I was speaking with someone the other day and he had some good ideas about creative places to post your house for sale. This can work in reverse as well.
He said that he is having good luck with hospitals. His thinking behind this was that people who are there are experiencing a life changing event a lot of times. He really likes to place them on the boards around the maternity wards because people having kids are adding to their family and chances are they need more space. He also said that you can find people who will sell their house because they have outgrown it by adding to their family.
Another place is wedding shops. He said that he hasn't had any problems with the shops letting him post the ads. It is the same thinking as above. People who are getting married may be looking to move out of an apartment or a house they are renting and now purchase one because they have joint income.
Another place is grocery stores. The thinking here is that people shop at a store that is close to them. They would probably want to live in the same area because it is close to work or family or whatever their daily habits are that take them to that store. So that can be a good place as well.
The best one that I thought which was kind of reverse thinking is when you are selling a property get the neighbors involved. They know people and in a lot of situations they may know someone who wants to live close to them- family, friends, co-workers who knows.
I just wanted to throw those quick ideas out there. Let me know what you have found luck with in regards to posting flyers.
I have created a HUGE buyers database from there and a pretty decent sellers list as well. But I will try the wedding shops as well.....thanks
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Yes, Anita had listed some of those places before as great places to post. (Thank you for creating a topic, rpatten.) And your suggestion of neighbors as a resource is really great, too. When I have someone moving from one of our houses, most often they either have someone they know wanting to move in, or the neighbors call because they know of someone. I still check references, but most of the time, it works out very well. And most of them are moving in as the others are moving out and say "No, don't worry about the cleaning! We'll do it."
I don't mind that!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
My daughters teacher was always sending things home about donating school supplies and things for the class so I came up with this.
I bought a package of brown paper lunch bags and taped my postcard on the frot of it. Then I went to the 99 cent store and bought 20.00 worth of school supplies. I then wrote a letter to the principal. I told her I would supply each class with school supplies if I could put my post card on the bags and give to the students for FREE.
She said yes, so I started with my daughters class yesterday, which is why I was not on here too much. I put in the bad pencils, erasers, small rulers, note pad stickies, etc, and some candy. That was yesterday. Today I took supples for 6 more classes. There are 10 total so Monday I will take for the last 3 classes.
Last night and today I received about 8 phone calls already and that was just from my daughters class from homeowners and buyers alike. It was great because as a school parent myself they seemed to be a little freer at supplying me information regarding their homes and situations.
Now I have a list of sellers I can start matching with buyers. It cost a little bit of cash (around 150.00) but it may pay off in the end. I got it out to close to 300 kids and now my name and telephone numbers are in their homes for their parents to see.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I can't wait to hear your next idea!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
What a great idea! You mentioned putting your business card in the bags. I need to arrange for business cards and I'm curious what information you put on yours that informs (i.e, the parents) people exactly what it is you do? I wnat to be sure that when a person sees my card they'll be able to understand what I do. Hope this makes sense.
I put a 4x6 postcard on th front of bag and one half or front is geared toward the buyers i.e, Let us find you a HOME, not just a house and the second half of the front is for the sellers i.e, Having trouble selling or renting your home, let us HELP YOU.
Something like that ...... and I also dropped a regular business card inside bag.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Last night and today I received about 8 phone calls already and that was just from my daughters class from homeowners and buyers alike. It was great because as a school parent myself they seemed to be a little freer at supplying me information regarding their homes and situations.
Now I have a list of sellers I can start matching with buyers. It cost a little bit of cash (around 150.00) but it may pay off in the end. I got it out to close to 300 kids and now my name and telephone numbers are in their homes for their parents to see.
Take notes here everyone...
Anita, you are creative and do'er... that is something to be reckoned with. Pro investors spend thousands of dollars to get the response you just did, and your response is ten times as good because you already have a built a relationship on a personal level by doing something nice for their kid.
I appreciate the encouragement.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Great idea Anita
Anita thank you for the information regarding the 4x6 cards you used on the bags. It's the litle details that actually help alot. What a creative mond you have.
ooops I meant "little" details and creative mind not mond...guess I need to reread my posts
I know a gentlemen in town that has rental properties and the other night I was talking to him about some property that I was looking at. I asked him if he would be interested in purchasing more property, and of course he was interested. So, when I purchase these up and coming properties, and rehab them I'll be able to rebah to a rental state and sell them to him, provided the cost is efficient. If you can associate yourself with people that want to purchase property for rental purposes, then you may have the house already locked up before it's even finished, or just assign it over. Which ever floats your boat, it just depends on the people you associate yourself with. I am also going to be getting some free lots from the city to build houses on. They have lost more money on taxes and are just wanting to cut their losses. The buildings on these lots are junk, will be demolished, and inturn will be empty lots. They know that if I will build new homes on these lots they'll make their money with taxes. So, I'll talk to the local renters, lock up the property with them, then build a brand new home and sell it to them. I'll build these for lower, to lower middle income families so that it's a better chance to be rented. The person buying the home knows that if it is built cheap enough then they'll be able to rent out the home that much easier, and it's brand new, which will sell it even faster. Or, I'll be able to list in with my agent on the MLS and sell it quicker than other comps because I'll be able to list it cheaper. Just something that I'm working on, it's just that I've associated myself with the correct people in town to help me achieve this. If you all take anything from this, it's that you might want to associate yourself with people in the area that you can work with, that are in the same mindset so that you can benefit each other. Good luck you all!!!
It sounds as if you have made some great connections. Are you also a builder?
That's good advice jdman84. My husband is a builder,too, and we've built & sold spec houses and done rehabs as well. You're right, alot of the business is who you know. Consider keeping some of those rentals for yourself, as well, get some passive income coming in. I don't know if you've thought about it. I know it's not for everyone, but it seems to work well when you've got the skills or connections to do the upkeep yourself.
Good luck on your future successes. Sounds like you've got it in motion.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
I'm getting into it. I don't want to realy get into building structures as a job, more or less just as investments. I can make more money investing in real estate rather than building it for someone who will. But at the same time, I can also create an investing relationship with someone if I do. It mainly depends on the situation I guess. I'm mainly sticking with smaller projects because it allows me to have a little more freedom as to time wise, but I am also working on building a business within the construction field that I can hire someone to run it and be making positive cash flow with it as well. Thank you for your question.
Thank you Rina! I am looking into the rental market as well, eventually I will have some. I may do a few at first, and then hire one of them to manage all of them for me.
Intention + Mechanism = Results
Jdman84 one way to build homes for low to moderate income families is to use the prefab homes or complete wall companies. The walls are prebuilt at the factory and you can get volunteers from your church or schools or Home Builders Association to help in raising it up. With the pre built walls you can frame it, put on the roof, insulate, put in doors and windows, wrap and siding in a weekend. It greatly lowers your costs and the home is still a good solid home. Plus you get to have a great weekend with friends and the community and provide a low cost home to someone who may never otherwise be able to obtain the American dream.
If there are community mail boxes you can post fliers on those, also if there are community events like easter eggs hunts you can look into be a sponser and getting business cards to hand out, or getting a booth to sell something simple like snow cones and getting business cards out that way. I have also seen people had out business cards on Halloween to kids that come trick or treating. These are a few more "out the box" ideas that could generate leads.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I go to wal-mart almost 4x a week and spend my money. SO I figured why not ask.
I found the manager and asked if I could set a card table up this Saturday to pass out information. At first he said no, not unless I was a non-profit. I then pointed out that the girl scouts, the homeless collectors, the petitioners and the candy sellers were not NON_PROFIT. But I went on to explain what I wanted to do. Set up a able with information to help homeowners that were in foreclosure or heading that way. I was not trying to sell anything just pass out info. When he read my post cards which is what I will be handing out along with a 0ne pager about the options a homeowner has - he agreed and said it was much needed. He apparently had just had his home foreclosed on but did not know what options he had until it was too late.
So I will be able to set up my info table at wal-mart this Saturday and 3 more Saturdays in June. If you dont ask you wont know.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
can you share what your card and one paper will say at walmart?
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
What an awesome idea. What better place to reach a diverse group of people.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Hi D
I will post them here later today. I am not on my laptop right now and they are on there not the desktop. So look for them later, I am happy to share
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Hi D
I will post them here later today. I am not on my laptop right now and they are on there not the desktop. So look for them later, I am happy to share
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
I found the manager and asked if I could set a card table up this Saturday to pass out information. At first he said no, not unless I was a non-profit. I then pointed out that the girl scouts, the homeless collectors, the petitioners and the candy sellers were not NON_PROFIT. But I went on to explain what I wanted to do. Set up a able with information to help homeowners that were in foreclosure or heading that way. I was not trying to sell anything just pass out info. When he read my post cards which is what I will be handing out along with a 0ne pager about the options a homeowner has - he agreed and said it was much needed. He apparently had just had his home foreclosed on but did not know what options he had until it was too late.
So I will be able to set up my info table at wal-mart this Saturday and 3 more Saturdays in June. If you dont ask you wont know.
Genius post....
this weekend was great. I actually ran out if flyers and info packets. I printed 500 and some people were asking for 2 ad 3 to give to friends. so lets hope something comes out of it
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Great idea Anita. I'm quite impressed with your creative thinking. I too would love to know what your fliers and cards had written on them. I have more difficulty coming up with the lingo to put on cardsfliers etc.
Thme all this week. I am creating some new ones just for this project.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Hi Anita,
Did you ever post a sample of the post card and flyer maybe on another forum. Also did you get a good response from this?
"Then it shall be,when you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance,and you possess it and live in it" Deuteronomy 26:1
Hello all,
Its your resident copy ninja here just introducing myself. I wanted to contribute by first saying that all those ideas are genius and huge and in fact, I'd like to borrow or "copy" those ideas, in hopes of getting some responses and names to add to my buyers and sellers list. Hopefully I can increase both my investor buying list AND my retail list. I feel the retail market is the way to go when assigning contracts cus everyone seems to be wholesalers lately.
Anyways, hear are a few ideas that aren't new, but probably where some of you haven't posted ads yet. I have found some free online classified ads and some classifieds that allow you to post ads up too $10 bucks per year. Take a look at them!
Free Online ads:
Craig's List (duh)
Some that you might have to pay for:
there are plenty more, but just enter into google "free online classifieds" and you'll def get a bunch you can look into. Hope this helps some!
Take Care
- The Copy Ninja
Cash Flow Financial Solutions, LLC
a subsidiary of Halo Enterprise Inc.
"Make a distinction between being interested and being committed. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you are committed you follow through – no matter what – no excuses. – Mike Krzyzewski , Duke Blue Devils
I was thinking about placing some adds at furniture stores and lowe's and home depot. I would guess those would be good places. Is anyone having sucess at those places.
Anite your igeas are awsome! Love the elemetry school idea. thx!
Making a difference in others lives, is rewarding in so many ways