About One-On-One Coaching!

Hi everybody! I believe that there should be close supervision for people that's beginning, intermediate, and advance for whoever needs it in order to learn something new. Thank you.

Tis true!

NickandGen's picture

This is true, that's why we must make strong connections with geniune like minded individuals and work towards our goals. With that said, make sure that you search for REIA groups...there is a website that I was referred to by a new friend, it's meetup.com -here you can locate the closest REIA near you so that you can network with other investors, agents, etc. Again, Good luck on your endeavors and I pray to read great things from you!

-Take care and stay blessed!


Responding To Your Comment!

Hi Nick and Gen! Thanks for the response. I'm already a member of meetup.com sense 2009. I'm also a member of a few REIA groups sense April of this year. So far, I have two potential buyers. I pray to God that he will lead me to the right people that will bless me. Thank you again.