Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 -

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week you're going to see something completely NEW from Dean.

Now, you're probably thinking, 'yeah sure you tell us that all the time.' well, yes I do, but have I ever lied?

No, and I ain't starting now. So if you want to get really excited about your future, then watch this. And LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO DEAN knows his effort is worth it. Eye-wink

I'm buying properties for you?

Thanks so much for the info...I really look forward to becoming wealthy w/your help.


Hi Dean,

Thanks for caring so much in trying to help the new REIs out. Im so excited i cant stand it, I want so bad to make a deal happen, and with your help I know it will happen. I wish i had the money to enroll in your coaching system, but my financial situation is very scary right now. I just found out im getting laid off for 6 weeks, and at this point i will be lucky to pay my rent and bills. I will keep reading your emails and books, and watching your blogs because they inspire me and keep me motivated. I know one day i will make it to the top. I just gotta stay positive and know that i can do this! Thank you so much for all you do=)

p.s Im located in Fort Worth Tx. I hope you make it this way someday so I can meet you.

Hey Dan and Everyone

SarahOnHerWayToSuccess's picture

That sound a great Dan. With our money the way it is and trying to make end meat here. I have been off track here i have not done anything can not find buyers been posting adds nothing keep getting calls just hang up with in 38 sec of the call. I so sick of things are with me i have falling down just get myself up here to do anything. And the way it is i wish there were some kind of light at end were i don't have to see the dark anymore. Thank you Dan and Everyone working hard on this. Sarah

we want "killer deals" !

dglloyd's picture

We are so in---send the killer deals our way! Can't wait to see what is coming next!


jd.amico's picture

Looking forward!

ok im getting excited dean again

alaska1971's picture

i am getting excited thinking about the possiblitlies, alaska???

i can't wait !!!


whenever i find myself down, you always bring my spirits up with a positive message. i love the challenges and now this. can't wait to hear more.

all of y'all are awesome !!!!


Sounds Amazing!

Flip_Kid's picture

Great blog once again Dean!!

I am definitely looking forward to learn more about this funding program you are working on as well as any future brainstorming sessions. Anything to take my business to a higher level is a must! Especially if it's from you and your team!

Happy Investing,


blackboard's picture

I love your weekly blog,just seeing you and the other master minds in the same room together,on my lab top,I can just feel the power,I'm a slow learner,I'm still looking for my first deal,but I KNOW WITH YOU AND the other top students behind me,it will happen,thanks dean!

Over the Edge

Valiant's picture

You never stop surprising me. It's like your on 5-hour enery, 24/7.

Your ideas are over the edge and always fresh and exciting.

Can't wait to hear more about what you have planned.

I'm down for sure!

cwanajaya's picture

Good stuff as always, Thank you Dean.
I'll see you guys at the top!

Chris W

Hey Dean sounds great can't

Hey Dean sounds great can't wait. with you funding the deal i know this is finally my year


chickx729's picture

Every time I watch your blogs I literally "feel" that you are the real deal. I live in West central Wisconsin, (near the Twin Cities). It seems like many people here are very traditional in their thinking about real estate investing. I am still working on trying to find those buyers and deals. I really want to blow the lid off the market here. I think that the upper midwest could be a goldmine because it seems like this area is overlooked. I would be so honored and SUPER excited if you and Matt would consider this area. Time is of the essence for us for various reasons but mostly health concerns for my husband. He has has been the best provider a woman could ask for the 30 years we've been married. Now I want to help him and allow him to retire before he can't work anymore. You guys are awesome! Such a great idea, I get goose bumps thinking about what you are doing. I am convinced you were born into your family so you would be inspired to help others!! Way to go.
Very sincerely,

Reply to Your Image

Thanks for your invitation. This time, perhaps, your invitation is real and that you REALLY could provide us the starting loan to purchase our first property through your organizations' guidance. We'll see. Right now, your offer to provide your money therefore, lending it to us in need of funds to start our first real estate ownership is truly a blessing. If this is real- we borrowers will be most grateful and faithful of course to your assistance. Thanks in advance. Betty D

Great stuff guyes

Orgalia's picture

This sounds amazing. I am looking forward to hearing what you guys do with this. If you are ever around the Portland Oregon Area I would love to hear about it. I would love to hear from the pros and get the down and dirty on this business. I keep trying just haven't gotten one yet. Thanks.


thanks for this great idea, can't wait God bless you all... M. MUSTAFA,,

Thanks Dean

Thanks Dean for sending this information. I have not started yet but I am looking forward to getting started. I live in the Washington DC area and I see a lot but I feel stuck right now. I am excited about getting this rolling.


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This week you're going to see something completely NEW from Dean.

Now, you're probably thinking, 'yeah sure you tell us that all the time.' well, yes I do, but have I ever lied?

No, and I ain't starting now. So if you want to get really excited about your future, then watch this. And LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO DEAN knows his effort is worth it. Eye-wink

hmmm...what's cooking?:)

well this truly sounds very very interesting! Sign me up!

Lets do it!!!

Hey, thanks Dean for all your inspiration and kind advice i'm looking forward to doing deals with you guys keep the good work. thanks kam!!

This is such an awesome opportunity

Jogden's picture

I think that this will provide such an awesome opportunity to all of us. I would love to be involved in this.

Thank you so much Dean

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

This opportunity means a lot to me. The funny thing is that i was gonna suggest that very idea to you Dean, but i didn't want to sound like a lazy bum.

This video has made my day. i can't wait to make this happen.

God Bless you and everyone on this website.

I mean that from the bottom of my heart, all of you guys help me a lot. Even though i did not get into my first deal yet, I know my dreams of becoming a rich successful creative real estate investor is right around the corner.


James L. Kendrick's picture

Now you did it looks like the bigest response ever.

Jim Kendrick

Thank you so much Dean, I am

Thank you so much Dean, I am so excited to hopefully be involved in this new adventure, i need to get to the next level just dont know how to get there HELP if you can

Please Count Me In

Thank you again, Dean!!!!
I need all the help I can get.
You and your team are wonderful.
Best wishes always.


I think the idea to help students in their area of the country is great! Hope I can be a part of it.

Sounds great!

Rick888's picture

I'm interested in hearing more about the private money aspect Dean mentioned. I'm always looking forward to anything you guys have for us. Thanks as always!


Definitely excited

cherizee's picture

Your ideas sound great! I'm very new to this and haven't made my first deal yet, but am with the Success Academy. I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you planning for those of us who are interested. Thanks so much! Please add me to your list!

Your energy is amazing. I am

Your energy is amazing. I am looking forward to see what you and your team come up with.

Aloha Dean & Matt

Wow Dean and Matt!
Sounds like an exciting brainstorm meeting and training you have in progress. Thank you for the opportunity to helping us, your students make deals happen. You always talk about the tremendous opportunities and it’s great to hear banks and yourself willing to finance deals you are working on. Coming from Hawaii, it would be great to learn how to get involved with deals in the MidWest. We will look forward to learning more in the days to come. Mahalo and God bless you.
Randy & Julie

I'm interested

Please tell me more about how it will work. Thanks.