Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #25 - How Are You Moving?

Could the Way You Learn, Succeed, Even Your Very Life Purpose...Depend On How You're Moving?

There's a school of thought that divides people into two groups. Those of us that move away from conflict or pain, and those of us that move towards comfort or peace.

A first that might seem silly... "Don't most of us try to avoid pain and seek comfort?"

Your initial reaction might be yes, but if you take a real close look at how you have responded to situations in your life, you may notice that one of these two ways is dominant for you.

On day one of the E.D.G.E event, Dean described how figuring out what direction you're moving in is a huge key to achieving what you want, even discovering your life purpose. Here's a clip from his teaching that day.


very good and very true as usual...Learning something new isn't as easy as sitting and reading a lot of the time...Ya gotta find out what works best for yourself, and go with that...

Weekly Video Blog #25 - How Are You Moving?


dgadmin wrote:

Could the Way You Learn, Succeed, Even Your Very Life Purpose...Depend On How You're Moving?

There's a school of thought that divides people into two groups. Those of us that move away from conflict or pain, and those of us that move towards comfort or peace.

A first that might seem silly... "Don't most of us try to avoid pain and seek comfort?"

Your initial reaction might be yes, but if you take a real close look at how you have responded to situations in your life, you may notice that one of these two ways is dominant for you.

On day one of the E.D.G.E event, Dean described how figuring out what direction you're moving in is a huge key to achieving what you want, even discovering your life purpose. Here's a clip from his teaching that day.

HOLA como estas dgadmin Creative artistic open minded Entrpreneurist * Gracias **STICKS WIZZARD DRAGON

Direction toward success

Indiana-Joe's picture

I found all the content at the Edge event to be very applicable. Finding and knowing the direction you are headed and planning a roadway to success is a goal for everyone. I believe Dean's book and course helps you not only with real estate but also planning to be a success in all you do. I enjoy seeing the information learned at the Edge event because it motivates me to continue to push forward even whens times get tough. Another great video clip, thanks for sharing with all of us. Good luck on your future deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling Indiana-Joe

Like Dean said

It does not matter what type of learning style one has, the emphasis is about the outcome. To be successful you have to identify the traits that will contribute to your success being a reality. Great clip, keep them coming.


Learning Style

Congruence is key. Being the right match for what you are embracing and even who you are working with amplifies your end result (even makes the process easier).
Great clip.

Peace & Blessings

Knowing what's best for me

MyDestiny's picture

Hi Dean,
Thanks for the info. Who knows what works for you better than you. Nothing is more powerful than the mind that is already made up! I have made a choice to move foward. Great success to all......Lubertha