First Blog

My interest in real estate investing was first sparked by the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It changed my way of thinking about money. I attended one of their seminars and decided I would do my homework before aligning myself with anyone to learn about real estate investing. Because of Dean, his coaching program and this website I chose Dean as my mentor. Funny and wonderful that it turned out that he came with multiple mentors that frequent this site. Thanks everyone.

I was scared to death but used my home's equity to buy a house on the other side of the US. I bought it so right and followed the advise in Dean's books and ended up selling it the day I closed on it for a profit of $15,000. I was hooked!

My life has changed forever. Still learning and still scared and overwhelmed sometimes but doing my human best to practice unbending intent. This is what I want. This is what I am willing to work for. This is important. Now more than ever we have to be self reliant. Many will be led. I will choose my own path and my future.


REALLY making a commitment

willowme's picture

So I finally have what I wanted, time to make this work. There are two steps here that I found out have to be done in order. #1 MAKE A COMMITMENT and #2 HAVE SYSTEMS IN PLACE.

#1 has multiple levels. At first your commitment is to get started. Then it is to continue. Then one beautiful day you realize that you have the power to make this work or not and you KNOW with certainty that you are going to give this everything you have and not let anything come in the way of your dreams.

That happened to me when I thought I was going to be offered a job; one of those 'just over broke' jobs. You know the ones; low wages, crummy work environment, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. I said "NO,that is most definately not what I want." Time to get real. Time to create my future and life.

#2 is basically setting up systems. Dean has given you many of the systems you will use. But you need to set up what works for you. When will you work, where will you work, what tools will you use?

My very first personal system was what to do with paper...all paper. Paper is my nemisis. It threatens to burry me and bog down my information retrieval ability. I know where every piece of paper goes now. I made a place for it. I know what happens to every piece of paper and when it happens. This "busy" work will be poo poo'd by some as to just wasting time you could be putting in offers. But I know that if you don't have what you need, you are wasting time by looking for it or re-creating it.

I am so greatful for the blessings I have and didn't have before. More are on the way, of this I am certain.