Tonight (Tuesday, December 22nd), I'm going to close out 2009 with a tele-training featuring a FULL hour of Jeff and I talking about something everyone
wants to know...
How to Build a Buyers List in Your Town
Now go and register for the call to save your spot!
In case you don't know, Jeff is a long time real estate investor and one of my TOP instructors at the Real Estate Success Academy.
He's dynamic and delivers no-nonsense practical information. If you want to make money as an investor, you need to hear this call!
conference call
will I be able to attend this via the internet or will I need to call from a land line
Thanks Fred E
12/22 Conference Call w/ Jeff Jensen going to be the real deal guys.. *pun intended* I am excited at the potential in every investor that is going to be ignited after listening to this call, and BLOW UP their wallets cause this is a must see!
An understatement would be if I said Dean Graziosi is simply an amazing person.. ty for all that you do!
Donny Nguyen
You can listen to the conference call through this site, or use a phone. Admin will send postings on this. It is a call you don't want to miss. They are all filled with great info....Jan
Christmas is early!!!
Thank you Dean...Best gift to get so far this christmas!!
Good question Fred
Thank you Jan for responding to Fred's question. I am also new to the Academy and am still learning the ropes.
Looking forward to the conference.
Other than it being live, what are the differences between the phone conference or watching it here on the site?
Great News!
Looking forward to the conference call on 12-22-2009 with Dean and Jeff. Jeff is a great speaker and we enjoyed hearing him live at the Gain the EDGE event 2009. I am sure the call is going to be packed with great tips and information. We are looking forward to another great call! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"Thank You Dean and Jeff"
I am BRAND NEW in this and first time i have
EVER stepped out in faith into something that i
thought was always out of my reach. I really thank God for leading me to Dean. Thank you Dean
and Jeff for caring about others. That is what life is all about. I am really excited to learn
more about building my buyer list!
Conference call 12-22-09 et al
I may be unable to listen to conference call on 12-22-09. Can I listen to the call on this site some time after the call? If so, what process do I follow from the Home page? Thx.
I will be working when this is on. Will have to catch it later. Looking forward to it, though. Thanks for putting such great info out for us.
12-22-09 Christmas Present
Thanks Dean. I always enjoy the great info presented by your experts. I have also invited a friend as her Christmas present from me. She's never heard the DG influence before. Should be fun!!
Have a Merry One!!!
The call
It will be my 1st call,an I am verry excited,I love this biz. "just doitup"
Im in as always Dean.
Im in as always Dean.
Conference Call
Will be looking forward to the conference call!full hour of great information.
Thanks!!! Moses
Righty - O
See ya Tuesday.
(I'll be listening on line.)
Jst a quick note
I'm in. I signed up AND THEN asked my boss if I could change my schedule. YEP, I'm like a lotta folks on this site hard working and trying to better my situation with the DG family. Oh, and my boss said I CAN change my schedule and go in early so I can leave in time for the webinar. As I have said in the past, ASK and you might get what ya want. Thanks for the invite and I can't wait until tues...
Conferance Call
Have been lazy Dean. Now it is time for me to get going.
Thank You Dean
Frank From N.H.
Cant Wait !!
Thanks Dean for helping us out..Am looking forward to finding and filling my Buyers List..!!
Thank You Dean
conference Call....
I am excited to be on board to hear the information I need to move some property. Cant wait to hear that one thing that just sparks are fire for me and maybe others. Thanks Dean and Jess jensen.
oop. check spelling. So
oop. check spelling. So excited.
The 22nd...
The 22nd can't get here soon enough. The last conference I could only listen to but to be able to view it will be awesome.
Christmas Call
I am registered and looking forward to it!
Thanks for everything you do.
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Mind Reading
Hello Mr. Graziosi,
I just finished reading your book and was trying to create a buyers list with some difficulty. I have tried the techniques in the book and from the DG website to no avail. I really look forward to hearing what you and Jeff are going to share with us on the 22nd. I will be there listening to every word and taking notes. The timing of this is like you are reading my mind.
Thanks Great Christmas Gift Exactly What We Need
Dean & Jeff
Thank you for the great gift, I
will be looking forward to con-
ferance night
Looking forward to it.
As usual, I'm looking forward to the call! I'm always looking for information and sometimes one nugget, as Indiana-Joe called it, is all it takes to "think a little different."
Well, Indiana-Joe called it a nugget somewhere,
just not on this page!
Last chance
Looking forward to the last call of the year as I know it will be a big blow up for a lot of people!!
Its always soo inspirational to read and hear about others progress and looking forward to sharing more of mine in the near future!
cant wait
im so excited ,i cant wait for tomorrow,but i have to.thanks in advance
Thank GOODNESS!!!!!
Thanks for bring me and everybody else on board with this much needed information. We purchased a buyers list and got ZERO results. Probably because we were clueless as to what to do with it once we got it. Can hardly wait to hear what you have to say.
kong sourivong
Dear Dean and Jeff. I am so Thanks for the bolg you sent me to get the knowledge. thanks for the conference I am so exciting to listen tomorrow. Happy Holiday.!!
Where will you be?
Won't miss this conference call for anything in this world. Just imagine, buyers are key for an investor. Very important. Thank you Dean and team!