Hi Everyone!
Let me take a moment to welcome all of our new members! I apologize for taking so long to approve your membership requests.
Unfortunately, I have been dealing with surgeries and illness of my own since about February 2010. I finally was feeling better and ready to get back into life when my brother became ill! I am his caregiver and all my time has been doing what I need to do for him during his illness. I'm still his caregiver, but realize I need to take time out to deal with my health and my life in general. So, I am trying to reorganize and get back in this business.
It's good to be back. I may have to disappear from time to time (dealing with my brother), but I will try to stay in contact.
A note to the new members -- I would like to suggest that you annotate some information to your profile so that we can get an impression of who we are communicating with. You don't have to get real personal with it, just a little something. Thanks.
P.S. You may want to change the name since there is a Baltimore REIA. Suggest "Baltimore DG REI"
Thanks, I never thought about that. Your suggestion is great.