In this week's blog, you’ll notice that Dean is "fighting mad."
If you read his email from last week, you may have already gotten a tiny hint of what is going on.
In short, certain events have pushed Dean's to the point where he's decided to do something outrageous.
Although he reveals his reasons, he's keeping exactly what he's going to be doing undercover for now - but you can bet your life that whatever it is, it is good news for you.
You better watch this now (and he says a lot), so maybe watch it more than once.
PS- Here is the link to the info for the getting on the Thursday conference call:
Dean's in the hunt
Wow, I don't know what to say.
All I can say, Dean, is I'm glad we're on your team!!! Would NOT want to be the competition!! Thanks for being the one sincere guru out there, on a mission to make US succeed!!!! We'll keep each other going, too!
Can't wait to hear the call this week!!
No one can tell me any different! I'm in the right place at the right time! It' up to us to prove them wrong!The desire to succeed is still BURNIN HIGH! There is no doubt about you! There is no room for anger or insecurity. If you want success you have to put yourself around other successful people. "Indiana Joe", When ever I cut the computer on, day or night, he's there! In my mind I see him blazing thru with motivation, education,dedication. And most of all compassion for others. The amount of support given on the site is amazing! All you can do is try to be the best you can be. I learned how to let go of anger a long time ago. Not putting your energy in the right direction it will destroy you! Your sincerity shines bright. I am so Glad you are who you are! I know youv'e gotta be takin alot of critism. Thank You for standing up for what you believe. I'm behind you all the way........... Like the TIE! Continued success to you and family.
I'm with ya Dean!!! I hope
I'm with ya Dean!!!
I hope everyone realizes that you are doing this free of charge and only because you want to help us achieve our goals.
You are an incredible man. god bless and I wish you much more success.
Dean, we are all behind you!.....Let's play to win!
We are so proud of you that you are going to step up to these "bullies" trying to hurt your intregrity and credibility. As you stated in the video blog, there are sometimes people that do not like to see others become successful. These people enjoy their success as much as other people's failure.
My wife and I are always so happy for others success. We believe when people are ethical, honest and work hard, it is great to see and share in their success. We have a sense of pride that some people still have the work ethic our grand parents or great grand parents may have had years ago when they came to America! It was the passion to succeed and an honest day's work. You can be successful in business and be honest and ethical too. I believe your competition is "grasping at straws" to try to find something...anything and they can not find a darn thing. Thus, they have to resort to a low of attacking a person's credibility and resort to these type of measures. It shows you the ethics and integrity of these people.
You will succeed, you will prevail. The good guys always win! We believe in your books, programs, the DG website and you! We are so proud to be associated with your organization. It is a first class organization. As we experienced at the live Gain the E.D.G.E. Event 09 in April, you can create win-win situations, have success in real estate while still helping people, be ethical, be honest, be a person of integrity, be a person with character.....and still make money. You have changed our lives and we have met so many other DG students that you have done the same for them as well.
The other thing we admire is that you do not forget where you came from and you want to help others through your education materials. Also, you help others through a number of charities such as the Operation Free Home and Virgin Unite. Most people do not realize this but you are probably helping countless other charities you support but probably do not publicize.
We are all behind you. You have an Army of supporters, you have changed people lives and will continue to change people lives. You deliver results! Our hats are off to you, for stepping up to this "bully". We are all behind you...United we Stand! The truth will always prevail! You are in the game to win and you have thousands of people behind you! Let's Go! - Joe & Stacey
All I can say..
Is Dean, whatever is going on right now you have my support 1000% and if there is anything I can do to assit you or help just let me know and I am there.
You always stay positive and keep us positive - so seeing you all fired up - just goes to show those haters out there that you can be hot and STILL be positive.
Here if you need me...
Very Sincere!
Dean you are soooo AMAZING, I fell like you are personally talking to me. I cant wait for thurs. to come now. I can fell my first deal around this call.
You the Man!
So Happy I joined this program! Following your lead Dean. Not letting anyone tell me I can't do this! Whole new life for my family and I. Thanks so much!
You are a great person! I had just about given up searching for an honest, ethical and successful mentor. You have inspired a change in me which would probably have never happened w/ out the inspiration and support of yourself and everyone here at
As if what you have given us already is not enough, you continue to give more! I know I speak for most everyone here when I say, thank you Dean and God bless you!
I am confident that you will continue to be blessed and successful, for the rest of your life, if not simply for the fact that you continuously bless others.
You are a savior Dean, no matter what your competition says, we all here, know the TRUTH! Thank you for showing me that there are still good people out there!
I look forward to being one of your next success stories!
-Mike Hutchins
Sorry about the double post, I guess my network is being flaky.
Dean, you are motivated and unique that the competition do not have the instinct by how and what you say by true heart.
Once Again
Dean you are leading by example. Taking a negative and using it to learn and grow and become even more successful. I hope your competition starts reading this site, because if they did before they would know that everyone who works with you is 1000% behind you. Not only are they offending you, they offended every single one of us! So in a weird way - thanks to them for giving us even more motivation for success! I'm here for you anytime, any place you need me!
Relax boss were all behind you 100%.The information and skills I have learned from you are past unbeliveable. U taught me thees skills (Let no one take that satisfaction from you) I'm looking forward to reaching my dreams instead of dreaming!
Thank You
Love Thy Enemies...
Since the subject line - may draw many eyes to see what I'm saying. Let me start off by saying I'm 110% behind DEAN. He, his personal staff, as well as students have been my major resource when I began my journey in Real Estate.
Also, whenever I needed reassurance - when I started to question my own passion to learn real estate because of the lack of support I have around me...when the reason I began my pursuit to happiness in real estate was simply for them (friends and loved ones). But that's another story. With that said - when my time does come, I will still give to them...simply cuz' I know exactly why I began this journey.
Dean is the most sincere person. Anyone who can't realize that, simply doesn't have faith. His struggles and his success are what has created his willingness to change the lives of others. The world will always have it's "HATERS", but that's life. Without them - life would be to easy/perfect. That place only exists in the "Kingdom"
Let's all be thankful for Dean and his Love and passion to create lasting change in our lives. We should just pray for those who want to bring him down. It's not fair, but I know Dean will be Okay. This is just a situation and I know he knows it will pass. We are being rewarded yet again from what he may be telling us. Whether it be a system or simple words. It is from a man, whose Passion is to give unto others. I thank him and the Lord for that, before I even know what it is.
Now if you don't believe in GOD just disregard this comment. For now let's just absorb the valuable information Dean is about to give us. You'll get to know GOD later.
Be Bles$ed - Make money
Teddy Galang
p.s. - I'm still working on getting that first deal, but I'm still having lots of fun learning and reading, networking, building my business, all with a pre-foreclosure, open bankruptcy, no money except un-employment. But it's okay - because I have FAITH.(started 03/20/09 in Real estate)
Wow that sent chills up my back!! I can't wait to hear the call on thursday! Lets go DG Family!!
Dang!! I'm diggin the energy Dean! I really need some of that right about now. Lots of "negative nancies" out there.(sorry, no offense to anyone named Nancy
I'm learning to turn the negativity into fuel for the fire though! Damn the torpedos full speed ahead! We'll keep ya in our prayers. Thanks again for being you!
Let's go get it
Dean I am with you and I know that everyone on this site is as well, let's go make it happen, and at the same time we'll silence all the critics and haters!
Well This Is How I Look At It
WE CANNOT LET ANYONE STEAL OUR JOY, IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Okay, we need to calm down. People will talk about us because we are doing something they lack or are not doing. The fact I believe the Nay Sayers are talking is because they are coming up against the army and are or about to lose the battle. For so long they have been fooling and cheating the people. Well pay back time is here. Wait until the next E.D.G.E conference, we are hoping that every DG member attends. I guess I am saying more fuel for the fire. Dean, do not let them get you angry. Remember, you have your immediate family and us to live for. You know we stand by you more than numbers can tell. We are about our families business, and who cares what other people have to say. We have to remain focus and keep the DG family together. I have read a few of the sites and responded of course to their comments. However, I never returned to the sites to see their responses, because I do not care. God is our light and our salvation, in whom shall we be afraid. Okay what is next on the REI agenda. Oh, our conference call tomorrow, we will be glued to the phones or the computers. 1500 accessible slots to the call, that might not be enough. The conference call might be an explosion. Dean, we love you and WILL STAND BY YOU AND YOUR MISSION. Good Luck and God Bless.
I know i haven't post much But thanks for the inspiration Dean. That just fired me up to keep working on my first deal i was about to give up.
But every time i hear u talk and others in the forum just motivates me not to give up and keep working hard.
Behind Dean 100,000,000 %
Dean thanks for your inspirations for all of us and I believe that God put you there to teach your people to be successful like you are now. We believe in you ! We need you ! The competition dont have what you have to offer in your programs. You always stay positive and we stay positve with you. I believe that you will keep on winning and keep in faith. We are here for you. Smile God loves you !
Your friend,
Paul T. La Moy
orange county , NY
King of the Hill
Woo hoo Dean! You know what this means. You are the King Of The Hill now and they are trying to knock you off the hill and claim your title. It is wrong for them to slander you the way you have described.
Feel angry but also feel honored too knowing you are #1 and in their sights. You are righ where they wish to be in the real estate game.
I feel good knowing I am on the #1 team. Thanks Dean for all the wonderful information you have shared with all of us. All your years of knowledge and continued success in real estate has been such a blessing for me and my family.
1 More Day ..........
Isn't this excitng to know we are just 1 day away from being more inspired to take action? DEAN, DEAN, DEAN, YEH!
Thanks Dean, your passion
Thanks Dean, your passion for our success is truly motivating. Thank you for doing so much to help us when you really don't even have to. You have motivated me even more to get out and get my first deal done.
Your Future Success Story,
Glad to be here with all you winners!
I am so excited to be here with all you guys; just reading all the comments here inspires and makes me want to go. I am a newbie to real estate but have read and re-read "Be a real estate millionaire" several times until finally I am forced to act. I worked previously(resigned in March,2009) in the car business for 23 years as general manager and made a very good living but was never really secure knowing someone else had my destiny in my hands, and so here I am. This is my new career! I am a bit nervous due to the fact I've been out of work for 3 months now and need to make money. But I am sure I will suceed with all the wealth of info found here - and of course all you guys.
Thanks in advance for all your input and help guys.
Love it
When the going gets tough... I am so glad that Dean's competition set him off... Now that we have our China trip behind us I am ready to rock and roll!!!
The Blitz Conf Call on 6/18/09,.....was Great !!
Dean ( and Jeff ),
Thanks for continuing to give us your ALL !!!
The Blitz is right on time to help me re-focus. Going to work on list of Great Buyers and Rent2Owner's. There is nothing like " Walking around with money in your back pocket " !!!
My Mantra:
"The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment." - Earl Nightingale
To the Dean and the DG Family
Dean and Jeff-Thursday Blitz was awesome, and great information to restart our engines. God Bless everyone for their support in this negative time. I know myself that if I did not have Dean's website or forums, and all of YOU, my passion for real estate would bust..So thanks for all the psitive input and direction that EVERYONE gives to us daily. See you at the top.
Thanks, and god bless!!!
I feel the same way! It's great to have you as a part of the greatest opportunity by far! Much success to you..........Lubertha
Dont cry over spilled milk
Dont cry over spilled milk right!