East Valley REI's

Anyone over here in the EV (Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, QC)working the area and having any sucess? I'm trying to get back into the REI game (owned 9 properties back in '98), and looking for someone who has been in the trenches lately during this recession. Would like to talk about some things and see what's out there.

Call me

bluesummerventures's picture


West Valley

Elena M's picture

I'm in the west valley but would be happy to talk to you. You can contact me @ 623-418-6896.
Elena M.

Need experienced partners

Just trying to enter the real estate business and looking for pointers as to how to set up a successful buyers list. If you out there are actively buying properties and willing to mentor a newbe please shoot me an email. or call at (480)5594840 would love to talk.