Starting to make a little sense.

Ok, I am going from blog to journal to blog, trying to figure out what I am exactly doing. This is really my first experience in participating in a web/internet participation site and I feel like a real goof sometimes trying to "navigate" myself around. "Forum", "blog", "journal" "comment","reply","post",????.... However,I hope I am not being the site "goon" and leaving a mess all over the place. I must say, this however, This is really a lot of fun! I "think", I am starting to figure this out, and in any case, learning how to do all this and having this become second nature(blogs,posting,social networking etc), is a big part of really having one of the most important recource in the REIs' tool box. - So, as when first faced with "getting on board" learning how to use a "computer",then "cell phones", "e-mail","texting". I guess this is my next transition. Still need to get comfortable with the idea of joining a "Social Network" but what better way than to get involved and learn a few things here?
Looking forward to the future, and things still to be dicovered! Who knows, maybe a "smart phone" next?:)Thanks all! and Thanks Dean!


Need to "proof" before hitting the "post" button, I'm learning. I hope the original post before this did not look like I was demanding a "comment". ( I edited the original post)I even "preview". What I meant by "commnent" was pertaining to the "language" of inputting your thoughts online. Geez, this is getting scary! I can see that I am really enjoying "hearing-reading, myself, talk-write". I hope my "online etiquite" is apppropriate and I am not turning into some "frustrated novelist". It's just that this is so much fun! Sorta see what I've been missing. I've been a real critic of the "facebook","twitter","bloging","posting",phenomena. Maybe it's time to "get with it"!?
Here is where I would ask for some comment however- Any advise,hint,heads-up,warning, for my online behavior is welcomed. Read the "RULES" post so trying to stay within the guidleines. I am really excited about being a part of this and don't want to blow it. You have just been the most positive,encoraging and all-in-all... helpfull bunch since I have joined in - I blame you!Smiling Thanks all!

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