i have been trying for the last 2yrs and nothing yet.got the rbbp and no luck with realtors just loss. now running out of time with the 30 days money back deal any help or advise
i have been trying for the last 2yrs and nothing yet.got the rbbp and no luck with realtors just loss. now running out of time with the 30 days money back deal any help or advise
Running out of time
Hi Thomas:
I've also been at this for a while with no sales yet. I'm from a small town with limited access to resources but I keep trying.
I feel your pain
I think what you need to ask yourself is How serious are you to becoming a RE investor? If you're serious, the 30 day money back offer is meaningless. The information included within the blueprint is priceless and worth having even if it means it's going to take longer because of your circumstances.
Here's a suggestion if I may be so bold:
I approached the realtors in my town using the "I want to flip and make 20-25K profit" speech and got some interesting answers. One answer was "not here but you can do that in XXXcity and YYYcity". Both are within 50 miles of where I live even though they are not my 1st choice of towns to invest in due to the expense of traveling there. I'm at the point where I have an agent willing to work with me but hasn't been told yet as to what I expect of him. He could bale on me and I'd be back at square one. However, if the choice is to stay in my local area and not make any or very few sales or branching out a little bit and making regular sales, which would I do? Considering that my agent (once found) will be doing most of the work and I'll be doing my end mostly on the 'puter, does it matter that the town is 50 miles away? It's not like I'm going there on a daily basis.
So my suggestion is this: If you use that 20-25K flip profit line on whatever agents you call and they suggest another area (or you can ask if they can suggest an area where that will work), do some preliminary work and call agents in those areas and see what they say. Maybe they will be more positive and helpful. That or you may need to lower your expectations as to profit/ house and just need to make more sales.
But the bottom line is really this:Ask yourself "What will it take for you to be a RE investor and are you willing to do what it takes?"
I hope this helps a bit. Feel free to stay in contact if you need more help.
If you want a good laugh, I started to blog my daily adventure (Titled: AndyS's Rock bottom Blueprint Adventure) because I couldn't figure out how to start a journal. I did it mostly for myself because of my own issues (which you'll read about) and I update it daily. You'll see the trials and tribulations I have to go through to "Get 'er DONE". Check it out and you'll see that you're not alone.
Best wishes,
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS