Joined: 2009-05-21
Points: 49

David Kilianek
Dupage County Illinois
About Me:
I came here to Deans site after seeing one of his late night infomercials. I heard the sincerity in Deans voice and he really seemed genuine.
I came here to learn and understand a new way of life, and dare to try something new. I have always rented, and never looked past the next bend in the road.
But as time slips by, it is time to knuckle down and start lookin a little further down the road with a full proof system that I can retire doing.
Bicycling / Drag racing / Fishing and camping / Playing my Bass Guitar / making money.
I am in need of a Mentor and
I am in need of any investors, here in the Chicagoland area looking for good investment opportunities.
I have a knack for finding deals well below market value. Ranging anywhere from 60 to 80 cents on the dollar. Any investors interested in investing in this area should contact me here or could also e-mail me at the website shown below.