In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to share with you an opportunity that not many people in the world are going to have. As you know a couple of weeks ago Dean shared with everyone how they could get Brendon Burchard’s new book Motivation Manifesto for FREE.
The only other person Dean has ever promoted and urged you to get their stuff has been Tony Robbins, and after 20 years Tony Robbins has written a new book! A new book that Dean thinks is going to take the world by storm and change the world.
A book that you are going to see on every book shelf, every news station, every talk show for months to come. And because Dean and Tony are so close, Tony agreed to let Dean give out Tony’s new book for free to any of his DG family members. So you now have the opportunity to get Tony’s book FOR FREE before it even comes out in store!
This is a book Dean absolutely loves, written by a person he absolutely loves, and a book he absolutely recommends.
Thanks Dean !! For sharing Tony's book and your connections with us. We are a blessed DG family to be included in something that will make us improve on every level !! WOW it just never stops with you
) how can we not become the best we can be !! Appreciate your giving ability.
Ditto! Thank you Dean for
Thank you Dean for sharing with all of us.
I'm anticipating a great read!
Ordering it right now!!
Thanks Dean for allowing us to be a part of the inner circle with Tony. Attending his event last year truly changed my life. What his video is saying reminds me a bit of how Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich". Brendon's book arrived 2 days ago and I am dying to get it started. These 2 books will mark new achievements for 2015 without a doubt. BUT I can't wait for your forthcoming creation on mindset! No one is like you:)
Thanks Dean! Ordering this one. Got Brendan's too. Really appreciate you sharing with us. Thank you for all you do to help us all be our best and contribute beyond ourselves! YOU ROCK!
Make it a great week!
Thank you Dean!
I am so looking forward to reading Tony's new book!!
I've read his previous books, Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within, Re-Awaken the Giant Within; and they are all such amazing books, so I can believe that his new book will be just as great if not greater!
Dean, I did not even give you a chance to finish your important message. I ordered the book first. And I am so glad it was not expensive, just like Brandon's. I have been going along with the Manifesto. And excited to read Tony's book too. Jim Rohn says only thing worse than being poor is stupid, and what's worse than that is poor, stupid and sick, and worse that that is poor, stupid, sick and ugly, doesn't get any worse. So can't help ugly but sure can help poor and stupid. Thanks for letting us know about these books to read, better ourselves and add to our daily reading. Now to finish your WW. TY
Beside amazing technology, the selfie, you have and amazing back yard. I thought you we out on vacation some wheres, not in Arizona! I live in Tucson and you are amazing, and you are an "OASIS" in the middle of the desert!
Hi Dean, Looking forward to the this book along with Brandons. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the knowledge that this provides.
Tony Robbins does it for first time in 20 years!!
Hi Dean,
I see you are a big fan of Tony Robbins.....
Thank You for all you do for your DG Family, week after week...ox
I was wondering if we can just get the digital copy instead of the physical one? I am still down to pay the $7.
Thanks Dean for the hookup!
You're the best!
Dean and Tony
What an awesome combination!! Ordered the book and really looking forward to reading it as soon as it arrives!
Dean, thanks for all you do and thanks for how you truly care about your GD family. It shows!!
Tony and Brendon
These two books are a great combination. I ordered Brendon's book when you first posted your video on it and now I just ordered Tony's book. Tony is a great guy and I'm going to one of his events in March 2015. I can't wait to read both of these books. Thank for recommending these great books to us Dean.
Why thank you Dean!
I am fortunate to be here watching your weekly wisdom and to buy Tony's book for about the same price as I paid for my daughter's mascara makeup tonight. Thanks again Dean your the bestest!
Awesome Dean - thank you so much.
Thank you for doing another weekly wisdom and for bringing Tony Robbins new book into everyone's life. Thank you for the invite to the Tony Robbins Event, it was life changing and I am sure many DGers will benefit from his message. Today is the day to make the change. Don't be ordinary be a fire walker!!! MAKE YOUR MOVE! COOL MOSS!
Now is the time for everyone to make their own move. We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
Tony Robbins Book
Awesome, I am excited to read Tony Robbins book. I am also a big fan of Tony. Very genuine guy and has helped so many people. Thanks Dean I am glad you have a good relationship with him. Talk to you guys later, take care.
Thanks for the opportunity
Thanks for the opportunity Dean! I've heard nothing but good about Tony and now I am ready to experience for myself. Thanks again!
Very nice
I have been very busy here lately but I did take time to watch the Weekly Wisdom and ordered the book. I say thank you to you Dean and Tony. I love what Tony is doing with the proceeds and I just hope the money is getting to where it is intended to go to feed the hungry.
Once again.....
Dean, it's amazing how well you look after your DG family. Thank you so much. My book is ordered!
Can't wait to read it. 
'til next week.......
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
You did it again Dean, Iam looking foreward to this and making even more BIG changes in my own life ,its fun to grow and enjoy what a real life truely is all about.Here is a man who truely knows what it feels like to be down and even out of food and I know now my self as well, he walks his talk and what a joy to listen to, he is amazing and you feel and see the energy, many thanks, Jim
I know I'm a little late but
I know I'm a little late but I tried several times to download this book but it's sending me to amazon