If you are not at least a little uncomfortable in your real estate endeavors, you probably need to step up your game. Joe's message here is if you are willing to do what others won't today, you can do what others can't tomorrow.
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Awesome JOe!
Always love to hear you!
Getting uncomfortable
IS A MUST !! Joe is right , if we stay in our comfort zone we will NEVER get out of our recliner !! Burrr it's time to start MOVING and taking action !!
Thanks Joe
Thanks for this today Joe!!! Just what I needed to start my day off RIGHT!!! I'm willing to do what others WON'T!! I believe I'll Achieve!!
Helo Joe
Thanks for sharing these great tips.
I have made a commitment to sacrifice all I got to succeed in real estate.
I have NEVER going to give up on my dreams. Each day I do something that will bring me one step closer to my dream.
As I am typing this post, I am in the library because I wanted to stay far away from my comfort zone. I already added one buyer through a realtor this morning and my goal today is to add more buyers to my pipeline via calling REA's.
I know the problems which I am facing right now has made me more stronger and I have gained more confidence in myself.
My favorite Quote Today: "If we are going to ascend, we have to have higher thoughts; we have to have a higher way of living. Choose today to ascend in your thoughts so you can ascend in your life and receive the blessings the Lord has in store for you!"-Joel Osteen
All the best investing
Awesome, Excellent * * * * *
I thank God for you Joe. Your delivery of information about being and getting uncomfortable is timely and much needed. You are the best. Being uncomfortable and not wanting to be uncomfortable has been a real barrier for me. It isn't just an obstacle but a full on barrier. Here lately I have been trying a few different things that I never considered before just trying to make some money so that I can stabilize my financial condition. Those things that I have been trying are outside of REI but the actions all tie in. In short what I am doing is all about personal development. I wish I could find a way to download this message so that I could listen to it over and over again and not have in get lost in the computer being hard to find. I am going to replay this several times and make good notes so that I can constantly remind myself of all the awesome things you talked about. This is so good. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Diane
Thanks Joe!
Thanks Joe for ALL your information to help the rest of the DG family. You really keep me grounded.
Hello DGers,
Thank you for the feedback and I am happy to share any tips, techniques and golden nuggets helping you along the way on your real estate adventure. You can do this if you set your mind to it! Take advantage of all the tools and then go out there and apply what you have learned. You are not alone when you have Dean and so many other DGers that are sharing great information everyday. Go make it a great day by making every day count! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Hi Joe, thank you soooo much
Hi Joe, thank you soooo much for all the motivation you give us investors in this business.... You and your wife are an inspiration to a lot of us. thank you....
Hi Joe I love what ever you talk about , I love uncomfortable situations and as you say thats where we grow.Your my kind of partner amd mentor, love your attitude.I keep stepping out of my uncomfort zone even further, love you Joe and thanks, Jim
people are telling me not to get in real estate..Because of the down market and a lot of people are losing their jobs real estate was a good investment Not anymore..Joe this is really pulling me down..my family and friends and coworkers are saying real estate is bad investment in today's market.Help me..
Wow Joe you really did a great student weekly wisdom!
Hey Joe,
I've seen you a few times and wow I really needed this today.
Every word you spoke was so useful to me.
Much Thanks to you!
Hey Joe!
Always great to see your videos, thank you all the great wisdom!
This is indeed true. What
This is indeed true. What gives you trouble today may give you pleasure tomorrow. You just have to be patient and work hard.
Great words of wisdom!
Joe, thank you for always telling it like it is. I am one who had done only two deals, but haven't given up yet. I do have enough knowledge to continue moving forward and haven't given up, but need to realize that it may become more difficult at times before ours easier, so i have to be willing to face those paths also. I definitely will! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Good bless!
Great words of wisdom!
Joe, thank you for always telling it like it is. I am one who had done only two deals, but haven't given up yet. I do have enough knowledge to continue moving forward and haven't given up, but need to realize that it may become more difficult at times before ours easier, so i have to be willing to face those paths also. I definitely will! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Good bless!