Joined: 2011-06-07
Points: 37

Natosha Davis
Chicago, IL
About Me:
I am 24yrs old. On 12/23/2010 I gave birth to my first child a beautiful little girl. On this day I realized that If her father and I split up, I would have nothing to offer her. I came home from the hospital and started my search to a better life. That's when I saw Dean's informercial. I purcahsed the books and in 3 days I buried myself in them. I have not made my first deal yet. I'm a bit confused on a few things but I will not give up. I so badly want to get his training but like so many other's I can't afford it. I WON'T GIVE UP!!!
My Angel and providing her with a better life.
in the same boat
how u doin Natsha my name is Omri an im doin the same as u i wonder if i could b any assistance in what u arw confused with cause im tryn to find my first deal seems like evreybody in other states are geting it crackn so lets network together to make it happen for us peace an blessings