Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #140 - Dean makes a Serious Confession + Important Details

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week, in the midst of all the amazing energy around his Rock Bottom Blueprint videos, Dean takes moment to share a few things on his heart.

Plus, lets you know how you can be on the phone live with him Monday night. This is a blog you can't miss.

In fact, make sure you CLICK HERE NOW and enter your name and email address so we can reserve a spot for you live on the call with Dean.

Dean you look a little

James L. Kendrick's picture

Dean you look a little tied,you better get some rest before you burn out.

My Goodness Dean !

Is there anyything that you can not do ? I for one thing you are an amazing little Italian. After watching the 3rd video I think you probably had everyone making spaghetti sauce. I know I did and I love Italian food. Healthy and delicious and fat free for the most part and with all those anitoxidants.
I have to do assignments/ wholesaling to save myself so I need all the clarity and mindset help I can get on that right now. Things are getting more than serious here. I can hardly wait to see what is next and I really don't think there is anything that you can not do. We see you with your wife and children and tomato plants out in your fabulous backyard and flying and driving all over the place. I just don't know but I do know you will get that two week break and I hope you do take the time off and enjoy it. Thanks for everything.

I'm happy you are obsessed with my success!

steinway024's picture

You spur me on! Everytime I think I've come as far as I can - you tell me it just ain't so, and I know you are right!
Thank you. Looking forward to the call and all that follows!
It was a blast to find myself and Nick in Video 3. LOL
Please do take the 2 weeks totally off. Immerse yourself in the joy of your family. You deserve it. I'm obsessed with you not missing that!

Take a well deserved break!

Valuni's picture


thank you for everything you do for all of us! I am on my way to success! Making you proud by learning everything you teach and progressing every day!
Your rock bottom blueprint videos have been awesome- I cannot imagine what else you will have up your sleeve??!!

Now get out of that office and take a break!


im one of the new ones

well dean like i promised i signed up to order your books two days ago, im excited to see where im heading to in the future, so reach out everyone.I will do the best i can with your books.


Zion Properties's picture

You will reach the goal of making the most millionaires! Smiling I had to laugh when you say you've been locked in your office for 10 straight days, because my family said something similar about me just recently with all I've had going on. Sticking out tongue

Keep it up! Let me know when you'll be at DL with the wife and kiddos and maybe I'll see you there! Smiling (Annual passes - as a result of attaining one of my goals - through REI and your programs! Laughing out loud) Thanks for all you do, and enjoy your 2 weeks!

Looking forward to

TrustPoint's picture

listening on the call Manday night.

Thanks again Dean, I'll be

ultdinvesting's picture

Thanks again Dean,

I'll be on the call too


Looking forward to the call

Olu's picture

Looking forward to the call tonight, thanks Dean.

Wonderful News!

Captain777's picture

Dean, you never seem to quit. You are a never ending source of help. And, as you said, you are truly obsessed with help all of us succeed. I am already signed up for the call and I am eagerly awaiting all that you have planned for us again. Please be sure to take the time for yourself and your family. I am sure you will. Thank you Dean!!!


Thank you Dean! Again. Thank you for the AMAZING rockbottom videos. I'm learing so much and letting them soak in a bit but getting my lists done to start taking major action to change my life.
Enjoy your vacation with your family. You totally dexerve it for all that you do for your DG family.
Take care and GOD bless Smiling

Thanks Dean

Jaguar.Investments's picture

for you continued interest in all your students! Will not miss the phone call.

Roger Schafer

This week's blog

Dean, I say this to yo again, Yo are an amazing person. How many peop;e in yo r position is doing or ever did what yo do for the dg family. It feels good to know that someone legitimately cares for his fellow man and woman. Please do not ever change. Again, God bless. I will certainly be on the call for sre tonight.

Great job

joycem's picture

Great job on the videos! The time is now for me and I'm looking forward to making it happen!

Aug. 1st call

kchernecky's picture

Can't wait for the call! Thanks for all your ongoing encouragement, enthusiasm, and helping us believe we can do it, too! It's a huge leap of faith but it is so incredibly helpful to know that you are so emotionally invested in making us all successful! Thank you for everything! I am looking forward to my first deal!

Monday Call

I'm registered and waiting for the excitement, inspiration and helping others as well.
Thanks for the opportunity which everyone has from your expirience.

Can't Wait!

for the call tonight Smiling

Congrats to property world for winning the ipad! I am so excited to hear what Dean has to say tonight!

Now, take a break, spend some family time and get rested up Dean, you are going to need your energy for the call tonight. I have a feeling it's going to be a very interesting call!

The Desire To Help

Alicia888's picture

Just wanted to share my thoughts about your comments of spending so much time on wanting us to succeed. Its great! The true nature of man, the desire to HELP others is something that can be the most fulfilling activity. I love to help others and that's exactly why I want to DO THIS because once I get comfortable with the process of it, I see it as an amazing opportunity to not only help myself but to help others who need a place to LIVE! And I would even like to extend that to helping others learn to do this as well.

So my point is.... KEEP GOING DEAN!!! I think you're awesome and one of a kind. Someone who does care.

Looking forward to tonights call and to busting out of my comfort zone to apply your techniques!!!

Laughing out loud

Great blog to jump my Monday am.

Jrgarcia1024's picture

Can't wait until tonight !!!

Thank you Smiling


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for doing another video blog for all of us and I am really looking forward to Monday Night's conference call. The videos with the Rock Bottom System is tremendous thus far. I can't wait to get my hands on the entire system. I know this system will help so many DGers. Have a great vacation and don't forget to get some of the fastpasses to avoid some of the long lines at Disneyland. We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


shinton's picture

I'm amazed that anyone would be so compassionate about my success. You make each of us feel like we are the only student you have, even though we haven't met. I'm not sure I've ever had anyone so intense about my success. Thank you for that. Now, while I need to get busy and take massive action so I can get massive results, take a little R & R with your family. After that, I'm sure I'll need you again!

Great Job Dean!

annettebates's picture

Thanks for the great job you're doing to help everyone out. Teaching us how to make money. My computer is going wacky again so I'm still trying to watch the third video. And of course I will be on the call tonight! Have a GREAT 2 weeks vacation with your family, you deserve it. I am so PROUD of you trying to help others better themselves. God bless you and your family.

Tonight call!

I'll be on the call. Have a great day, and thanks for your effort.

Tonight call!

I'll be on the call. Have a great day, and thanks for your effort.

Enjoy your vacation!

MWhite2's picture

Looking forward to tonight's call!

I am already registered I am taking the phone number with me.

I am already registered I am taking the phone number with me.In case I get caught up at call time.


tddonna's picture

Dean--This blog reminded me so much of a verse in the Bible that was the basis for a little book about 10 years ago. The verse says, And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain." So I'm going to pray that prayer for you that indeed your territory would be enlarged so that you can be a blessing to a million people! Thank you for being who and what you are and "being so obsessed with our success". Life's greatest rewards seem to come when we take our eyes off of ourselves and put them on other people.

Thanks Dean,

I will be listening in on my computer..I'm Italian too and I knew about the sugar in the sauce! Can't wait to listen in tonight!

BLOG140 and phonecall

notsoaveragejoe's picture

Thank you so very much for being so invested in our success. I am eagerly waiting for tonight's call. I am relieved that you are taking time off with your family. I think that if we could tap into your energy with the wattage that you produce we could end our dependance on foreign oil! As for the new freinds... the more the merrier, welcome to the family.

BLOG140 and phonecall

notsoaveragejoe's picture

Thank you so very much for being so invested in our success. I am eagerly waiting for tonight's call. I am relieved that you are taking time off with your family. I think that if we could tap into your energy with the wattage that you produce we could end our dependance on foreign oil! As for the new freinds... the more the merrier, welcome to the family.