My husband and I joined Dean's Real Estate Academy in July 2011.We have 3 grandkids at home 15,12 and 10.Our oldest with Autism Spectrum, takes much of our time. We are dealing with a loss of income. We do part time Broker Price Opinion work and have become comfortable in our easy going, but not going anywhere routine. Yes I am a Realtor and changing the mind set is not easy to do. Having other agents and Brokers tell you that's not the way to make money.
I need to teach my kids how to make a living without struggling like we and our parents have.
This is why having the daily motivations, on line training, step by step learning, we found that even our old comfortable ways can be changed one day at a time. We read, watch a video and blog, do an online course, etc. to make at least one step forward to step out of our comfort zone a little more each day.
I am looking for any other DG successors that are willing to tell us how they did their first deals and tell us how they overcame fears and what got them thru it.
Just getting started
I recently ordered and received your 2 books.
We are in a down market and have no work, my husband has been off work since we adopted our 3 grandkids in 2009. We now have to provide for the kids and restart our retirement fund, the kids college funds and our 13 year old has special needs, that we will have to deal with for years to come. There is our motivation. Complacency had kind of taken over and we are ready to get going again.
I have read 1 of your books and am currently reading your second. I would like to do the 800 number and I still need to order cards and signs. I am a realtor and have been trying to put aside my training as a realtor and get the mindset of an investor.
I don't know if we can afford the workshop, but would like to know the cost.
Thank you, Terri Engel