does anyone know if you need to be a licensed relator in New Orleans for any of deans no money down techniques? Can anyone from Louisiana PLEASE offer some kind of advice. anything would help.


chad.charlie's picture

I'm from New Orleans (Metairie), and live in NYC. I'm investing in New Orleans, looking for single families under 100K right now. I haven't read Dean's book yet, it's on order, but his methods are pretty straight forward. You don't have to be licensed to do anything except represent a client...I'm licensed in NY state, and I used all public access resources to land my Long Island deal.

Did you have a specific action your were curious about?
I found my prospective properties in NOLA on public real estate websites, and looked up the tax info on Jefferson Parish's online database. That also told me the owner, which I searched on Google and found out more info on both.

Let me know how I can help. Metairie is dear to my heart!


How are you doing with your NOLA investing? Just curious as I also want to start investing in that area. I have a friend that is a realor in New Orleans. Let me know, perhaps we can help each other. I live in Texas.
