Joined: 2011-05-17
Points: 67

Lisa Calhoun
Lancaster, California
About Me:
I am a mother of 4 wonderful adult children. My first and second grand babies are due next year. One is coming in March and the other one is coming in June.
I have been the middle person mostly in real estate investing. I love the DG family and I became interested in real estate investing because of Dean. I seen one of his late night commercials back in 2011. I still haven't been able to make it to AZ for an Edge event. One day I will be fortunate to come and meet everyone in person.
I keep struggling to make it work for me. I know there is a better life to be made by doing REI.
Wholesale to start
Hi Lisa
My name is Lisa also, and I work for Starwood as well ! Sheraton Orlando Downtown. I wish you well on your new career and passion. Remember to have patience, drive, and especially Perseverence! I hope to read wonderful things from you in the future! You should start a Journal on this site to chronical your journey like the rest of us......Take Care!