Joined: 2010-10-26
Points: 76

Thomas Peyton
About Me:
I have no experience in Real Estate at all. I have 30 years of Law Enforcement experience and 16 years of Insurance Fraud experience. I have chosen to venture into Real Estate from alot of the testimonials I have seen and after spending alot of money going to one of the "other" REI training seminars and getting nothing out of it, I decided to listen to Dean one night and I ordered his books and after reading them, I was hooked.
I am looking forward to changing my current career path and life thru REI and being 49 years old and no retirement to fall back on, it is time that I took charge and did something that I know will be beneficial to myself and my family in the long (or short) run..!!
Golf, Bass Fishing, Being with my family, Softball
high end homes
In what state are you interested in?
Northwest here has some high end homes going with a great discount.This is a retiring area with great houses.