Joined: 2009-04-09
Points: 58

About Me:
From Michigan, love driving trucks (18 wheelers ) not anymore disable now. Move to Nashville,tn 10 years ago,love to cook,love my dogs have (4), love motorcycles don't have one maybe one day I'll be able to own one, love my family,wife children,my 10year old daughter is 10 months free of cancer, she is a cancer survivor had cancer since she was 6 years old. Most of all I love my God,for without Him I would have no strength to love anything or anyone let long myself.
Dogs, motorcycles,horses and traveling.
Discharge of agreement to purchase
Okay,I was told by many people even Realtors that you can't do assignment anymore,however Carol Stinson had no problem. Also when I let ones know that Iam a real-estate investor trying to make money and give someone a chance for there first home people say that it won't work, sometime I get a little frustated but I don't let it get next to me to much even if they are my friends, I just keep on keeping on. If anyone can help I need to know where I can get copies of Discharge of Agreement to Purchase papers
Please Help