Help! Need advice re: Financing in California & Buying Rentals

I met with a mortgage broker last night who shattered my vision of buying ten rental properties this year by contradicting almost everything I've learned from Dean about finding financing:

- he said no institution or private lender in California will allow anyone to get a loan without putting 5%-25% down, and they will NOT allow that 5-25% to be creative financing, such as "owner will carry" -- nope, we have to pay it up front.

- he said no institution or private lender in California will allow you buy a property to flip it, you must live in it for one year first.

- he said no institution or private lender in California will give you a loan for the appraisal value anymore, so if you can contract a $200,000 house for $100,000, it doesn't matter that you just made $100,000 in instant equity, they still will only give you a loan based on the sales price, not the appraisal price.

- he said once you own four properties, it becomes difficult-to-impossible to get more loans for more properties because institutions and private lenders begin viewing you as a risk, despite how much cash flow or equity you have. He said "portfolio lenders" have gone away.

Help! Is this all true? This was very discouraging to hear, and I do plan on speaking to more mortgage brokers, but can anyone in California please offer me some advice on this subject? It just doesn't make sense to me, it goes against everything I've learned from Dean. Please help!

Thank you,


Regina's picture

DON'T LISTEN TO THE NAYSAERS!! Read Zion Properties' blog. It's not easy but she's in Southern California making it happen.