Hi everybody, Conny here. I just got 4 NC houses under contract, all of them either in Greensboro or High Point or adjacent. Either 2+1, or 3+2 block. A couple of them have minor fire/water damage (inside).... but seemingly nothing too extensive.
Asking prices are between $13K and $21K (net to seller) and include my small assignment fee already. I have other dealings with this investor going, and I'm trying to do him a bit of a favor by marketing some of his cheap rehabs.
Let me know if anybody wants to buy, renovate and sell or rent one of these.
Also, we have currently really nice, inexpensive properties in OK, GA, MD, PA and a few other states.... Can barely keep up updating my biweekly list which goes out to my investor's list. Email me for more info and addresses resp. the state (if you are not interested in NC). Thanks.
(727) 394-4986
What's in GA?
I was just wondering what you got in Ga. for a handyman's special?
GA rehabs
1) Duplex in Macon $32K financed/$26K cash
2) 25 house package, worth $2.8 Million, in greater Atlanta/Macon/W.R. area (13 houses rent ready, rest lite to med rehab) $725K
3) REOs that are in between repossession and going to auction (or not yet listed) ask
4) 2 SFH in Atlanta $29K or $34K (financed) or $23.2K resp. $27.2K cash.
Number 1 and 4 are either owner financed OR cash. Number 3 is cash or HM only (with 10% down at acceptance of offer). And number 4 could be partially owner financed OR cash/line of credit.
Financing will be on land contract, with $2,500 down and monthly payments of $275/$295/$325....
Please, ask for further details.
And whatever a buyer/rehabber wants to buy.... if that's not listed here, I can get it!
PS. .....currently part of our computer data bases, one laptop and the complete phone system is down - we had a little "4 pawed accident named Smoky" that has caused major consequences! We are working to repair it.... in the meantime - please, try to reach us via EMAIL while we are working on restoring or possibly replacing everything that was wrecked!
Land Contract
I need to know more about land contract, which chapter should I read to get all this info.
web site up dated
everything is from 2009,or am i miss understanding