Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #38 - Dean is Coming to You!

Last week Dean asked for your ideas about his next show. This week Dean reveals what he has planned for his next show, and he might be knocking on your door! Dean also had an extra copy of the EDGE program sitting on his desk and is giving it away to someone on the site. Watch this week's video to learn more about all of these developments!

This has got to be an omen!

wiseclicks's picture

I never watch T.V. and had recently moved into our beautiful ocean view apartment. Our landlord wanted to know if the cable was still hooked up. I had to barrow his portable T.V. to find out. When the T.V. was turned on Dean's info commercial was on. I got enterested in what Dean was saying and ordered his books. Gave our landlord back his T.V. and haven't watched T.V. since. I have been reading Dean's book and will be setting up my 24 hour sift, sort, and screen, "No Money Down" Deal-Finding Machine very soon. Thanks Dean

Blog- Gain the Edge

My name is Charlie and I live in Putnam county New York. I want to thank you, Dean and all the other people, who have inspired and so given freely of themselves to help everybody who wants to be involved in real estate. There is no other place in the world that you can get the help and information that you can get here, and at no cost. There are so many other "investor guru's" that have these plans and information that come with a price tag, but in no way do they compare to what you have here.
I have a few rentals in upstate NY, about 5 hours away, because at the time of purchasing them and with the advice of another well known Real Estate investor with a coaching program who has not invested in real estate in many years, told me this is what you should do. Well, now I'm trying to sell them with no luck so I can use what I have learned here and invest more locally.
Thank you again,Dean and all of you, for your help. You will soon be reading posts from me and my wife on our success thanks to what we have learned and will continue to learn through this website.
Charle and Julie

Dean, I have been watching

bevnowak's picture

Dean, I have been watching you for months and I truly believe you are a gift from God.I want to do this so much but I am so scared because I don't understand most of it.I am the cowardly Lion on Wizard of Oz.God keeps telling me to do it and I am dragging my feet.God bless you and your family.
Thank You,
Beverly Nowak

New adventure

hi Dean. I am Walter. I bouth your book two months ago and I found it very inpiring. I have been following the information you provide and it look to me very helpful. I did not close any deal yet, but I am trying, I think If I can get the Edge will be great. Anyway I want to help you and your team for all the effort you put in helping other people.

Just getting started


Just wanted to say thanks for the books.
Looking to get my first investment flip deal going.
There are many short sales in the area, but REO's sell quick usually to cash buyers.
A little lite in that now, and need a good source for proof of funds letters to make some offers.

Any direction would help.

Looking forward to listing a success story soon!

Thanks again,

Dean's Course

I have spent all my life as a remodeling contractor and always have struggled to make it a go. Several years ago watching a late night infomercial I watched a real estate program on how to buy and sell property. Ordered the program and what a bust, the information was not there and the more I read the more confused I got. Since then I have bought several courses much with the same results. I saw Dean's infomercial and you can guess my reluctance to order another course, but there was something about the way he presented it and the way he came across to want to help people. I ordered it and very glad I did. I always wanted to use my talent as a remodeler to fix up and flip my own properties, now I have the knowledge, excitement and this forum here to get me on my way.
Thanks to Dean and his team.

Greetings Dean

My name is Roxey, I live in Sarasota Fla. I have been a member for quite sometime and I really get inspired by all the blogs and e-mails. However, I am SO STUCK on the process of beginning with out capital! I somehow can't get beyond the fact I don't need money. Every time I get a new inspiration.( assignment of contract)I read an article in the local paper that shoots it down. Negative news about flip scams in my fraud etc. I need some help to overcome these overwhelming posts!
You appear to be SO sincere, and I believe in YOU. Your posts prove that the systems works from the comments people make. Now I need help to believe in ME. I am NOT a negative person, believe me...I have been married/now single and self sufficient for many many years..but I'm currently laid off & unemployment is running out. Like many others, I'm sure, I need the kick in the butt to take get the EDGE would be awesome!! ( or just the kick in the butt might help !!Smiling Thanks!


Hi Dean

You are a great motivator!

Responding To Weekly Blog # 38

Hello Dean & Fellow Real Estate Entrepreneurs (hope I spelled that right). Any who, Dean, I just want to say- 1 Pizanno to another- that your a my favorite Pizanno. Every time I watch a you on tv or on my computer, you make a me feel so up. Your cool, and what you are trying to do, help others realize their dreams and get more out of life, is very cool too! With you, I'm sure our Father in Heaven is pleased. In short, your a one cool Pizanno! I bought "The Edge" last July, but haven't taken it out of the box yet. I've been too busy with school. I'm studying to be a paralegal. Any way, I spent the $500.00 I really didn't have because it just sounded like a once in a life time opportunity that I shouldn't pass up. However, I also bought the Automatic Foreclosure Finder Program along with your two books too which I also haven't really had the time to sit down and read accept a little. I'm in the hole for 43 big ones (K-thousand). The interest charges are freaken me out. Honestly, I'd like to get the free copy, so I can get the $500 credited back to my credit card account. My goal is to get out of debt! Then you can sell my copy to someone whose got the $. Hope a I win.


Pizanno Smiling


Hello, This is my first post and I am having fun just reading all the interaction. Hope to learn a lot. Re

A New Success Acacamy Student!

Dear Dean,
I found you on TV late one night. You see, I am a cancer patient and it's hard to sleep for a couple of nights after I get an infusion. I ordered your book and read it cover to cover in a day and a half. I'm reading it again now. I know I can do this! I am enrolling in the Acacamy today and can't wait to find my first property! Dean, I know you are genuine in your desire to help others become successful, that's so cool! I want to do the same. I love your website. All of the tools and helpful people are something very unique! I'm so happy to be a part of it. The whole process is positive and that's where I need to be to win my Health and Wealth.

Thank you Dean,


Bruce T. Johnson

"Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith" (I John 5:4)

Thanks Dean. . I am Inspired. And Determined.

Hi Dean. This is Anthony from the Chicagoland area. I would like to start out by saying Thank you for the opportunity to "get in the game" of the real estate market. I have read and studied lots of real estate books and courses over the past 15 years. I believe that your book and your support system will be my ticket to finally becoming the real estate investor that I have longed to be. I wasn't able to get the "Gain the Edge" program before it sold out but will continue to move forward and apply your strategies. I WILL get it done!

I would love to win the "Gain the Edge 09" program. I believe it will provide me with the more "hands on" approach that I'm needing. Meanwhile, I WILL press on!

Gotta go now and find those "kILLER DEALS". Again, thanks for the opportunity and the very practical steps that you outline in your teachings. Also, a special (shout-out) to your staff for their willingness to impart valuable knowledge and ideas.

God Bless You and your team!




Hi Dean,

I just wanted to thank you for the motivation you have given me to steer my life in a new direction and giving me the confidence and knowledge to invest in real estate. Your books and website have helped me more than you will ever know.

Thank you

Have a great week!

aym's picture

I love this site. I love learning and I want that FREE Edge program!
DG, thank you for all of your knowledge and inspiration.

I am Psyched!

EricVan's picture


I just finished reading both of your books (excellent reads) and now have a feeling of hope about my financial future. Although I haven't completed a deal yet, I have found that I am subconsciously scoping out properties and thinking of ways to make money with them. I now look at each day as an opportunity, not some drudgery that I can't wait to get through. Dean, you are a GREAT inspiration to everyone, not with just real estate but in life! Your positive attitude is very infectious!

I have been lurking around here for a couple months and have a long list of people I look up to...(Hi Anita) Everyone on this site is so unselfish and helpful to each other that it makes me look at human-kind in a warm, bright light.

This is going to be my year! I'm committed to it!


New to the website literally!

This is my first time blogging ever and how appropriate I blog onto this site. So far, I have found the weekly blogs helpful and the book I ordered on TV very helpful. When the market was hot, I did ok on two sales and one purchase but the market changed and now I am stuck. This material is helping rebuild my confidence and eliminate my fears. Thank you so much. I took another Real Estate course back in June 09 and they had good information but, I like Dean's site so much better. He breaks it down where everyone feels comfortable. Thank you for being a great teacher. I just received my book I ordered two weeks ago and am loving it. My real career for the past 21 years is a licensed massage therapist. I own Beneficial Massage in Mt. Dora, Fl and I know I am going to need additional ways to make a living. I love massage therapy and will always do it but I want passive income coming in as well. Lydia Smith


James here from Phoenix, AZ. I finally bought Dean's books a few months ago. I went through the Blitz and I am continually amazed that he proves himself time & time again to be the real deal. Not only the real deal but I have never known of any RE TV personality to care so much about the success of his students. Years ago I worked Carleton Sheets course and the Dave Del Dotto course and never got much from either. I am gaining so much insight and information with just Dean's 2 books that I am in the process of seeking out a personal residence for my family as well as a rental.

I appreciate all you do Dean!


Dean's brain and the Edge package

Hi Dean my name is Marvin and I'am extremely happy to be able to communicate with you. I purchased your books about one month ago and I'm still reading them. I found them to be very informational and quite easy to comprehend. I wish I could sit with you and watch you do your thing when buying a home. Anyway thankyou for being the type of man that you are, willing to help strangers achieve the same dreams you have,being financially secure. I would have purchase the Edge package during the Blitz segment, but money was not right at the time. I hope I can be so lucky to get the Edge package for free, but if not please make it available again for purchase. Thanks for allowing us to bleed your brain for this valuable information and I hope to be one of your success stories in the near furture. Thankyou Dean and much continued success. M JEFFERSON

Dean's newest blog excited me!

O.K Dean, I'll be looking forward to meeting you when you get here... although I just dicovered in the Gain the Edge '09 program I purchased from your company that you've been slid'in into my home community unannounced for awile now! I live in the Quad Cities, you know,home of "Matt Larson" so I need you to give him a quick message for me. I just got off the phone with one of your "sign-up" specialist and am pursueing my goal of becoming your next Matt L. So very soon there will be a new "SHERRIFF" in town, so I may have to run him out and back to Detroit,or who knows, better yet, become partners,"Deputy" Jeff, that does'nt sound so bad now, does it? To anyone who takes the time to read this let it be known that "Matt's" the Man".Ya'll keep look'in,they're out there. Jeff M.

Pathway To Real Estate Profit Is Clear

In respose to your blog #38
Although part way thru Dean's books, my review of "The Automated Forclosure Finder","Forcosure Alert" service and the clincher, "TotalView", the pathway to Real Estate Profit is made clear, well defined and achieveable. There is much to learn and soon I will be creating my own deals, with aid from your support staff!

Thanks Dean, for putting it all together.

still tryin to get started

I am on Dean's site alot and the information that gets posted and the questions that get answered are second to none. most people dont even wanna take the time to help others where they can. but thats not the case here. there are so many people who can help that do help others just by sharing their stories. and im sure that every person who comes to this site can benefit somehow from the information that gets put on here. hopefully my nme gets pulled out the hat cause the ege course will help me alot. i think i m ight be exactly what i need to get started. going to my 1st rei club meeting tomorrow. wish me luck in finding some people to put my ideas to work.


Will that first step drop me off a cliff?

StuartFamily734's picture

My name is Hope. I am totally new to this. Just finished reading "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". I'm pumped, but I'm scared too. Reading everyone's comments has helped and I am focusing on building a buyers list. I am looking up REI club meetings in my area and have support of some good friends. Anyone in my area have any suggestions? Many of the clubs I have been finding require you to sign up (with some pricy fees). As a mom of 4 with only 1 income coming in, I have to start this thing off with no money. I am sick of living paycheck to paycheck and I want this to work. Thanks for listening to me ramble.

The Drawing for The Edge '09

Hey Dean;
your passion to help others is apparent! I have been in sales 27 years and the last 5-6 years have brought me many personal challenges; . . . physical health, financial, emotional/family! I have allowed myself to be stuck in my circumstances from spending my available work time doing what I know how to do and I already KNOW the old saying, . . . "To continue to repeat the same actions expecting different results is a form of insanity!?" I would like the opportunity to jump in and begin to create a different future for myself, 3 daughters and an aging Mom! Thanks to ALL who have accepted the challenge to DO something to change your circumstances and HELP Dean to inspire the rest of us!
Thanks & God Bless

Greg . . . from the great state of Alabama! :0)

Looking forward to being picked out of the hat

I have been trying to find a way to purchase my first investment property for years now.

Sounds like the Edge course could finally get me off the ground.

Just yesterday I signed up for your trial period AFF program.

Thanks for your E-Mails


I have never blogged and need to know how to leave a comment or something like that.where do you submit a blog? stan

Real Estate is Incredible

pimpedoutgeese's picture

I can't believe how much you have changed my life Dean, there's is hope... Coming from a dead end job working 12 hour shifts, to being possibly, no.. going to be job optional in 5-7 years!!! Thank You, Thank you all who has helped me on the site!!! Without you my story would be a long road of hardship...


Rina's picture

Dean, thanks for making this opportunity available to everyone! Can't wait to see who's name is drawn out of the hat! You should do it live on your blog!! hmmm... can you do a live blog?? lol

Anyway, I am pumped to see you fly around the country and visit some of your students and hear the awesome stories! I can't believe how many new success stories I've read just in the comments to this blog! People coming out of the woodwork!! YAY!!! I hope that in itself is inspiring all the newbies!!

As always, here's to your incredible generosity and thinking outside the box. Thanks, Dean!


Hi, everyone!

My name is Winny Chi. Thanks for this wonderful website and wonderful people here! winnychi@****

Taking notes..

Matt7's picture

Hi Dean and everyone,

My name is Matt and over the past 2 years or so I've read through 'Be a RE Millionaire' and 'Profit from RE Right Now' and have been lurking on the website - mostly reading and taking notes. It's been great to read through everyone's experiences and start to assemble my own approach to getting involved in real estate.

With the tough job market it's been hard to sustain freelance work, so that has delayed a lot of my push forward. Without a solid down payment and consistent job history, I'm strongly considering a lease-option to wedge my foot firmly it the RE door. With that in place to either purchase + rent, or assign, I feel it will be much easier to get into larger and better deals.

All the knowledge from this site and other sources is building momentum in my mind and I can't see how it will be much longer before I will simply 'have' to start putting the actual pieces in place.

Thanks Dean for the valuable information and encouragement that you put out to those looking,


The Drawing for The Edge '09

Hey Dean;
your passion to help others is apparent! I have been in sales 27 years and the last 5-6 years have brought me many personal challenges; . . . physical health, financial, emotional/family! I have allowed myself to be stuck in my circumstances from spending my available work time doing what I know how to do and I already KNOW the old saying, . . . "To continue to repeat the same actions expecting different results is a form of insanity!?" I would like the opportunity to jump in and begin to create a different future for myself, 3 daughters and an aging Mom! Thanks to ALL who have accepted the challenge to DO something to change your circumstances and HELP Dean to inspire the rest of us!
Thanks & God Bless

Greg . . . from the great state of Alabama! :0)