
All About lkbinkley

lkbinkley's picture
Liane Binkley
Effingham, IL
About Me: 

I am from many places. I was born in Wisconsin, relocated to Minnesota, grew up in Texas, moved back to Minnesota, moved to North Carolina, moved back to Minnesota, and finally landed in Illinois. I have been trying to work my way up the corporate ladder. I was employed with Murphy USA for almost 7 years. Started as a cashier and was promoted to assistant manager within 2 weeks of employment. I was promoted to manager and given a store in Effingham. They let me go in January 2010 for policies that affect the wrong people. I have been trying to keep my head above water ever since. I am tired of being listed at the poverty level and want something better for myself and family. My father found this program and introduced me to it, but I was unable to get onboard until now due to no internet availablity. I am looking forward to getting back on track and not having to work meaningless dead-end jobs to get there

Spending time at the lake, fishing, camping, time with my kids, reading, music

Topics I've Participated In

From This Day Forward-Kareng's Journal kareng10808 years 29 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


HI ! Liane

helpme2's picture

WE finally got you registered. Laughing out loud Welcome to DG website. You've had some time to read, study the books. Now it's time for more learning so you can improve your life. Stop messing around with being JUB (just under broke!).

Lets hope for the best!

You Know Who!