justin simmons

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 - dgadmin71012 years 2 weeks ago
First deal what an eye opener!!!!! family man112 years 34 weeks ago
Transactional Funding, Look no further! michaelmangham1813 years 42 weeks ago
COASTAL-FUNDING QUESTION??? sredman4113 years 47 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Aloha & Mahalo!

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hm & pm lenders in Mass

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thanks for taking the time to help all of us if you have anything in Mass that would be awesome.


taking action

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I got started with success academy in 2010 and started testing what I was being taught and it all seemed to be going well but I spent a lot of my time and realtors time and came up empty. This was all during my down time as I own a fence company. Then the season for fence started and my son was born and I had my best year ever in business unfortunately keeping me away from my son and real estate. I look back on deals I made offers on and realize I was right there about to make many deals work. Now I know I have to make this a part of my life to change my life. I am going to do everything you guys preach and I will make 2012 my best year and it will be because of real estate. any one in western ma out there let me know I would love some company out there on my way to the top.