Look out world here we come................Working our way to EDGE 2011 event

Hi everyone , We hope you are all having a wonderful day or evening depending on your geographical locations. It's evening here in NJ, 9pm to be exact.
I'm Terri, my hubby is Russell, we are newbies, and are starting DG RE Success Accademy 7/27/10 WOOOOOO HOOOOO !!!!!! We have decided that RE will be our "Ticket to Ride". We currently work as truck drivers at our current day job, and our goal is to be full time investors by 2/2011. We plan on being at The EDGE 2011 event as one of deans newest success stories, Necker Island is also in our dreamscape. It will be such a rush to be at the EDGE event next year, and we will look foward to meeting everyone who attends, especially to shake hands with the man himself, Dean is the best as far as I'm concerned.
We have read all of his books and are just getting started as investors, (Terri is the buy and hold kid) (Russ is the assignment kid). We're taking baby steps right now but we believe we will soon be running the marathon.
You know what they say " when you put it down on paper or in print that makes it a real goal" .
Living life on our terms is where we will be , no more J.O.B. for Russ and Me paycheck to paycheck is not a fun way to live.
Our joke with each other is that we are gonna be a RE TYPHOON.. a play on RE TYCOON , we want to make a big noise.
Take care everyone.

Failure is not an option.........Carpe Diem

Need cash investors for Las Vegas NV

bluesummerventures's picture

I am looking for homes that are around $30,000- $35,000 under market value. I found 2 that I want to make offers on.Mine am doing a straight flip and will make $26,000 on flip at $105,000 if I get asking price. If I drop price to sell faster it will be less. My agent said worst case I will get $10,000 because I have a lot of padding. My agent is well connected working with 73 investors. She sold last 2 in 10 days. If investors we sell to are willing to carry note there are a lot of buyers waiting with bad credit that need a place to live and have 10-20% down. Many of them are professionals but got into the bad loans. If you have investors happy with 10% ROI for doing nothing. We can pay him back 90 days max. If he or she is happy with that we can split the rest of the profits. Let's say we make $20,000. $10,000 to Private lender, $5,000 to you and $5,000 to me. If we make more that is gravy for us. Let me know what you think. PM me with your contact info.