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Dean's book & passion
Hi! I am a new believer, just got Dean's book. I am half way thru. It's awesome! I was impacted by Dean's work and his passion. His early youth, with his circumstances was his impetus to change, and bring benefits to his life and his family. How motivating is that! I loved what he said about wanting to help his mother. His honor paid off. Thanks for the motivation, now let's see how this "mom" (me) can have another "home at last." Thank U!
Hi,I received Deans book 4 days ago and can't put it down! I've become some what motivated to highly motivated just on what i've read so far,and I can't wait to get started.But one thing for sure is that you need to learn as much as possible before getting into your first real estate deal. So for now it's back to the book.
New Jersey
Is there anyone else in N.J. That is involved with Dean's course that would like to correspond with me? And maybe help each other. I'm at
The audio tapes and Dean's book has really motivated me into going into real estate to create a portfolio of property and wealth.
I just purchaese the book Be A Real Estate Millionaire, I've taken the day off of work to read it. I've only gotten through about 1/3 of the book and I've already seen usefull information. Looks like a good one.
helping eachother
Is there anyone in martinsburg wva or Berkeley Springs/ other surrounding areas that has bought Deans book that would like to get together to help eachother? Please contact me at [email protected]