The first thing I should mention is that I am a Canadian, living in Canada, of course. I'm told that this is not a problem, although I'm sure the Laws may differ between the United States and Canada.
I am a rapidly maturing female with a strong background in sales. I began with the Royal Bank of Canada as and 18 year old. I moved around so over the course of 12 years, I worked for a total of four financial institutions. I have owned and operated three businesses during the years that I raised my three children, and they all participated in at least one, if not two, of my small companies during their high school years after my divorce. I then moved back to Nova Scotia in 1993 and worked the last 10 years as a licensed insurance agent for personal lines insurance. I have been on disability since February of this year due to a melt-down and and sick of working my tail off for pretty close to minimum wage. Then I saw Dean's ad on my e-mail site (, and got very excited but was too chicken to bite at the right time and Dean's Real Estate Course was Sold Out. Too bad for me and my partner this year, however, I did add my name to your waiting list in case someone changes their mind and backs out of Dean,s Course.
All About debmon
Topics I've Participated In
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 - | dgadmin | 710 | 12 years 2 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #163 - How to Predict Your Future | dgadmin | 91 | 12 years 49 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #99 - Dean's Diet Update...? | dgadmin | 180 | 14 years 3 weeks ago |
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Cliche; I know, but, YOU ROCK!
Hi Dean;
Another great blog as usual.
This is not a surprise to me, BUT,...... (I don't know HOW), you come up with all these great insights!
It's like you are reading my mind at times??
You sure hit home, with me, this time for sure!
I am quitting smoking, and have set my date for New Years, of course.
Now that you got me thinking about it, I have been getting mentally prepared for this achievement since my decision, to quit, one month ago.
Dean's inspirations, and up-lifting advices, from Blog to Blog, is one of the reasons, why, I have chosen to quit.
Dean has opened the eyes of my "inner self", (The person I wanted to be), and NOW, I see my addiction as a sign of a weakness in myself.
Until I read Deans book, "Profit from Real Estate Right Now", and then, joined his SFL Academy, I was alright, with my habit, as long as I could afford it.
I know this is going to sound like a "SUCK-UP", but it's not!
My HERO now, is "Dean Graziosi"!
You just may be, the "Life Saver", I needed, in more ways than one!
THANKS AGAIN, Dean, for all you do, and for, my new life ahead.
Happy Holidays, to you, your family, and all fellow DG fans.
Yours truly,
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Thanks for the kick in the butt! Weekly Wisdom#145 - Goals
Thanks Dean for kicking me in the butt! I really needed it!!!
I really had become complacent of late, and this weeks video has revved me up again!
I had already chose my goals at the beginning of the "Rock Bottom Blueprint Program", but I forgot to keep reviewing them, like you instructed.
I got caught up in my every day life, and I forgot "WHY I chose Real Estate Investing", in the first place.
The most powerful statement to review over and over again, is most definitely;
Thanks again Dean! You are always an inspiration, and I truly believe that you want all of us to succeed!
Your friend;
Debbie Cornforth, of;
Nova Scotia, CANADA
PS: I received your book "30 Days to Real Estate Cash", which was your free gift to us students. However, the shipping cost by UPS to Canada, was more than the cost of the book. Not to worry though, I would have bought it anyway as I like to have all your books at my desk! Thanks Dean for the gift of your new book. I simply loved it.
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Aloha & Mahalo!
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