
All About BrentInBama

BrentInBama's picture
Birmingham, AL.
About Me: 

Hey y'all! As you can see my name is Brent and I'm from a small city about 20 minutes north of Birmingham, Alabama. I am a recent college graduate from The University of Alabama where I obtained a degree in Advertising (ROLL TIDE!!!). Since graduating, for the first time, I have personally seen how difficult this economy is and have since shifted my attention from advertising/marketing to RE. I'm both excited and nervous to be getting my REI career going! Excited because of all the opportunities this field presents, but nervous because of not knowing what's on the other side. However,I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT FEAR STAND IN THE WAY OF MY GOALS, DREAMS, AND ASPIRATIONS! I look forward to meeting fellow DG'ers and reading all about y'all's journey as well, and who knows, maybe getting the opportunity to partner up on a few deals!

Family, Friends, Church, RE, REI, Other Investing Opportunities, Drawing/Designing, Sports, Alabama Crimson Tide Athletics (ROLL TIDE), Dogs, MAKING MONEY

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 43 weeks ago
Basic Newbie knowledge BrentInBama513 years 11 weeks ago
Craigslist Ghost Ad BrentInBama2613 years 24 weeks ago
Middle Man BrentInBama113 years 27 weeks ago
NEED SOME QUICK HELP! BrentInBama1113 years 32 weeks ago

Basic Info

Part Time Real Estate Investor (for now)
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome TOOLS for You Brent!

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