Karen Lambert

All About Karen Lambert

Michigan, Just north of Detroit
About Me: 

I am a newbee Real Estate Investor. I bought this educational package with 3 monthly installments. I have to have the 2nd and 3rd pmts. to come out of another credit card where the funds are available. This is just the first thing about me. Would someone shoot me a path so I can re-direct the billing office.

Which will give you a clue on which type of deals I will want to use for my first few deals which may turn out to be my favorites Smiling we'll see.

I have "goals" and "whys" and I am confident that I can do this RE Investor gig

I lived in Nashville, TN for 25 years. Got a bunch of song writer friends. .I love song writers.!! I Love Music!!

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions dgadmin180410 years 46 weeks ago
MY FIRST DEAL!!! sphi998012 years 13 weeks ago
Cash buyers list TeresaJo4912 years 31 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #189 - (Wise) Men In Black dgadmin11012 years 35 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #187 - Find Your Talisman dgadmin6712 years 37 weeks ago

Basic Info

Bank Teller, Admin.Assistant,PartTime Comedian (retired) some residuals left over from last position
No Children
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hey, Welcome

franco02130's picture

Hi. My name is Francis Lambert (not kidding).
I just noticed that you are new, so I would like to say enjoy this site for it will help you and just about anyone with all types of property issues.

Sometimes while on this site, I get caught in a writting frenzy with other DGFamily members. It is great when you have an idea who is emailing you about your/their specific topic.

Search around..

The topics are clearly Real Estate 99% of the time.
1% comedy..considering some of what I've read.


Thanks for feedback

Hey Ms. Lambert, (: Thank you for the encouragement. I am going to meet a guy that buys notes, but get all these inquiries about selling their house that's headed to foreclosures and selling fast etc. so, we are going to discuss bird dog fee, he did not like that and I told him we can call it whatever he wants, but if the deal goes thru I will give him $500.00 after the closing. So I got a power team growing here and I plan to go and introduce myself to the title company that Matt Larson had suggested to me. Matt was one of our 2 instructors at boots on the ground. I am moving forward and grateful to be a DGFamily member. Thank you for your considerate response. Karen Lambert

Reconnect Welcome

Hey Francis Lambert, Karen Lambert here The guy who was supposed to call me to meet me about the notes with referrals never has been heard from again. I have been moving like a snail. I just listened to Deans Blog 197 195. This is my shot I saw the circles and I have got to move to the center of the 3 circles. Next news you hear from me will be good news. Thanks again for your acknowledgement of my presence here.

Rental Investment

Buzz6182's picture


My name is Norman and I have a property in the Warren's area and would be interested in rental ready home?

It is getting $650. I just finished with the clean up.