Utah it has to be in your private Jet. lol......
Dean, honestly you inspire us every way possible. You are the LIGHT.
Ps Swing by Florida with the yacht so we can go deep sea fishing lol...
Hey Dean, I forget to ask you. Did you get this one at 50 or 30 % discount. I just want to know if you can get one of those kinds with a huge discount.
P.s Don't try to read my mind I just inspire to have one.
Learn, Teach and Grow!
Thank you for another weekly video blog. Like a favorite tv show, we always have our calendar's marked for Monday to see the latest video blog. Thank you for taking the time to share part of your day with us.
It is so true that we can do so much for people by empowering them to make a difference in their lives. People can have all the information and tools available to them but they have to know how to use those tools and information. They have to commit to learn and grow their knowledge. Nothing makes you know the material subject more than teaching others. I had the pleasure of teaching a few courses for a large university and my former employer. I believe I learned just as much information as the students from learning the material, to discussing the material. It made all of us grow and expand our knowledge around all the subject matter that we covered.
"True teachers not only impart knowledge and method but awaken the love of learning by their own reflected love." - Robert Grudin
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
Thanks again for the insight and inspiration. Good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Very, Very Inspiring......................
Hi Dean,
WOW, IT'S BELIEVABLE!! What a long way you have come. I look forward to my day of achievements. I haven't stop feeling motivated an excited about this opportunity you have created for so many to see. I know this is the best place to be, to where I need to go in my life. It is a truly amazing life changing experience I welcome. To know that it is not just a financial change that is in the progress, but a spiritual change also as well. A new direction. Succeeding at any level is such a rewarding feeling. Thank you Dean for being YOU and showing me my dreams are possible. No offense Dean, but I'm shooting for a BMW (Bertha's-Mean-Wheels). 750Li. This has been my dream car since the 80's. I had stop dreaming for years and now the opportunity is obtainable now. I can dare to dream again! I'm going to look so Cool cruising to my favorite store "Home Goods". Continued success to you and family always............Lubertha
Thanks dean
Thanks dean for everything you have and are doing for all of us.It is nice that you show us ur yard, is amazing, that just shows that hard work and having the right tools makes all the different. One thing I'm learning is that there is a better life out there for my family and me,i'm building the path that is going to take me to a better place.The tools you give us is just like my job you can have all the tools in the tools box and a broken engine in front of you but if you don't take action and start to take the engine apart and fix it,the engine is still going to be broken tomarro if you don't apply your self.Thanks again dean and hopefully we can have lunch someday.
Very nice Dean...
Thanks for being you... Your close friends and family are lucky folks! To have you as their friend and personal mentor is awesome, I hope they appreciate your wisdom and drive...
The vision
Dean, your words are always encouraging. But the backyard is big boy status. With a house that nice, it has to be hard to leave out everyday! But we all see what real estate can do if we put in the work. Thank you Dean for being a mentor to all of us here.
Jeremy Kelly
you motivated me bewy pas my exectations of this business. I know I will succeed in Real Estate thanks to you Dean.
Your Friend,
Bob Ross
Pieces to a Bigger Picture
Awesome blog Dean!
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Everyday is another step towards my first deal whether it is re-reading a chapter in your book or attending a RE club. Big or small, these are all pieces to a bigger picture being put together every day! -That picture is my future and I will not stop!
I think I will hit up a couple of family members for a RE lesson today! I have always loved to teach what I have learned. Knowledge really does imprint on you when you explain it to some one else. Thanks again!, -Bill T
Hey Dean,
Thanks for the weekly blogs and still pushing people to change their lives. Even if it's taking some of us a lot longer to get there, It is so worth it. Thanks again for this website and motivation you give us.
Jason Smith
San Diego, Ca.
Dream Big!
Hey Dean....
Great blog today! It was, as usual, unique in the way you presented it but once again you deliver it in a way that makes everyone stand up and say, "Wow"!! I think I can speak for everyone, that we definately do appreciate everything you do for us and you definately put all the naysayers to shame!
Why is so hard for other people out there to think you actually want to do something positive in this world? And the coolest part is that you definately don't treat us like we are stupid or some kind of fools out there. Yeah, we all know that you make additional money from the books and programs, etc. (probably doing pretty good... lol) but like you admitted yourself on this blog, REI is where you made your millions. Point is you are up front with it and the negative people out there act like it's so wrong for you to be a "marketer". Fortunately, this is America, and who are we to say how you have built your businesses. They are simply JEALOUS, but fortunately, the DG family trusts you, is inspired by you, and loves everything you are trying to do for us! I know I thank you for that!
Loved the backyard by the way... I live in Phx too and it's nice to have a nice backyard retreat to escape too!! Awesome!!
God Bless, take care and have a great week!
Robert M. Burkett CPA
PS - Great quotes Joe!
Really LOVE the Homemade Video Even Better Than The Others!
You're such a great guy, Dean! Although I have yet to do my first deal....it's gonna happen because I'm going to make it happen...thanks to you. Hey, let me know when the house next to yours goes up for sale!
What can I say?!!!!!
All I can say is that you are such an inspiration to me. You're weekly blogs give me a nice little "re-charge" that allows me to keep my eyes focused on the target I set for myself!
I pride myself at being a very good judge of character. By learning from and following you over the last 6 months, I KNOW you are a genuinely a good, caring individual. You are doing more good in people's lives than you could ever imagine.
Here's to everyone's success!
Thanks Dean
Really enjoyed you inviting us into your home! Its amazing how many times I have a new experience, and then you talk about it on the next blog! With regard to teaching others - I had the open house at my flip this weekend, and I had so much fun talking with all the people who came through about real estate, financing, encouraging first time buyers, etc, etc. During the course of the day I realized how much I have learned in just a year and a half about so many aspects of real estate and it really astounded me. Plus, I had a few curious friends who had been watching from start to finish there listening as well - and with jaws dropped they told me how impressed they were and I now have a whole new pool of people willing to invest with me
And it all stems from ordering your book in April 08. So thanks so much for all you give to us and I love your idea of encouraging all of us to share and teach. It will be fun to read how people put it into action. Hope you took a swim in that beautiful pool after filming!
Many thanks and much respect,
Keeping It Real!
Hi Dean,
Great blog as always!! Love the inspiration and the connection that you create. I haven't closed my first deal yet....but I know that it's close. Listening to you gives me the energy and motivation I need to keep moving forward. I can't wait to share my first deal with everyone.
Thanks again for all that you do. Also, your place is beautiful and thanks for sharing.
God Bless!
Teach a man Real Estate
I love that old saying "give a man a fish and feed him for a night, but teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime" something like that you know the one.
Being in a college town when someone sees a young guy like me on a laptop they assume I am studying for class, and they ask me, "What are you studying for?" I tell them "I'm learning the in and outs of real estate investing from proven professionals." Most just say "o yeah thats good" or, "yep, thats where the money is" but there was one person just yesterday who took great interest in what I was working on. He has become my student and he is helping me learn at a accelerated pace.
Through the affiliate program I will turn him on to deans books soon. But for now he is taking in everything that I have to offer and loving it, just as I have been for the past few weeks.
Thank you for all the opportunities you have opened my eyes to Dean, you have inspired me to reach greatness, and I will.
About Teaching Others...
I know teaching is the best way to learn. I've see this all the time with my piano students. But what on earth, I wondered, can I teach someone about real estate?! I've only been at it a couple months and have yet to close my first deal.
So I was jogging with one of my naysayers friends the other morning. Told her about some deals I'm working on and what I hope to make on a monthly basis. "WOOO she said, that's significant!" Duh! Won that one over!
Then at the Real Estate Investors Club the other night I had the opportunity to take the mic and give my 30 second commercial, "I AM LOOKING FOR BUYERS!" Well, guess who called me the next morning? A newer newbie than me! He was asking for advice. Geez, I'm the one looking for help was my initial thought. Then I thought about Dean, and I knew he would help him and he would want me to help him. So I told him all I knew to do. He was very grateful and I was smiling. Hey, I do know a few things already. How about that!
What a moement in time
Dean, you always seem to outdo yourself. You are your own best competition. As always, we cannot help but say thanks for the many opportunities that have been given to us. You are indeed a God sent. You continue to reassure us that to dream big is okay, but the reality of it all is research, planning and action. The support of a dynamic family structure make the journey even more durable. In REI it is we who will make our own successes happen. At time we may be trust up against a wall, and when we realize that there is no turning back, the business of strategizing comes into play. Like Lubertha says, "it is not over until it is over," We want the pool, the house, the car and anything else that comes with them. We are asking God for a double portion of his blessings. Dean, may God continue to give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to keep our dreams and quest for success alive.
Hi Dean, I'm always looking
Hi Dean,
I'm always looking forward to your new blog every week for I know it will always something inspirational like this one....very inspiring. I bought your new book "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" plus the the audiobook (I already have the BARM)the other day. Since that day I played your audiobook constanly even at work. You are really an inspiration to me to work hard and push myself to do real estate. Thank you so much.
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires" - William A. Ward
Dean - you are a great teacher that inspires us.
A True Visualize Success Video!!!!!!!!
Wow Dean........You have an awsom crib.....I so truly know you really deserve that...giving what you give back is truly a blessing.....Thank you for sharing and caring...can't wait til you pick my name....AHO!!!!!!!!
Picture already submitted
Picture was sent in and just waiting on the day that my pic it is pulled out of that hat. Dean you are a inspiration I can't wait for the day that I get my first deal done. I'm hoping that it is soon so that I can stop living paycheck to paycheck
All i can say is thank you, but those words will NEVER tell the story or how much i am grateful you came into my life. With your teachings and my work ethic I will be able to do what i always wanted to for my family.
And if I get lucky enough to pick your brain..one of us is going home with a head ache because i love learning new things and putting them to use
Thanks and good luck
I hope you read this Dean..
I consider myself a really good judge of character and Dean I can tell that you truly are a very genuine guy. Thank you for all that you do and what you strive to do. I think it is very noble and inspiring and wish you nothing but the best because you absolutely deserve it!
donny n.
You are blessed to be a blessing
Thanks Dean again for your generosity. You are really making a difference in this world. Be Blessed.
Thank you Dean!
Although I'm still working towards my first deal, the wealth of information you continue to give us is so inspiring, I know it won't be long before I'm sending you my success story too. Please continue to just be you.
Thank you.
Thanks Dean!
Thanks for your continued inspiration.
Wow...what a cool home!
Dean, you are such an inspiration! (I want that house! Okay, maybe just one like it.)
I'm a little slow getting started (okay, very slow) and a little fearful about jumping into the biz with both feet, but I can see it's my destiny. And you are my guide. Thank you for caring about all of us and not just caring about your own profits.
New York
Thanks for the inspiration again. Your outdoor living and fabulous pool are remarkable. My son and I are still moving forward (snails that we are) and very excited at the moment working on a commercial deal to get wholesale and wholesale back out. It will be our first deal if we get it accepted. If not, then we will find another.
Patience is a virtue - so I've heard. We have plenty of that as we work hard and diligently toward our futures.
Thanks so much for all your videos and inspiration.
Thanks for the inspiration
No teleprompter, no script, not even a cameraman, just 100% Dean Graziosi.
Thank you for the inspiration...what a house!
Really inspiring
This blog was really inspiring.
And I really find impressive the fact that what you said is true. That you really don't have any share in the success of other people after they're done reading your books or watching DVD's.
I really appreciate the message