Other Real Estate Experts Products

As you guys can imagine our office is flooded weekly with other Real Estate Experts emails and/or products that show up that they want us to offer to you. The truth is we decided years ago that we simply would not do it.. But recently some of the products coming through are really, really good and do different parts of real estate, or offer programs that we do not. So as a team we are thinking that if we screen the real estate expert and the product thoroughly and it passes our strict guidelines we would make it available to you... Love to have your thoughts on this...

You're the expert on this

lrababao's picture

You're the expert on this, everybody will just follow. I really admire your being an openmind and not consider yourself to have the "Monopoly of Knowledge" in REI, still you are willing to listen to others. I notice that since I joined this site and everytime you interview other members even the newbies, you always listen. Go ahead, you got the support of your DG Family.

Other Real Estate Experts Products

Jmaldona's picture

My gut feeling was right. I answered the survey question as: " No don't offer anyones products to us but yours"

without looking at every bodies comments. And I am seeing that a great majority of the survey answers were in line with mine.

So I think there is a general feeling that we trust you and your products. We would not like the DG site to become an affiliate of many other internet sites.

Be well,


what the blank is a guru and is this a self proclaimed title because my experience with a so called guru is one that has lied cheated and
miss lead me and others for the so purpose of personal gains and this is done on a wide scale
through out the internet (95% or more) and no matter how one might want to surger coat it or what color they choose to paint it we all know there has been many people who have did exactly
step by step what they were told to do with the same results? all along the guru knew that it was all in vain

Trial offers...

CAM's picture

I voted to first try in once and see what kind of results are gained by having other DG members try the product. As long as the DG team has gone through it first and really tested it to make sure it worked in real time.

One thing you could do to perhaps sweeten the deal for DG members, is offer to send them said product for free just have them cover shipping to try it risk free and see what results are netted.

other real estate products

I've had exposure to many "Gurus" from Carleton Sheets,Russ Whitney,Robert Allen,AD Kessler,Ron LeGrand and some others. All have their own way of presenting Real Estate investing with some obvious overlap of concepts. Like any lecture, take what's good and leave the rest or you will be overwhelmed by detail. With the very high prices of these various "boot camps" that they all offer, each one trying to get you to sign up for more boot camps or an even more expensive "mentor" program and getting you to sign your life away with credit card debt,liquid asset accounts or selling off your first born in order to attend these multiple boot camps especially to people who can least afford it. The DG philosophy is a more comforting atmosphere and seems to involve many of the student success stories and wannabes on a daily basis on his site. Most Guru sites are essentially over once they get your money for whatever course. They relentlessly pursue you in class or via telephone/email until they get you to take another course(s) (which they always do). Stay with DG as his courses and books will allow you to stay solvent unlike the others and more personable too. I don't think that there is a reason to bring on "foreign" real estate vendors to dilute the DG quality. Maybe a library list of great books to learn by and augment our own learning experience discussing specific real estate venues ie. lease options,assignments etc. written by various real estate experts. That's my take on the whole thing!

Hi Dean & Staff, here's the

Hi Dean & Staff, here's the bottom line I think in all reality:
Unquestionably, there other great resources out there - absolutely!
But get on one list and before you KNOW IT - you are being inundated
left and right by this product, and that course, and this guru. It's way out
of hand and beyond! You know this to be true. However, to have your
trusted endorsement on a resource that you have scrutinized via highly
selective criteria, could also be beneficial. My top suggestion is that you
consider making a special section on your website for "Highly Recommended Products & Resources" whereby those who are interested - can check them out, become informed and educated, and proceed if they like. However, the One thing you absolutely DO NO'T want to do (that so many, and way too many other gurus do, is to start sending MORE emails about this webinar, and that course, and this guru.... that the quickest way to not only get people to UNsubscribe, but I believe it scatters focus and ultimately shows a lack of integrity of leadership!

Other Real Estate Products

I think some of the Real Estate products or services could add to helping get a home sold. For instance I have worked with a man that does land contracts. It get the house sold on a contract with credit reporting, and after 12-18 months the house can be refinanced. It is like leasing your home that is for sale for a few months and then at the end you are paid for your home. I think it is a good think you can tell me what you think.


Elena M's picture

I know that other gurus offer each other's products because they get a percentage of the sales. This is what set you apart from them. You offer only your own products that you stand behind. While I understand that it's another way for you to make residual income, but on the flip side, I get bombarded by so many gurus that do that for each other it's getting annoying now.
Freedom soft is a perfect example of that... I got 6-8 emails a day from everyone trying to promote it, even on Facebook, that I just started unsubscribing from their lists because it was too much. I'd hate to see you jump on that band wagon too.

It's worth a try..

Jose Munoz Sierra's picture

it don't hurt to try something new, but to tell you the truth I wouldn't know if I would even pay attention to it since I'm more focused towards my DG team that I just wouldn't know if I could believe and trust the products as much as Dean's..

Other Real Estate Experts Products

First,we have to be clear as to definition of "Experts".

What criteria is used in difining who's one and who is not?

Who decides that criteria?

Is an expert anyone who claims to be one? Or is it one whom how many others claim that of?

Is one "man's" expert another "man's" fool?

Oh! Grass hoppers (no pun intended) has it not been written: Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Hence the implication of at least looking at the fruits each one bears (RE products).

If one looks at a tree with succulent appearing fruit, and is tempted to eat thereof, it is first wise to contemplate it along with that from which it comes from. The tree is(Guru).

Do many birds and others come to rest and eat?
Do they build their own foundations (nests) upon The tree's strong branches?

In Colombia we have a saying:

Tell me who you hang around, and I'll tell you who you are.

Everything including Real Estate, is about people, about honesty, and about trust.

So one can choose to look at the product (fruit) offered by the Guro (tree), and in doing so look at history of its benefits to recepients (investors).

Then one is in a much better position to make own intelligent choice about degree of investment desired.Smiling

Real Estate Product Offers

I think what we really need is for someone to test these products and give an unbiased opinion of the good, the bad, and the run the other way.

I have a important question as to making bank deals work

Today I got a email from my real estate agent today saying that I can't make a deal with the bank because once a piece of property goes to the lisiting agent you can't make a deal with the bank, And then she told me I can't deal with the Bank until the property is 90 Day's on the market! I almost dropped my SODA on the floor.
I'm new and she's on the listing agent's side I know I can justifly my knowlege from the book exsposing the flaws of the home to make sense to the bank.
Can anybody help me out!

RE: Other Products

Dear Dean,

Almost nearly 2 yrs. ago, I invested thousands of dollars on RE Education and it was very good, but to date, have not done any real estate deals because I'm too afraid. Since I bought your 2 books "Profit and RE Millionaire, I actually feel the fear leaving me for the first time. I am really attempting to take action, but there is so much information in your books and from all the successful testimonials and previous ed I have received and continue still today to receive, if I get anymore from anyone else, I think I will scream. I have to get out there and do something to prove that I can and having more info from someone else will only bog me down and I will never get going. I have never been more anxious to get started than since I began reading your books. With the bazillion ?'s I continue to have, you know, analysis paralysis, if I don't take action now, I never will and having more info from someone else will only hinder me. When I do get going, it will be the push I get from you and hearing about all your students and their successes. Pray for me to get going! Thanks. Patti

Absolutely Not!!!

The internet is bombarded with all kinds of real estate "gurus" selling their products and most of them are junk!!! It appears that real estate "gurus" are selling training courses to make money instead of actually doing real estate deals. The trend right now is that most of the "real estate gurus" are getting together and forming an alliance to sell their products to students among their email list. I'm so sick and tired of the real estate guru community peddling their products to their email lists. However, Dean, you are different and not like the others. Don't give in and be just like every other gurus out there. Be unique and stay above the fray.


I found my answer in the book about finding the right agent.

Sorry for my last post I found my answer in profit from real estate right now.
Thank's Dean.

Other RE Product?

alfdalsr's picture

Good Idea! If you can find Ideas from others in the business that cantribute to the beterment of our RE experience, I wellcome it.



" The toolbox "

There come's a time when every-one is issued a toolbox to use to fix thing's that go wrong in our live's,but when we find that right tool it become's our favorite tool,then we hit a snag in the road and need another tool for our toolbox,just to find that it is not there,then a Friend let's you use a tool from his toolbox to help you around the snag,but if the tool breaks while you are using it you are responsible for the repair of that tool... In essence is what i am saying here is , that is ok to use someone elses tools to make your job easier ,But remember the one tool that started you on your path ! I will go with this quote ---> "There's nothing to be gained by second guessing yourself,can't we make the past,to look ahead,or risk being left behind" <---This quote to me means if we start second guessing ourselve's and don't have the right tool in our box when we need it then we will be left behind wondering what if we had that second tool to help us to move forward. . .

Less is More, FOCUS, is the Key to Action!

powerpromoter's picture

I believe the Dean Graziosi system is more than sufficient to empower its users to
invest in real estate successfully with the appropriate effort and time investment as proven by all the success stories from students.

It's true there there are other tools and experts that can complement existing training, BUT.....

I must vote NO.

Infroducing new products/services from other sources will dilute ones focus and raise questions as too which methods are better to investing and could lead to.....
ANALYSIS PARALYSIS especially for those starting in business...

In fact, inundating students with other material that may differ in style and delivery from Deans style will delay the learning process, and more importantly the time it takes one to muster the courage and confidence to take Action....

In this business as in any other, FOCUS is key and DG is doing an exceptional job at rendering focus along with the necessary principles and tactics for succeeding in real estate, and as evident by the majority of the people responding to this topic, it'd be best to stick with what is already working and continue building the DG forums to increase our collective intelligence through our experiences and success stories.

The point is: Less is More....FOCUS is Key...Smiling

DG we appreciate your uniqueness and desire to empower and improve peoples lives through real estate, Thank You.

Not sure if it a good ideal.

matlock31's picture

I thing other products would lead to conflict of interest. I dont know but that's just what I feel. soon you have people talking about this book and that book and etc. It like shopping for a loaf of bread at the store. 10 diffrent brands and they all taste the same. So you either spend your time tryin each one or you just stay with the bread you always trust and love.

While you may have the front

While you may have the front running knowlege base, I would hate to think that you had the mindset 'there is nothing left to learn'. Just as what you know comes from bits and pieces of ideas and things that worked for you, sometimes a small piece of another formula produces great results. That being said, I believe if it isn't broke don't fix it.

other products

No, I don't think you should incorporate or endorse others products at DG. I feel our investment is in Dean/you because of who YOU are and how you make us feel. I think you would be taking a chance to lose some of the trust, caring and love you have built for being YOU!

God Bless.........

New Product Survey

I trust you and your team Dean. If you think it is something that will help us all in our real estate investing then I'm all for it. Just make sure that you yourself go through it and give it your seal of approval.


Yes I have heard of them and signed up with them,but have not been able to meet the standard of the type of buyer they are looking for. Which is alot more than Dean tell you to do. They basicly deal with assignment deals that are 30percent below fair market and not more than 40percent of marker price for repairs,low crime areas etc.
This group of investors bid on the contract, and offer 2-10percent finder's fee if it is a Green Light Acquistion (GLA). In my experience you cannot deal with foreclosure with program unless you have good credit, due to the banks wanting pre-approve or proof of funds. when I callle Americo they that none of their investor network would due w/o a (GLA) submitted to them.

What could they offer that Dean hasn't?

lisabksb's picture

People come to Dean's site because they trust him... period. That's why I come to it, buy his books, etc. I've bought books, courses, etc for years and Dean is the ONLY one that tells you how to ACTUALLY invest in real estate, step-by-step. I'm talking about the little details in deal that makes the difference.

If the other experts had the information, they could have done the same thing, but buying from them made me feel they were looking out for their pockets and left me feeling swindled.

Dean genuinely wants to help people and he is rewarded for that. What's the saying, if you help enough people get what they want, they will help you get what you want. The other experts haven't HELPED enough people... Dean has.

The DG Community is a special community, it's not like anything else and my fear is that because of the success and popularity, that it will become commercialized and will lose that 'homey' feel that made it what it is.

Other RE products

Although there are quality products out there it's a tough call. It's taking a chance of opening Pandora's box. Not only will you dilute your own brand, but you will open up the door of your competitor who can then turn around and say you've endorsed him by offering this product.

My gut feeling is that unless it's EXTREMELY good quality product and something that would help the DG family (something blazing new or not covered here), no go.


I am a new part of your family Dean, but I have
bought several products before, and I won't give any names because I don't know if it will be offensive to anybody, but I think that your product is very good. I have your books and I tried to read as fast as I can, until I discovered that you have them on audio, I had a problem with my eyes but thank God I am doing fine, and with the audios it will be better.
I am with your Academy and is great, buy I think that your books contain a lot of information that I have been missing because of my problem.
Like I said before, I think we are doing fine with you, unless somebody else has a different opinion,(they are entitled to) I think we should continue this way unless you decide something else.
Even your infomercials are great, when I feel that I need a little push I watch them (recorded on my dvr) and there we go start reviewing my notes go to your website, your e-mails etc.
Hope this comment does not offend anybody.

Other GURU's products

AndyS's picture

Hi DG Family:
I am torn on this idea for a few reasons.
#1- Dean and his team have convinced us that their way will work "in any market" and "in any cycle" ( and I believed them enough to invest all but my last dime in my REI career) so why would we NEED someone else's product?
#2- Possibly someone else has come up with an easier way to acheive my goal.
#3- We have all put our faith in Dean Graziosi and his team so why stray?
#4- should we really support the "competition?"
#5- I have found in my work history that there are no "new" ideas just new ways of using old ideas. Think about it, how many products have you seen on the market lately that do something that has NEVER been done before? (I'm thinking back to... the light bulb... because even computers have been around since ancient Roman times.) If you have something that works, do you really need yet another product that only acheives the same goal you've already met?
and finally,
#6- with so many people out there just out to make a buck from the unlearned, how can we trust that someone else out there really has our interest at heart as Dean seems to? (Remember Bernie Madoff?)

So I try to follow my standing rule "If something is broken, use a proven way to fix it. (You could spend a lifetime trying to prove something works.) But...If it ain't broke, DON"T FIX IT!!!"
(For those who think this is a narrow way of thinking, open your minds to the bigger picture.)

One last thought... If Dean and his team offer a product that they believe works and it turns out that it's a sham, would they pay all of us who tried it (on their say so) for the damage it caused? I wonder????

Andy Sager (Real Estate Investor)
"We are only broke because we choose to be broke. I will be broke no more!!"

Other Tools

Yes, I trust the DG Experts to evaluate and only offer us what they think will provide value for us RE Investors. It's a big world out there and I'm sure other people have developed some niche products to help us further. THANKS FOR ASKING!!

Other RE product

I think you have a wonderful sincere program. If you think there is something we should look at fine with me. I do trust your judgement. I get so many emails, read the info and delete them, dont know who to trust. You had a policy in place all these years not to get involve. So think twice about changing the policy. Thank you

Other Real Estate Experts Products

MrED's picture

Dean, Your products and training are second to none. Please don't bring other "experts" to muddy the water. Its "you", your advice, your insight, your ability to share that knowledge that brought us here and keeps us comming back.