Let's talk

I think it's time to find out what everybody is up to and if we can network to help each other. That is the idea behind this group. My experience is little to none, but I am willing to learn. I am interested in hearing what progress each of you is making, whether it is reading books and studying, or actually implementing the techniques studied. I live in a rural area, in a small town. I see a lot of properties for sale in this area, but the value hasn't dropped a lot. For a short time, I was contacting realtors on behalf of a short sales specialist. Haven't heard anything out of him for a while, and he is no longer on the dg site. Comment on what you are interested in doing and how you would like to accomplish it.

Lets network

Shellsell's picture

We are just getting started with dg also. We have made it through the books one time and we have joined the success academy. Are finances will only allow us to do bird dogging at this time.
We live at Lake of the Ozarks in Osage Beach, Mo. There are so many beautiful homes that are going into foreclosure and are already up for auction. There are many opportunities to be able to get a deal on a vacation home. We would like to work with an investor on lake homes here at the lake.

Hello Shelly

John Studdard's picture

Waynesville here. Glad there is someone else in Missouri. I was beginning to wonder.

Sounds like most of our

Sounds like most of our group is in the southern half of Missouri. I have to confess, I haven't been 'in the game' myself for quite a while. Now that I am laid off, perhaps that will give me incentive to get busy again. There are many properties for sale in Macon County, but my financial situation won't allow me to put down money myself on anything. So, maybe assignment or sandwich lease is how I should go. Anyone interested? Let me know what you are interested in.

columbia training event

Anybody besides me going to Columbia Oct. 23 for a Real Estate Insiders Financial Education Event?