Rose F

All About Rose F

Rose F
Langley BC Canada
About Me: 

Hi my name is Rose Fenske and I live in a very nice town in B.C. Canada.I am married to a very wonderful and supportive man. I have 3 grown children and my pride and joy is my two granddaughters I got started in real estate in Jan 2011 Went to Deans Boots on the ground in Vegas last June.
Since then I have been dabbling in it and I have not been doing to much. We do have two rental properties in Buffalo NY I purchase Deans Edge 2011 program last month and since receiving it I have hit the ground running I now feel very excited for my future. I am so looking forward to meeting and working with some of you I must say that I feel a little nervous about my new adventure mostly because I will be concentrating on doing deals in the US not Canada. But I know with the help of the DG Family I will succeed.

Thank You and looking forward to a long and successful Real Estate Career
Rose Fenske

Family Grandchildren Camping Cooking Travel

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions dgadmin180410 years 42 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #164 - Do You Know Who Holds You Back? dgadmin11712 years 44 weeks ago
Estimates sphi99412 years 50 weeks ago

Basic Info

Home maker
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Ghost Ads

I am new to this site I have placed a couple of ghost ads in cities on Craigslist I did get a response from two of them. That was very exciting Now I am looking for a realtor to work with me. I am feeling alittle out of my comfort zone. since I am from Canada and all the places that I am wanting to invest in are not close to me. so I will have to build a good team that can do all of the things there that I can not. I am also looking for investors because right now I would like to wholesale rather than buy and hold.
If anyone out there can give me some ideas to put me on the right track would be greatly appreciated.
I am so excited to be going down this path and to getting to know alot of you

Where would I find a

Where would I find a Property condition disclosure statement