
All About willowme

willowme's picture
Vista, Southern California
About Me: 

Passionate about Real Estate Investing, being kind and honest! Love life and am so greatful for what I have and who I share my world with.

FINALLY I am a full time real estate investor. I worked for an accounting firm for 10 years and paid attention to those that were really making money. They all own real estate. I had planned on working both at the JOB and REI until I had enough income to quit the day job. Well on October 1st, I was unexpectedly let go from the job and here I am jumping in with both feet into the real estate investing business. Because of my investing I am ok financially and have some time without major fear to do this and not accept some crummy (Just Over Broke) job. Putting the pieces together and know that with this unexpected blip, my life will never be the same...and that's a wonderful thing.

Family and Friends, Real Estate Investing, Belly Dance Teacher, Gardening

Topics I've Participated In

PropTrend Problem DJMario148 years 4 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 4 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 19 weeks ago
Bill O'Rafferty's daily info of importance Bill ORafferty2998 years 25 weeks ago
THREAD-O-QUOTES! AngelaK2718 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor, Belly Dancer/Instructor
Have Child(ren)
Some College



bombercpa's picture

Hey Willow...

How is everything going? You have been quiet lately! lol

Plus, somebody needed to be the first one to sign your guestbook!

Anyway, hope things are going well.

Take care,


So. Cal. Investing


Hi, how are you? I'm also a beginner in Orange County Ca.

I live practically right in the middle of Orange County near Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Los Alimitos area's.

Our market hear in So. Cal. is very unique and extreme to say the least lets stay in touch and do a little networking and compare notes it could be a big plus in this diverse market that we are in.


Thanks for stopping by

willowme's picture

I needed a little break. Slaying dragons and getting past the bariers that have been my continual companions since this journey began caught up with me. I'm still in the process of seeing if stepping back for a bit will help me see a way to make my RE business work.

I appreciate the note.


California market

willowme's picture

Hi Bruce,

It seems I get a good understanding of the market and then it turns inside out. I am thinking that unless a great deal presents itself (and I know how to tell if is) I may wait for a month or two to really be actively looking again. The middle or end of October may show us another shift that could catch us in a bad way if we are in the middle of a rehab. I've actually wondered if I should look outside CA because I could get more cash flow for the investment. Hmmm Not sure right now. What are your thoughts?


Hi Wendy

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Building Ties Together!

Joel Pognon's picture


Thank you for getting back to me. As far as where my interest are in REI I am looking to work a few different strategies.

1. Assignment Deals
2. Lease Opts
3. Buy,Hold and maybe Flip

In my area of NYC I believe that these strategies can work utilizing deans system and PMI coaching as a guide along with the hard work behind it I expect success. As of right now I have started to build a team consisting of Private money sources, lawyer, contractors, appraisers, title company and adding to the team as time goes on. I believe that you can never have too many sources.

I am looking to spread out in other areas and network with other investors that are looking for deal in my area or maybe their looking for a source for funding and or inventory. If you have a specific criteria I can tell you if and how I can help you achieve your goal.

My background is Architecture. I work with different groups (Architects, Contractors, Real Estate Investors, Home Buyers)anyone who has a need for
renovations and need drawings done I'm your man. I am Self Employed so I have more free time than anyone working a 9-5 schedule. I am interested in buying investment properties to hold in an LLC.

Hope this information has been informative for you to better understanding my intent. Please do the same so that we can get better aquainted.


Property in NY

willowme's picture

I may have a lead of a property. I will wee if I can find the info and send you the info. I was interested but decided to pass. You may be interested however. Invester there will be selling off his properties. This one outside Niagra falls and has a Section 8 in it so no worries about getting it rented. The numbers work for cash flow but I wanted to see it cost less. I'll let you make the decision that is best for you. I have looked back at my emails and the only think I can find is the contact name and number. Call David Jahar at 949-874-2667. If you call for info, please tell them Wendy Picket referred you.



willowme's picture

Thanks for writing. I have contractors looking at a house all the way in Fargo North Dakota. It was listed at $55k but sold for cash for $42k and then fell out of escrow because the buyer had a medical emergancy. It's estimated ARV is $139k. I feel incredibly calm for thinking about spending $42k on something I may never see. Because of everything I have learned I can see the value in this particular deal. By the way, their unemployment rate is something like 2.5%. Lots of oil jobs there.


That's what I've been missing!

willowme's picture

Buying and selling real estate in another state has it's ups and downs. I am not stressed about all the little things during a flip. My team there handles almost all of it. But I also miss seeing that finished property and smelling the fresh paint. And yes, putting that Welcome Mat down before an open house.

But today I have a local property on the market. Today I got to set flowers on the table, slice oranges from the tree in the back yard, and open the blinds and windows. And yes, put down a new Welcome Mat.

I like this business!

Just Join the DG Family

alexbee's picture

Just saw your your profile that you live in Vista,CA.

I just wanted to touch base with U -because UR the 1st one that I know who resides close to where I live - I'm in Ramona.

I also wanted some inputs as to what success U have with the course.

Mahalo(Thank U)!

Hi Bruce, You wrote to me in

willowme's picture

Hi Bruce,

You wrote to me in August of 2009 saying you were a beginner. I was starting out at that time too. This year I have bought 3 houses, sold two, and have two that are leased out for a year. And I am excited at what 2011 will hold. I'm ready to ramp up the wholesaling part of it.

How have you been? What have you been doing in your REI business?


3 Feet from gold

willowme's picture

Wow - I have been reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. What a great book and although written back after the great depression it is very applicable to today. I loved the story about the man who bought a mine and after working for a while and listening to his family and friends telling him he was crazy and to give up that foolishness, he quit. While the person who bought the mine from him found a vein of gold just 3 feet from where the first man stopped. Sometimes it feels like I have a mountain between me and my goals but I won't stop chipping away. It may be just 3 feet or 3 inches away. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the EDGE contest I entered.

did this Dakota deal work out for you?

reinhilde's picture

Hi, I found your post looking through REI CLubs topic.
I started the success academy about a month ago.
Once I get over the "Buyers list" hurdle, I think I'll be ok.
Have you been satisfied with the academy?

I'm in the Inland Empire. (Mountains)

Hello Willow

evolkers's picture

This all can be done as long as we keep the right mind set. I partnered with my local club in Los Angeles and you should check it out. I now have access to cash buyers even though I am still building my own list and still interviewing realtors. Lets network keep in touch and make deals happen. God Bless and 2012 here I come.

Eric Volkers


Fellow SoCalian

randrew's picture

A brief rejuvenating break can be refreshing. Sounds like you may have put some heavy pressure on your self & maybe became temporarily burnt-out. Pull on those boot straps woman, becasue we relish in your inspiration and there is no givig up! I too am hoping for some devine intervention regarding 2012 Edge Event. It would be AMAZING. Any how, I hope you feel brighter, lighter & free and are ready to rock 2012!

So sweet

willowme's picture

Thank you for the boot straps talk. Looking for the horse to climb back up on. Have a buyer calling me begging me for properties. That is a very good sign. Now hoping my bandit signs pull in that deal or 7. Smiling

Welcome aboard

keb64's picture

I saw that you are a cali as well. How's the market down your way? I invest inland and in ohio and don't use the MLS except for ohio. If you have a ? or need mentoring my site is here and you can pm me as well..Keith

Bring It On!

willowme's picture

I would like to network with you.

Hi Neighbor

willowme's picture

Hi Alexbee,

How goes your investing business? I'm doing this full time now. I was working a full time job AND trying to learn and DO the REI business before. I'd be happy to talk with you and see what we can do to help and support each other.

north county

kyla101's picture

good morning,
I saw you responded to someones post and said that there is a real estate meeting in oceanside. If its not to much to ask, could i get, more info about it and where its located.

Thank you,

Add us to your buyer and sellers list asap

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Keep up the good work.
God bless you always.
Hey this information is BOOMING.

Check out my website