Profiting in the US Real Estate market from Germany

I am busy studying Dean's Resources and all the great Blogs - I am completely inspired and greatest repect to you guy out there changing your lives.

In Germany there are no such resources or people sharing this great information.

I am listening to Dean's 2nd Video Blog as he talks about his daughter doing the puzzle

- Not understanding how something can not work -

That is the way I am looking at to how I can profit from the Real Estate market in the US whilst living in Germany.

If you want to help I am looking for partners, ideas and tips on potential challenges needed to be checked.

Many thanks for all that help.

Hi Daniel I got your PM.

Hi Daniel

I got your PM. First of all what kind of investing do you plan on doing in the US? Wholesales? Flips? Buy and Holds? Lease options etc? and what state(s)? Try to be more specific.

look for a escrow company or title company to help with closing your deals. Network with as many investors you can, that way they can notify you about deals and other opportunities their getting.

But first you should probably know what it is you want to do first (i.e. wholesales, flips, etc)

Escrow Company

Johnnie thank you for the tip. I will begin researching Escrow or Title companies. Anybody who reads this I am open to recommendations.

Thanks for the tip about being specific - I will work on understanding the differences too. Does anybody have an overview advantage/disadvantages risks and opportunities of these different models.

Thanks againm Johnnie

Hey Daniel... I am happy to

zuzzze1's picture

Hey Daniel...

I am happy to meet likeminded people and excited to be connected. Our situation is similar in the way that I also do not live in US, but in United Kingdom... I am completely new to this real estate thing... And I am now wondering with which area in US to start finding deals and real estate agents??

Would be grateful for any info... take care

Working in the US from Europe

H Zane,

what I have found out so far is that in principal it does not matter. I have found a couple who will network with me and I have started to find Real Estate agents near St. Louis. I have other contacts in other areas.

The challenge is how to ensure you get your cut of the deals and that they are managed properly I got the tip to look at Escrow or Title managers but not yet looked.

If you want to buddy up and solve this challenge together. I would be glad too.


I would love to be connected

zuzzze1's picture

I would love to be connected with you as we have one goal. I intend to make the phone calls tomorrow, so I will let you know how it went and if you do it as well let me know how it went.

Could you be so kind and send the link where you are getting info about escrow or title managers.

Let's stay connected.

Great posts

Great Posts

Thanks Zane,

I have built myself a list of the agents to contact and will begin working through them next week. I have sent out some emails - but now replies.

The Blogs gave some good tips on what to say. I have made a note of them an will try some calls.

How have you got on sofar?




zuzzze1's picture

Good to hear you succeeding. I am a little bit struggling about that I am having international phone number.

- I mean what phone number are you leaving to the RE agent to call you?

- Are you saying to the RE agents that you actually do not live in US?

I wanted to set up a Google Voice, but it is yet not available for United Kingdom.

Any of your answers will be appreciated.

Let me know how are you doing, we can support each other.


I have not yet tried calling. My thoughts are for what I am doing is to:

To have people in the US that have found the right agent and get access to the deals through them. Build a buyers list so that I can profit from their deals they find.

When I call the agents I will use a non recognisable number via Skype.

Tell them that I work internationally that I have a team of people on the ground and that I hold the threads together.

There a a few canadians in DG's Family. That have a similar problem. I have to find them again. If I find their Blogs I will let you know.

Keep going where there is a will there is a way


Thanks Daniel... sending you

zuzzze1's picture

Thanks Daniel... sending you much strenght and look forward for any useful info you will found that could benefit...

International Buyers

Hello everybody,

I am working on how I can manage the property purchasing process for my International buyers.

I have good contacts for people who can help me find deals.
I have worked out that I need:

1. a real estate lawyer that will ensure that the sale is completed properly.
2. an escrow manager to ensure that the funds are transfered and distributed timely and in the right sum.
3. a property manager to ensure that rent is collected property maintained and tenants are screened and looked after.
4. A good partner on the ground that will provide me with the right deals and organise the transaction.

Is there anybody I have forgotten?


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