I have been trying so hard to do this the right way so I get ahead fast. I am afraid that I lost sight of the fact that fast does not mean right.
I have been spending 6 to 8 hours a day studying all the tips and hints thinking that I will learn enough that way.
Today I wrote a letter to our son in South Dakota. I was telling him what I want to do and how I need to do it. While I was writing to him, I realized that I did not need to keep studying to do this, just do what I have already learned. If I make a mistake, than I know what not to do next time and have moved a step ahead.
I also realized that the idea of lists is great. If I was able to see what I had learned and the fact that I needed to move ahead by writing Glen, than I will be able to keep myself on track much better with everything in writing.
I have tried a few times to build a team, but every time something went wrong, I would go back to the books instead of trying again. After re-reading I would try again, usually the same way because it is what was recommended. I need to put down the books and build my buyers list with the details of the kind of places and areas they are interested in.
The hardest thing is going to be coming up with the option money. I heard that I can use a promissary note, but am unsure how.
I would ask you to wish me luck, but I would rather have you wish for me to push ahead and not give up when not if I fail. When I fail, I will remember that I have just gone up one more step to success.
I see the light
May 25th, 2012 | posted by john_n_teri
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slow ahead
Yesterday I saw someone else's blog talking about how to go slow and study each step. He said going too fast and not really learning what you study is what makes you fail. I have been talikng to my husband about that same thing.
Years ago when my husband first became disabled, I took computer programing. When I could not make enough to support the family on starting wages, I gave up and got a higher paying job. I was too wrapped up in it to keep up with computers. Our son used to tell me that he was sorry my pet dinosaur died. He was talking about the Commandor 64 that I wrote my program for basic on. I realized that giving up has always been my downfall. I also realized that I have done this because I was in such a hurry that I skimmed over the lessons so I could get started. When I did that, I did not have a chance of succeeding because I missed major points that I needed.
I have started over and I am following the 30 day plan. I refuse to advance until the step I am on is fully understood and I am no longer hoping I have it down. If it takes a little longer I will be ok with that, but I will not be ok with failing again.