
Flying last week, Dean had a very interesting talk with the passenger seated next to him. The man was in the business of helping people when they experience some type of mental or emotional life challenge.
During their chat, he shared a secret with Dean that was mind blowing. After 32 years of experience, there was ONE thing he cited as the biggest culprit that can mess up everything for a person. Apparently, none of us are immune, but it can be avoided.
Watch and see if you're at risk or if you've already been affected and how to fix it.
I tend to wake up each day
I tend to wake up each day with a different perspective on reality. One day I'm pumped to get up and go make some deals happen and the next it doesn't feel as important to me. But I do notice what I tell myself each day has an effect on what I'm going to accomplish that day. I'm a huge fan of positive self talk.
Great Blog
Self reflection
Dean, thank you for another uplifting positive message!
I find I look at myself one way and see what I'm going to accomplish, I'm able to do it until I have my naysayer come in and tell me I shouldn't be doing this, but rather that, this is what you should focus on not that, you're never going to get done, you should do it this way, not that, and ad naseum... just overpowers all that self talk of positiveness. I can be very proud of all I've gotten done and then it all turns around when all the things I haven't gotten done yet are pointed out to me in a scolding way and I'm pointed out as 'inadequate'. I have tried ignoring this and blocking it out, walking away and such, but it all subconsciously sits there. I wish there was a way for me to just forget about all the negative things this person says, but because I have heard it for years and years I find it difficult to block it out. There has to be a way to overpower all the years of negative things said to me; after all they're just words, but I have yet to figure out how to permanently get them out of my head, especially when similar words keep being repeated to me.
Being successful in REI has really given me a great boost in my life, and knowing that despite everything in this economy I have still been able to do deals with your teaching, resources and guidance means a tremendous amount to me. I am thankful and grateful you, the SA, this website and the wonderful family here are there for me to look to and turn to when I need it most. Its been quite a lifeline for me.
First let me say, Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!
It is true, what we tell ourselves to be true, will turn out to be the truth. I always believe that you have to find the positive in everything. If you don't find the positive, so many things can bring you down.
Also, don't forget, you can make time for whatever you want in life. We just tell ourselves that it is ok, to not read the book, or not put in the offer, or not call that realtor. But that is just making US feel better, when all we are doing is hurting ourselves.
Keep the positive in your life. Even though it can get hard and sometimes the stress and pressure can get to you, be the one that sees through it all and keep walking forward.
Good luck to all and keep on pushing towards those dreams.
You can do it.
Carpe Diem - Stacey
Hmmmm ? ? ?
You certainly are a very good teacher Dean. Thank you for this message. Just yesterday I e-mailed my brother and one of the statements I made to him was that I do not know how to get past this mental block that keeps me from doing what I want and need to do. I have been dumbfounded. You have actually spelled out the answer to the problem several times and several ways in your books and especially "Totally Fulfilled". The clearest simplest way you have given is to just "jump in". Another person on this sight said to get out of your own way. When we focus we have to think about what we are doing and why we are doing it. The statement that I make over and over again in my mind is that there must be something wrong with me. Now I know there is nothing wrong with me that a good swift kick in the behind from someone who cares would fix. So next I have to say I care about me and need to bring the hammer down on myself to get the job done. I have been out looking for a job to take the edge off and to be able to pay for food and utilities. Nobody wants to hire someone who is 63. So I turned to myself and said you already have 2 jobs if you would just do them. They are YOUR BODY - its systems fitness consultant and Minimac Enterprises Inc. REI . Its true that if you tell yourself something often enough or if others continually tell you something over and over you come to believe it. I am friends with a couple 10 years older than me and they do not believe in this REI stuff. I also think they do not take me seriously when I tell them I am going to do real estate. Its time for me to take myself seriously, make the business plans, market myself and thereby market my business. I wonder how much thought you put into it the first time you set out to hug and kiss a girl. Some of us don't like to get in the cold pool water and spend a lot of time on the edge before we jump in.
Great blog today Dean. You gave us all something to think about. I appreciate you and your time. Have a Happy Father's Day and enjoy your little ones.
Now thats a DEEP spicy meatball! LOL
Wow Dean, what another great way to kick off a new week with a totally different strategy. This is definitely one of the reasons why I love coming here to DG.com and to not only gain wisdom on REI, but to take away life long lessons that apply to us as human beings. It really is amazing to take what we think and what we say, and analyze the heck out it to the core. Now in this case, since this blog is REALLY important for all of us, whether we're beginners or experts, I feel that this is the time where we either need to change our thinking so our reality is what we actually want it to be. Or we simply just continue doing what works for us and hopefully its successful for ALL of us. I'd say it was definitely a blessing for you to have sat next to such a wise man who taught this to you, and a blessing for all of us to have been taught this as well!
Its really great to hear that Joplin will be receiving the gracious check soon and will be on their way to pick up their lives again. Again, I wanna thank you and Matt for doing that. It really makes all the difference giving back, and for me personally it really strengthens my character and makes me wanna be a blessing even more for others. Thanks again so much Dean for another fantastic blog, I really enjoyed thinking outside the box on this one. Happy Father's Day btw and I hope you enjoy your wonderful day with your family. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Happy Father's Day and thanks for taking the time to share another weekly video blog with all of us.
In life we meet people each and everyday of our lives. Those conversations may stay with us and we may reflect on them during our life. Whether it is a plane ride, train ride or we are just in line at the local grocery store. It is funny that when we open up and listen to others "words of wisdom" how they may assist or direct us when we may need it the most.
Each day there can be challenges or triumphs and the choice is up to us how we view and deal with each. As you had stated we create our own realities. It is time for all of us to make our dreams our reality!......PERCEIVE ~ BELIEVE ~ ACHIEVE!
We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Just what I need
Happay Father's Day Dean and to all the great dads out there in my DG family
I've been meditating a lot lately lately and this is the exact message I personally needed to remember. To get out of my own way and realize I'm worth the "better" more fulfilled life that I dream about. Only I can do it for myself and to focus. So thank you for helping me to remember that
is sometimes the missing ingredient in our realities. I think this is often the case when we perceive others' opinions, words, and negative attitudes holding us back - the naysayers. Well, we can't change them all, but we have to forgive them. I've been taught that forgiveness is less for the offender than for the offended. When we forgive, we free ourselves of the pain, the grudge, the boulder in our way. How many times do we have to forgive someone? 70 times 7 is the Scriptural answer. In other words, we decide to forgive today and it just doesn't take in our souls, so we have to do it again tomorrow, the next day and the next, until like a stubborn stain - it is finally gone. Then our reality is clean and we can move ahead.
Dean, thanks for another great lesson. I wish we could meet up and chat now and then - but the videos are a nice substitute.
First of all Happy Father's
First of all Happy Father's Day Dean, hope you have many many more! Great blog, this gives you something to think about.
Thank you Dean
And Happy Father's Day to you and the other Father's here at DG.com.
I believe 100% in what you said in your blog this week Dean about reality. Each of us have the same 24 hours in a day. That is a reality. What we chose to do with that time is the difference with us all. I chose to do positive things in my life, like go to church, read Dean's books, spend time with my family and the DG Family.
I know a lot of people in my line of work do not want people to know what we do. Do to bad experiences that others have had with law-enforcement. I work at a county jail in California and I deal with murderers, rapist, people that hurt kids, alcoholics and drug addicts everyday. Some officers go to work and say I wish I did not have to deal with these people today. I go to work with the hope that I can change someones life today. Same job different reality. Sorry to get off on me but I get what you are saying Dean and all of us can change the reality that we live in for the good.
Thank you Dean for this site and the DG Family.
Great as Always Dean
I do believe that the majority of people out here have or have had negative family members in their life at one time or another. Everyone handles it differently. Dean you came from a negative childhood from what I've read but you treated it differently than most, you turned your life into a wonderland, and that's what I'm in the process of doing with my life.
Thank you so very much for all the positive things you say every week to us.
Karen in Norfolk
Great inspirational message,
perception is a very important part of everyone's daily life. We all need to be reminded of this once in a while.
Happy Father's Day
Great message for a great day!! Also, if you're going thru a blues moment you can always visit this site and re-review any of the previous video blogs...kinda like a booster shot!!
Hope you had a great day with the kids Dean!!
Happy Father's Day
Good job and happy father's day. Still trying to believe after my partner took me for everything!
Reality vs. Our Perception
Dean, it is a wonderful reminder to keep my head on straight. Sometimes, life can be so hard that it almost makes my get up and go to got up and went. These reminders help keep me focused and rededicated to the direction I chose to go 6 years ago. Yes, many of the people that I have told about what my ambition is and what I am working on have responded with a negative comment and how bad things are and what a bad time to do real estate. I have tuned them out with an internal reminder to myself about the truth, but every time I hear those comments it chips away at my resolve. I continually come back to DG.com to get my batteries charged up again. I am sure we all need that encouragement. I have been told that one negative requires 20 compliments to overcome the effect of that one bad comment. I am thankful that this community is always here to help and your weekly blog is there to review anytime. Again - Thank you and I hope you and everyone here had a wonderful Father's Day.
Shrink talk
That is good study mind and Subconsciousness question that never thought about it !!!
This sure is sound advice.!! I know for sure that things changed dramaticaly when I DECIDED to change my reality!!.I percieved that I could learn how to make money in real estate and that is exactly what happened.EVERY blog,every book I read, every wisdom gained on this site and every thought in my head is a percieved as though it IS GOING TO HAPPEN! !!!............NOT MAYBE OR WHAT IF OR IM NOT SURE
My reality NOW is I can make ANYTHING HAPPEN!!!
We get wisdom, encouragement,plans to execute, paths to follow and more......BUT IF OUR REALITY doesn't change ......then we r spinning our wheels.......and if you can figure out how to change it then.......AWESOME......YOU ARE GOING SOMEWHERE!!!!
Great Blogs Just Keep on Coming
Thanks for another great blog. I love watching these every Monday morning. They always inspire me in some way.
I have always believed that being positive in life's challenges is the most powerful mental tool we have. Years ago I used an acronym to keep me positive and have forgotten about it until this blog. The acronym is PMA, meaning Positive Mental Attitude. I had it posted where I could see it to remind me to stay positive. I'm resurrecting that acronym starting today and putting it where I will see it again.
Thanks again for the inspiration!!! --Dave
Great inspiration Dean, You are a very insightful man. This has made my 54 year old self think and realize what reality we create can change us.
Two dogs fighting
Hey Dean,
This is my first official post. I felt compelled to add to your great motivational message. Many years ago I heard a story on the radio. I was a sales rep and had plenty of time in the car to listen to radio. Here is the short story:
There was once a missionary who went to a small village. He was sitting with the tribal medicine man talking. He asked the medicine man a "simple" question, "What is your life like?"
The medicine man replied, "All our lives are like two dogs fighting- one good and the other evil.
This prompted another question from the missionary - "Which one is winning?"
And the medicine man said, "The one I let."
It is true and very simple, whatever our mindset is will rule our perception. And, perception is reality. Take control of your reality - help the good dog win in your life.
Thanks Dean
Great words of wisdom! I have come upon hard times and I have been creating a new reality for myself right now. If I didn't set my mind to a positive new reality I would be depressed and hopeless. Please pray for me and all others out there that need your words of wisdom. Thanks!
When a Skewed reality becomes comfortable
Having the right wife, right career, right friends, right house, right vehicle, right environment, right god, all is good right? Life is like having a car with four good tires, all is good until we have one go flat. Self centered living works for a while, and all appears good, the truth is that people want to be comfortable and will resist anything that would be uncomfortable, such as change. The Truth is that the world is constantly changing. I have learned that the one thing that people are really seeking is to have is a foundation that is unshakable no matter what storms may arise. The two men in your example of the car accident is a good example of this, the first man had the skewed reality he was UPSET and ANGRY, facing 'a major change', his vehicle was no longer 'right'. The second man had a grounded reality and knew that 'things' can be fixed or replaced and was THANKFUL that no one was injured. I would rather be THANKFUL than UPSET and ANGRY, and I am thankful everyday for that Unshakable Foundation that I have in Jesus Christ!
Thank you Dean, your Grandfather Love's you, and cares, be blessed!
Nathan Black
Your right once again!! This is something we definitely must think about. We were taught and grow up with our parents reality and now we must make our own "realities". "Realities" keep changing along with the "times". This is a great message. Thanks again.
Muchas gracias y Dios te bendiga always!
Good morning Dean, great message to star my day. Firstable sorry if my English is not perfect but I will try to do my best.
After having a very hard time started 3 years ago and doing another entreprenuer business with a Natural Health and Enviroment Company, I decided to start working on my Real Estate and Investment Business very soon.
It is very appreciated all your motivation and teaching that you provided to your followers.
Please keep working on it, even though I can not start doing anything because of money and health reasons at this time. But I'm studing!.
Also I need you to help me to get a decision? I do have Mortgage Loan, Real Estate Listings, Purchases and Short Sales experience)my daughter is a Realtor, I used to work for Countrywide and Chase Home Loans, and help my daughter as an assistant on her transactions.
But Iam studing to get my California Real Estte Licence very soon, I finished all my courses to get the licence already, just getting prepared to take the california test, but I hear from one of your students that having a Real Estate License has more Liabilities and makes a little more difficult to be an Investor. Is this true, please give me your truly opinion because my interest is better to became an investor for the near future.
Thank you so much and hope to hear directly from you very soon. Blessings. Evelyn Dominguez
I know it sounds redundant, but I need these blogs man!!! Everything you said on this blog applies to me. I refuse to get out of my own way! I wont give up. Thanks Dean.
A good start to this week
Thanks for your blog. It's a great start for this week, because it should cause each of us who are dragging our feet to actually get moving. If I KNOW I can make real estate work to rebuild my retirement that I lost can you just imagine what people younger than I have in their future if they take action? I encourage everyone dragging their feet (me included) to take heed, face their reality, FIX IT, and move forward. Thanks, again, Dean.
Great, Great Lesson!
Hey Dean,
Thanks again for the great lesson. It's sooooo true! What we look for we get.
Warm regards,
I like the information you're giving it really makes me think I use to tell people "its not who you are its who you think you are " your message is "kinda" the same. What amazes me is how good a teacher you really are. At least thats what I got out of it. EDGAR
One wave said to the other, " I've...
...heard about this thing called the ocean, but I dont believe it, do you?"
We live in story like fish live in water. Reality is built from the stories we tell each other about who we are and why we do what we do. Dont like your reality...change your STORY!
So is your story to acquire more Hummers? Or remember how to "HUM"?
Are you seeking more 'luxury' (more boxes to decorate) or concerned about sustaining abundance of water, land, wilderness and air we all share. Remember 3 days w/o clean water and your real estate is irrelevant.
Power of the mind
I very much believe in the power of the mind. Even as a kid my family wud be sick with the flu and I wud tell myself Im not getting sick and 90% of the time I wud stay healthy. I also believe we can train our minds to have confidence that this will work and to have the direction and focus. And if you fail, thats just a bump in the road for a motivated beginning RE investor. Believe and you will achieve.