My brain has been going a mile a minute!!! I have been contacting people that are suppose to be "buyers" and then they tell me things like "I buy anything as long as it makes me money." This is getting tire some:(
To be honest I put every thing I had towards this training and now have nothing to put towards properties:( This saddens me greatly:....( I really really really really really NEED to have some buyers.
I have gone to auctions and talked with some, I have found some over the internet and am going to attend a REI club come Monday to see if I can obtain some buyers.
I have to make this work because if I don't my nest residence will be under the local bridge with the other homeless individuals. I'M NOT JOKING!!!
Will any one help me with finding buyers that will actually follow through? Please!!!
Thank you in advance
I began this program with my nest egg that would have given me and my wife a livable income of about $800 for the next 6years of my life. This would include all my taxes, insurance and living expenses. However, I was informed I would be TRAINED on how to invest in different manners in real estate. I was also informed that I would be TRAINED on how to find "buyers" for the properties I find. I now have no money to buy properties!!! I literally work at this from 4:00am till I pass out at about 11:00 pm 7 days a week. I put in offers (according to the 25:1) and now the realtors in my area are not working with me on a daily basis like they use to. Can't blame them because they are working and I have no buyers to follow through with. REI clubs are also a joke.
Really, I have never been in debt in my 46 years of living life and have never been late on any type of payment. I have paid off what I could on some of my credit card expenses for this "TRAINING" but still owe about $20,000. My wife and I are looking at destruction unless we find a REAL PERSON that is a funding source.
My wife and I are sinking quick!!! If any one knows how to obtain REAL BUYERS THAT BUY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE would you let me know of them.
Thank you for every thing and any assistance.