Andreas Bousdoukos

All About AndreasBousdoukos

AndreasBousdoukos's picture
Andreas Bousdoukos
Palm Harbor Florida
Real Estate

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions dgadmin180410 years 40 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #183 - Giving Props to the Ladies dgadmin5312 years 35 weeks ago
Amazing Deal. AndreasBousdoukos112 years 44 weeks ago
Questions AndreasBousdoukos112 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


This Is the first book I wanted to read!

AndreasBousdoukos's picture

(30 Days Real Estate Cash) OMG WOW I am 15 days in, and I have done so much and learned so much in such little time. I have buyers and a great Realtor that is willing to work hard, I got my properties and out of 200, 34 of them seemed to be the ones to make offers on. I have already sent my Realtor my offers through email, and tomorrow ill be going to sign my offers using the
(and/or assignee) Method.

One question that I have though is when i get a deal and for whatever reason say, none of my buyers will be interested even though it will be an amazing deal, can I pull my self out of that contract?

Hi Andreas

Valuni's picture

I read you post about your deals-you are doing incredible well!!!
Keep up your motivation!

Wishing you continued success,

Thank You

AndreasBousdoukos's picture

Wishing you the best success.
if there is anything I can help with.

Contact me